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open access

The Use of an Academic Library by University Students

Description: Academic librarians have for a number of decades been interested in understanding more about how and why students use libraries. This study contributes to that area of library administration by focusing on nine factors thought to be associated with student use of academic libraries.
Date: August 1988
Creator: Harrell, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Empirical Research of Decision-making Effectiveness When Using Differing Presentation Formats Under Varying Decision Tasks

Description: The purpose of this research was to determine if presentation format, given a particular task to be performed, would affect the decision-making process of financial decision makers. The problem motivating this study is the potential for managers to make inefficient decisions when they use reports which are presented inappropriately for a given task.
Date: December 1988
Creator: Hard, Nancy J. (Nancy Jean)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Changing People's Reaction to Terrorism

Description: Two hundred and fifty-three subjects were used in an experiment to try to determine how differences in news media presentations affect the reader's view of terrorism. Two stories about a terrorist attack were used, one describing a bombing, the other a hijacking. Both stories had two versions using no one injured or eight innocent people injured. One group of subjects was given no additional information about terrorism. The second group was given information after the description that emphasize… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Nagley, Andrew Guy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Trace Elemental Analysis of Ashes in the Combustion of the Binder Enhanced d-RDF by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Description: Incineration is an attractive solution to the problems of disposing of municipal solid wastes and supplying energy. Because up to 25 percent of the waste in refuse-derived-fuel systems is ash, the physical and chemical characteristics of ash become more and more important for its potential impacts and methods suitable for their disposal. Trace elements concentration in ash is of great interest because of its relationship to regulatory criteria under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (R… more
Date: November 1988
Creator: Tai, Chia-Hui
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Sex-Guilt and the Effects of a Subliminal Sex-Related Stimulus on the Libidinal Content of Fictional Narratives

Description: Fictional narratives of 68 female undergraduates classified as either high or low on sex-guilt were rated for libidinal content following subliminal exposure to either a sex-related or a neutral stimulus. Separate dependent measures were obtained for libidinal derivatives bearing either a transparently "close" or a symbolically "distant" relationship to the sex-related stimulus. Subjects in the sex-related stimulus condition expressed significantly fewer close libidinal derivatives than subject… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Thode, Rick D. (Rick Davis)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of the Research Literature on the Female High Voice

Description: The location of the available research literature and its relationship to the pedagogy of the female high voice is the subject of this thesis. The nature and pedagogy of the female high voice are described in the first four chapters. The next two chapters discuss maintenance of the voice in conventional and experimental repertoire. Chapter seven is a summary of all the pedagogy. The last chapter is a comparison of the nature and the pedagogy of the female high voice with recommended areas for f… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Stephen, Roberta M. (Roberta Mae)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Adenylate Energy Charge Determinations of Soil Bacteria Grown in Soil Extract Medium

Description: The adenylate energy charge values of twenty bacteria isolated from soil and cultured in a medium consisting of soil and distilled water were determined by the luciferin-luciferase bioluminescense method. The purpose of this study was to examine the growth and energy charge values of these organisms in soil extract medium, and to determine what effect the addition of glucose has on their energy charge values. Three of the organisms employed in this study showed energy charge values similar to t… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Rodriguez, Luis A. (Luis Antonio)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Stones, Beer Cans, and Other Pieces of These Poems

Description: This collection of poetry contains a brief introduction, one half discussing Gary Snyder's ideas on poetry in his essay, "Poetry and the Primitive," the other half of the introduction examining the successive revisions of a poem of mine. The examination is not an explication, but rather a look at the technique used in composing this poem. The body of the thesis is a collection of my poetry which I have written within the last four years. The poems speak both of experience and postulation of ide… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Taylor, James D. (James David), 1962-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

English Methods Courses in Texas Preparation for the Essential Elements

Description: This study analyzes the congruence between the objectives of secondary-level English methods courses in Texas universities and the objectives of the state-mandated high school curriculum (the essential elements) in language arts. A questionnaire was used to obtain information from 26 English methods instructors at 22 universities in Texas. The data obtained from these questionnaires reveal that these instructors strongly emphasize preparing prospective English teachers to teach the essential el… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Erwin, Martha L. (Martha Lea)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Bifurcated Personalities of Christina Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Reflected in Their "Sister Poems"

Description: Christina Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti both suffered from ambivalent feelings concerning the role female sexuality plays in the salvation of the soul. These ambivalent feelings ranged from seeing female sexuality as leading men to salvation, to seeing it as a trap for the destruction of women's souls as well as men's. The contradictory feelings of the Rossettis' typifies the Victorian people's experience and was caused by the nature of the times. Using the analysis of the period by Walte… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Becherer, Nadine L. (Nadine Lee)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship of Robert Greene and Thomas Nashe, 1588-1590: An Episode in the Development of English Prose Fiction

