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open access

Descriptions of Twenty-six New Species of North American Mammals

Description: Brief description of new species of ground squirrels, Evotomys, Marten, Molossus, prairie dog, kangaroo rats, pocket gopher, and Hesperomys.
Date: October 8, 1890
Creator: Merriam, C. Hart
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Revision of the Jumping Mice of the Genus Zapus

Description: Revision of genus Zapus based upon a study of more than 900 specimens, including nomenclature and skull and teeth figures.
Date: August 8, 1899
Creator: Preble, Edward A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperature Measurements in Bessemer and Open-Hearth Practice

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on different types of furnaces, specifically the Bessemer and the open-hearth furnace. The results of the studies are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: May 8, 1917
Creator: Burgess, George K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characteristics of Five Propellers in Flight

Description: "This investigation was made for the purpose of determining the characteristics of five full-scale propellers in flight. The equipment consisted of five propellers in conjunction with a VE-7 airplane and a Wright E-2 engine. The propellers were of the same diameter and aspect ratio. Four of them differed uniformly in thickness and pitch and the fifth propeller was identical with one of the other four with exception of a change of the airfoil section" (p. 267).
Date: November 8, 1927
Creator: Crowley, J. W., Jr. & Mixson, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The measurement of fluctuations of air speed by the hot-wire anemometer

Description: "The hot-wire anemometer suggests itself as a promising method for measuring the fluctuating air velocities found in turbulent flow. The only obstacle is the presence of a lag due to the limited energy input which makes even a fairly small wire incapable of following rapid fluctuations with accuracy. This paper gives the theory of the lag and describes an experimental arrangement for compensating for the lag for frequencies up to 100 or more per second when the amplitude of the fluctuation is n… more
Date: January 8, 1929
Creator: Dryden, H. L. & Kuethe, A. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design of Airplane Wing Ribs

Description: "The purpose of this investigation was to obtain information for use in the design of truss and plywood forms, particularly with reference to wing ribs. Tests were made on many designs of wing ribs, comparing different types in various sizes. Many tests were also made on parallel-chord specimens of truss and plywood forms in place of the actual ribs and on parts of wing ribs, such as truss diagonals and sections of cap strips" (p. 223).
Date: January 8, 1930
Creator: Newlin, J. A. & Trayer, George W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of full-scale propellers having R.A.F.-6 and Clark Y airfoil sections

Description: In this report the efficiencies of two series of propellers having two types of blade sections are compared. Six full-scale propellers were used, three having R. A. F.-6 and three Clark Y airfoil sections with thickness/chord ratios of 0.06, 0.08, and 0.10. The propellers were tested at five pitch setting, which covered the range ordinarily used in practice. The propellers having the Clark Y sections gave the highest peak efficiency at the low pitch settings. At the high pitch settings, the pro… more
Date: October 8, 1930
Creator: Freeman, Hugh B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Static, Drop, and Flight Tests on Musselman Type Airwheels

Description: The purpose of this investigation was to obtain quantitative information on the shock-reducing and energy-dissipating qualities of a set of 30 by 13-6 Musselman type airwheels. The investigation consisted of static, drop, and flight tests. The static tests were made with inflation pressures of approximately 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 pounds per square inch and loadings up to 9,600 pounds.
Date: October 8, 1930
Creator: Peck, William C. & Beard, Albert P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The experimental determination of the moments of inertia of airplanes

Description: The application of the pendulum method to the experimental determination of the moments of inertia of airplanes is discussed in this report. Particular reference is made to the effects of the air, in which the airplane is immersed, on the swinging tests and to the procedure by which these effects are taken into account. This procedure has been used for some time, and the data on several airplanes for which the moments of inertia have been found are included.
Date: June 8, 1933
Creator: Soulé, Hartley A. & Miller, Marvel P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wind-Tunnel Research Comparing Lateral Control Devices, Particularly at High Angles of Attack 12: Upper-Surface Ailerons on Wings With Split Flaps

Description: "This report covers the twelfth of a series of tests conducted to compare different lateral control devices with particular reference to their effectiveness at high angles of attack. The present wind tunnel tests were made with two sizes of upper-surface ailerons on rectangular Clark Y wing models equipped with full span split flaps. The tests showed the effect of the upper-surface ailerons and of the split flaps on the general performance characteristics of the wings, and on the lateral contro… more
Date: June 8, 1934
Creator: Weick, Fred E. & Wenzinger, Carl J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 209 combinations in the NACA variable-density tunnel

Description: This report presents the results of tests of 209 simple wing-fuselage combinations made in the NACA variable-density wind tunnel to provide information regarding the effects of aerodynamic interference between wings and fuselages at a large value of Reynolds number.
Date: March 8, 1935
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N. & Ward, Kenneth E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Turbulence Indicator Utilizing the Diffusion of Heat

Description: This report describes a method of determining the turbulence in wind tunnels. The effect of turbulence upon the diffusion of heat from a small electrically heated wire in an air stream was investigated. The turbulence of the stream was introduced by a series of geometrically similar screens placed one at a time across the upstream section of the tunnel. With the wire set at various distances from the screens, curves of temperature distribution were obtained by traversing the heated wake at a di… more
Date: March 8, 1935
Creator: Schubauer, G. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Potential flow about arbitrary biplane wing sections

