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open access

Euston Station and The Master's Chair

Description: Thesis in short fiction written by a student in the UNT Honors College. Two short stories are included after a short introduction. The first, "Euston Station," deals with a man disappointed with his visit to England. The second, "The Master's Chair," features a priest falling in love with a woman and trying to impress her son.
Date: 19XX
Creator: Wright, J. Mark
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

HIV / AIDS Education in Public Schools

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing educational materials for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in public schools. Includes information, statistics, and a lecture concerning the illnesses.
Date: Autumn 1994
Creator: Beer, Kristi
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Problems and Possibilities in the Translation of the Classics

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing the author's translations of two selections by Aristotle. The translation appears on even pages and the author's translation notes follow on odd pages.
Date: Autumn 1990
Creator: Davis, Mike Lee
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Literary Illusion

Description: Thesis in short fiction written by a student in the UNT Honors College about a young writer living with a wealthy couple.
Date: Summer 1991
Creator: Midkiff, Brandi Leigh
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Well Wishers and Donut Worshipers

Description: Short story written by a student in the UNT Honors College that features Merlin the wizard and other magical occurrences in modern day America.
Date: July 1994
Creator: Robinson, Jennifer
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Reflections on the Bottom of a Coffee Cup

Description: Short stories written by a student in the UNT Honors College that deal with working class characters (primarily women) dealing with things beyond their understanding.
Date: 19XX
Creator: Herpeche, Charlsie
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

'A Time of Gifts': Europe Revisited

Description: Colloquium written by a student in the UNT Honors College as a short story that features traveling to Europe and the wisdom of observation.
Date: Spring 1992
Creator: Desiderato, Michelle
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Reawakening the Dreamtime

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing textual interpretation, linguistics, and philosophy.
Date: Autumn 1990
Creator: Hood, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Writing, Domesticity, and Suicide: A Biographical Comparison of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath

Description: Undergraduate thesis biographically examining the lives, deaths, and works of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, including their roles as daughters, wives, mothers, and female writers. This thesis has implications for the relevancy and pertinence of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to literary, gender, and even political studies today as evident in their being namesakes of their crafts, hallmarks of the literary periods in which they wrote, and some of the most recognized and referenced literary n… more
Date: 2013
Creator: Peebles, Evan
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Russian National Security Policy and the Enlargement of NATO

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing the projected growth of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its desired expansion into eastern Europe, and Russia's response.
Date: December 5, 1995
Creator: Burson, Jefferson C.
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Criticisms of Patriarchy in Women's Captivity Narratives: A Close Look at Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God (1862) and Sarah Wakefield's Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees: A Narrative of Indian Captivity (1862)

Description: Undergraduate thesis exploring criticisms of patriarchy in women's captivity narratives by examining Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God (1862) and Sarah Wakefield's Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees: A Narrative of Indian Captivity (1862). Both used their socially acceptable roles in order to assert their own ideas regarding the patriarchy. The author concludes that both narratives therefore assert that patriarchal societies did not necessarily produce justice for English or Amer… more
Date: May 3, 2013
Creator: Hansard, Chelsea
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Effects of Sulfur on Fuel Nitrogen Conversion in Combustion

Description: Undergraduate thesis on the emission of atmospheric pollutants. The pollutants focused on are NO and NO₂. The author discusses the influence of sulfur on NO emission using computational chemistry.
Date: May 12, 2014
Creator: Moukambi, Odreille Mapaka
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

From Radian Waves to Data Streams: Media Environments in DeLillo and Shteyngart

Description: Undergraduate thesis examining representations of media and technology in two contemporary American novels, "White Noise" by Don DeLillo (1985) and "Super Sad True Love Story" by Gary Shteyngart (2010), with the goal of elucidating the attributes and significance of the technological contexts in fiction as well as contributing to a broader discussion of its operations on consciousness, society, and the cultural imagination.
Date: June 13, 2014
Creator: Young, Michael
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Hybrid Nanocomposites for Bolometer Applications

