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open access

The Extent of Cheating and Factors Related to Cheating in the Junior High School Grades

Description: Thesis studying instances of cheating in junior high school. According to the introduction, the purpose of the study is: 1. To determine the extent to which pupils in the junior high school grades will cheat when allowed to score their own examination papers. 2. To determine the relation between the professed attitude toward cheating on examinations and actual cheating behavior. 3. To determine some factors related to cheating (p. 1).
Date: August 1938
Creator: Watson, Lillian
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of the Physical Education Programs for Girls in the Affiliated Schools within a Radius of Sixty Miles of Denton Texas

Description: A survey of the physical education programs for high school girls near Denton, Texas to determine the extent of compliance with state law for physical education, the facilities for the program, training of the teachers, type of physical education program, and teaching load of physical education teachers.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Morriss, May
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship of the Turnover of Teachers and College Training

Description: A study to determine whether there is any relationship between teacher training and college training, between turnover of teachers and departmental training, and between grade point average, honor society students, and turnover of teachers.
Date: August 1939
Creator: Boren, Clyde
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Legal Status of Labor in Great Britain and the United States

Description: An investigation of the legal status of labor in Great Britain and the United States. The basis of labor legislation is considered, and the development of labor legislation traced in both countries. A comparison of the legal status of labor at the present time in both countries is made. - Abstract
Date: June 1939
Creator: Richardson, Addran Dee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine Whether or Not the Colleges of Texas are Preparing their Students of Industrial Arts to Teach Effectively in the High Schools of Texas

Description: This is a study to determine whether the colleges of Texas are preparing their students of industrial arts to teach effectively in the high schools of Texas. The objectives of this study are to draw conclusions as to whether or not the colleges of Texas are preparing their students of industrial arts to teach effectively in the modern high schools; to show the training of industrial arts teachers; and to determine to what extent industrial arts are offered in the high schools of Texas.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Farmer, Joe Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Characterization in the Plays of Robert Greene

Description: This study attempted to classify the characters in Greene's dramas and among other things, the study tried to show which characters are individuals and which are types.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Thornton, Ruby D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Annual Instructional Pupil-Subject Cost in Five Class A High Schoolswith the Standard Cost Over the State, Together with an Attempt to Determine the Factors that Affect Pupil-Subject Cost

Description: The subject of this study is the comparison of the annual instructional pupil-subject cost in five class a high schools and a determination of the factors in each schools which affects its instructional cost, and finally, an attempt to set up criterion for determining the annual pupil-subject instructional cost in a high school in a city of from 5,000 to 25,000 population.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Wallace, Morris Sheppard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Vegetation and Habitat Factors of Red River County, Texas

Description: The aim of this study has been to measure some of the ecological factors in a series of plant habitats and their relation to the existing vegetation in selected twenty soil types of Red River County, Texas.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Adams, Exa T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Self-Portrayal in the Plays of Ben Jonson

Description: The purpose of this study was to discover to what extent Ben Jonson revealed himself in his plays and to explain how this self-portrayal has been effected.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Saling, Virgie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of the Socio-Economic Status of Sixth-Grade Pupils on Arithmetic Attainment

Description: The purposeof this study is to determine the effect of the socio-economic status of the homes of sixth-grade pupils on their arithmatic attainment. It also aims to point out the effect of social and economic factors of home environment on each of the four arithmatical abilities through a critical analysis and interpretation of the data.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Webb, Mary Carlisle
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Studies on the Bacterial Flora of Milk, Ice Cream, and Beverages in Denton, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study is to observe the frequency of occurrance of members of the colon group in various brands of milk, milk products, and soft drinks marketed in the city of Denton, and to determine the total number of bacterial organisms occuring in these products from week to week.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Smith, William Russell
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

History of Railway Development in China

Description: This study attempts to provide detailed analysis of materials gathered from various sources and to an orderly presentation of facts and figures regarding railway construction in China.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Dawson, Homer W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relation of Some Factors to Certain Difficulties Recognized by Teachers in Their Teaching

Description: This study has been made for three purposes: 1) to find out what difficulties experienced and inexperienced teachers recognize in their teaching; 2)to find out what factors have influenced these difficulties; and 3)to find out, if possible, which difficulties could be eliminated with further pre-service training.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Worthington, Lawrence G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Legal Authority and Limitations of Teachers Contracts

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the nature and characteristics of the contractual relathionship between boards of education and public school teachers. The purpose is also to determine by analysis of a group of contract forms the nature of the stipulations found in the average contract.
Date: August 1938
Creator: Bryant, Alton Morris
Partner: UNT Libraries
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