Description: From Summary: "A rigorous treatment is given of the problem of determining the two-dimensional potential flow around arbitrary biplane cellules. The analysis involves the use of elliptic functions and is sufficiently general to include the effects of such elements as the section shapes, the chord ratio, gap, stagger, and decalage, which elements may be specified arbitrarily. The flow problem is resolved by making use of the methods of conformal representation. Thus the solution of the problem o… more
Date: June 8, 1935
Creator: Garrick, I. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements of fuel distribution within sprays for fuel-injection engines

Description: Two methods were used to measure fuel distribution within sprays from several types of fuel-injection nozzles. A small tube inserted through the wall of an air tight chamber into which the sprays were injected could be moved about inside the chamber. When the pressure was raised to obtain air densities of 6 and 14 atmospheres, some air was forced through the tube and the fuel that was carried with it was separated by absorbent cotton and weighed. Cross sections of sprays from plain, pintle, mul… more
Date: April 8, 1936
Creator: Lee, Dana W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure-distribution measurements on O-2H airplane in flight

Description: "Results are given of pressure-distribution measurements made over two different horizontal tail surfaces and the right wing cellule, including the slipstream area, of an observation-type biplane. Measurements were also taken of air speed, control-surface positions, control-stick forces, angular velocities, and accelerations during various abrupt maneuvers. These maneuvers consisted of push-downs and pull-ups from level flight, dive pull-outs, and aileron rolls with various thrust conditions" (… more
Date: December 8, 1936
Creator: Pearson, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The influence of lateral stability on disturbed motions of an airplane with special reference to the motions produced by gusts

Description: "Distributed lateral motions have been calculated for a hypothetical small airplane with various modifications of fin area and dihedral setting. Special combinations of disturbing factors to simulate gusts are considered and the influence of lateral stability on the motions is discussed. Fin area and wing dihedral were found to be of primary importance in side gusts. It was found that the rolling action of the wing with as much as 5 degrees dihedral was distinctly unfavorable, especially when t… more
Date: June 8, 1938
Creator: Jones, Robert T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flow coefficients of monosleeve valves

Description: The flow coefficients of the intake and the exhaust ports of a sleeve-valve cylinder were measured by attaching the cylinder to a large tank and measuring the changes in pressure and temperature in the tank that were caused by short periods of air flow through the valve ports. The derivation of the equations on which the flow coefficients are based is given. The distribution of total pressure in the arms of the sleeve-valve intake manifold was measured. The arms are found to have as little as 7… more
Date: February 8, 1940
Creator: Waldron, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of ground effect from tests of a glider in towed flight

Description: Report presents the results of an investigation made to find the effect of ground on the aerodynamic characteristics of a Franklin PS-2 glider. The lift, the drag, and the angle of attack of the glider in towed flight were determined at several heights from 0.14 to 1.19 span lengths and at various speeds for each height. Two wing arrangements were tested: the plain wing, and the wing with a nearly full-span 30-percent-chord split flap deflected 45 degrees. The experimental results for the plain… more
Date: April 8, 1940
Creator: Wetmore, J. W. & Turner, L. I., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of interference on lateral-stability characteristics of four NACA 23012 wings, an elliptical and a circular fuselage and vertical fins

Description: Report presents the results of a wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of wing-fuselage interference on lateral-stability characteristics made in the NACA 7 by 10-foot wind tunnel on four fuselages and two fins, representing high-wing, low-wing, and midwing monoplanes. The fuselages are of circular and elliptical cross section. The wings have rounded tips and, in plan form, one is rectangular and the three are tapered 3:1 with various amounts of sweep. The rate of change in the coefficients o… more
Date: August 8, 1940
Creator: House, Rufus O. & Wallace, Arthur R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Compressive Stress for Flat Rectangular Plates Supported Along All Edges and Elastically Restrained Against Rotation along the Unloaded Edges

Description: A chart is presented for the values of the coefficient in the formula for the critical compressive stress at which buckling may be expected to occur in flat rectangular plates supported along all edges and, in addition, elastically restrained against rotation along the unloaded edges. The mathematical derivations of the formulas required in the construction of the chart are given.
Date: March 8, 1941
Creator: Lundquist, Eugene E. & Stowell, Elbridge Z.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the Use of Residue Theory for Treating the Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid

Description: "A new mathematical technique, due to Milne-Thomson, is used to obtain an improved form of the method of Poggi for calculating the effect of compressibility on the subsonic flow past an obstacle. By means of this new method, the difficult surface integrals of the original Poggi method can be replaced by line integrals. These line integrals are then solved by the use of residue theory. In this way an equation is obtained giving the second-order effect of compressibility on the velocity of the fl… more
Date: September 8, 1941
Creator: Kaplan, Carl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Statistics of the Hypocritical Water Boiler

Description: From introductory paragraph: "In a slightly hypocritical water boiler the introduction of a single neutron may give rise to a fairly large burst of neutrons which dies out slowly. As was shown some time ago by Frankel and Nelson with the help of A. Horn the statistics of this multiplication process can be treated in a simple way for the hypothetical case that the number of neutrons produced per fission is two."
Date: January 8, 1944
Creator: Frankel, S. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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