Description: Undergraduate thesis studying the properties of amorphous silicon (⍺-Si) and crystalline silicon nanowires (c-Si NWs), focusing on the requirements placed on thin films by bolometers.
Date: May 1, 2013
Creator: Cook, Andrew
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Initial Validation of the Attention Network Test (ANT) Through a Comparison with the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) Battery

Description: Undergraduate thesis with the initial attempt to validate the Attention Network Test (ANT) by comparing it to a thoroughly validated measure, the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) battery. The author examines the validity of the ANT in order to confirm its use in both clinical and normal populations.
Date: November 22, 2013
Creator: Hertz, Nicholas
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Lessons from the Past: Possible Courses of Action for the Conflict in Syria

Description: Undergraduate thesis examining the Syrian conflict and the international community's struggle to find an appropriate response. This thesis reviews the conflicts that occurred in Bosnia and Rwanda, the interventions that took place within these states, and how a resolution to these conflicts was created. From this information, the author determines what conflict management strategies had the most success and what types of outside interventions were failures and the similarities of these instance… more
Date: June 8, 2014
Creator: Carter, Rachel
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

National Identity and Anxiety in the Captivity Narratives of Mary Rowlandson and Mary Godfrey

Description: Undergraduate thesis expanding exploring the 1836 captivity narrative "An Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War; and the Miraculous Escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey, and Her Four Female Children." Unlike Mary Rowlandson's "The Sovereignty and Goodness of God," the anonymously-authored "An Authentic Narrative" is almost certainly fabricated. There are no records of a Mrs. Mary Godfrey being captured and redeemed, or even existing at all. However, like Rowlandson's captivity narrative, it attempts t… more
Date: June 13, 2014
Creator: Smith, Caitlin
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Personification of Grief in Dostoevsky's The Idiot

Description: Undergraduate thesis exploring Fyodor Dostoevsky's portrayal of grief in his work, "The Idiot". When examining a work of art, it is crucial to look at the context surrounding the composition. "The Idiot" presents a fascinating example, in that Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote this novel immediately following the death of his five-month-old daughter, Sofya. This thesis examines the historical background, grief in Russian society, religious grief and guilt, grief in the characterization, and cyclical grie… more
Date: Spring 2014
Creator: Teel, Haley
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Religious commitment, trait forgivingness, and revenge-seeking behavior

Description: Undergraduate thesis examining the relationship between religious beliefs and an antisocial behavior outcome (revenge-seeking behaviors). The researchers hypothesized that those who are religiously committed would be less likely to act in an antisocial manner by declining the opportunity to take revenge against an ostensible offender.
Date: 2013
Creator: Martinez, Kayla S.
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Social Support and Type II Diabetes in Older Married Hispanic Americans

Description: Undergraduate thesis exploring psychosocial factors of type II diabetes in older married adults of the Hispanic American population. It is proposed that social support mitigates the effect of psychosocial problems on self-care behavior and posited that greater social support in the form of familial and spousal relationships is related to better health outcomes, specifically better self-reported disease self-management of type II diabetes in married Hispanics.
Date: April 22, 2014
Creator: Delk, Jenna
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Student Perception of Feral Cats and Their Effects on Campus Wildlife

Description: Undergraduate thesis exploring feral cat management. In many urban areas, feral cat (Felis catus) populations are so large that they have become a nuisance. The goal of this thesis is to understand student perception of the University of North Texas Feral Cat Rescue Group (FCRG) program, a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program on campus. In particular, the author focuses on the role that ecological information has in shaping student opinions about cats and conservation.
Date: Spring 2013
Creator: Dombrosky, Jonathan
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

"Take, Eat": A Creation Based Perspective on the Eucharist

Description: Undergraduate thesis exploring the Christian tradition of the Eucharist. Throughout the history of the Church, many ideas have been circulated and debated regarding the Eucharist. The author centers on the question "Why a command to eat?" with the goal to provide a supplemental perspective on this ambiguous Christian ritual.
Date: 2014~/2015~
Creator: Puras, Alberto
Partner: UNT Honors College
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