Description: Robert Greene began collaborating with Thomas Nashe as English prose was turning away from the style and subject matter of Lyly's Euphues (1578) and Sidney's Arcadia (1590). When Greene and Nashe came together in London, the two writers appear to have set the tone for the pamphleteers who would establish the realistic tradition that contributed to the development of the novel. Greene's Menaphon (1589) may be a satire representing his abandonment of courtly fiction. The influence of the Marprela… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Koenig, Gregory R. (Gregory Robert)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

On the Development of Descriptive Set Theory

Description: In the thesis, the author traces the historical development of descriptive set theory from the work of H. Lebesgue to the introduction of projective descriptive set theory. Proofs of most of the major results are given. Topics covered include Corel lattices, universal sets, the operation A, analytic sets, coanalytic sets, and the continuum hypothesis The appendix contains a translation of the famous letters exchanged between R. Baire, E. Borel, J. Hadamard and H. Lebesgue concerning Zermelo's a… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Schlee, Glen A. (Glen Alan)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Relationships Between Adolescent Premarital Sexual Activity and Involvement in the Home, School and Church

Description: The purpose of the study was to find the relationship between adolescent premarital sexual activity and involvement in the family, school, and church. The sample was composed of 192 adolescents. The data were analyzed for significant relationships by using chi square test of independence. The study found that there were significant relationships between adolescent premarital sexual activity and family structure, family mobility, parental employment, grade level achievement, and parental attend… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Henegar, Abbie Gayle
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Developmental Appropriateness of the English Language Arts Essential Elements for Kindergarten

Description: The developmental appropriateness of the English language arts essential elements for kindergarten children in the State of Texas was evaluated by surveying the opinions of thirty-six kindergarten teachers in one school district. A questionnaire was developed using the essential elements so that respondents could record a yes or no opinion and supply additional comments on each essential element. Ninety-seven percent of the teachers responded. The results indicated rates of agreement for develo… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Anderson, Susan R. (Susan Rogers)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Internal Radiolabeling of Mycobacterial Antigens and Use in Macrophage Processing Studies

Description: Mycobacter avium complex serovars 4 and 20 were cultured in the presence of [3H] fucose, [3H]-methionine, and [3H]-mannose to specifically radiolabel the oligosaccharide of the glycopeptidolipid (GPL) antigens. Distribution of radioactivity in lipid was determined by thin-layer chromatographic methods. Examination of acid hydrolysates from radiolabeled antigens revealed that [3H]-methionine incorporated into methylated sugars in polar and apolar GPL components, whereas [3H]-mannose incorporated… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Woodbury, Julie L. (Julie Lynn)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Predictive Validity of the Retail Employment Inventory for the Selection of Over-the-Road Truck Drivers

Description: An independent pilot study suggested that the Retail Employment Inventory (REI) might be predictive of subjectively and objectively measured Over the Road (OTR) truck driver performance. The present validation study consisted of three parts. First, an examination of the relationship between REI scores and 11 objective, performance criteria revealed weak and non-significant correlations. Second, a comparison of subjective ratings and REI scores failed to replicate the findings of the pilot study… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: Nygren, Richard Edwin, 1964-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Alaskan Native Social Integration and Academic Achievement

Description: The variables communication skills, state anxiety, communication apprehension, and level of integration are studied in relation to the assimilation of Alaskan Natives into a western-culture university. Specifically, the differences in communication skills between the two cultures and their effects on course grades are addressed. Results of the statistical analyses (ANOVA, MANOVA, discriminant function analysis, multiple regression) were not significant, most likely due to the small Alaskan Nati… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Strohmaier, Mahla
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Three Dimensional Comparison of Free Throw Shooting: the Women's Small Ball vs. the Large Ball

Description: The purposes of this study were to quantify, in three dimensions (3D), kinematic parameters of the free throw shot with both the women's small ball and the large ball, and to compare the parameters of the small ball to the large ball. Nine female varsity college basketball players were filmed and the 3D data were computed with the Nonlinear Transformation method. Statistical analysis of parameters including ball trajectory and body position failed to show an effect for ball condition. Since the… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Thomson, Carol Jane
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Orality, Literacy, and Character in Bleak House

Description: This work argues that the dynamics of the oral and of the literate consciousness play a vital role in the characterization of Bleak House. Through an application of Walter Ong's synthesis of orality/literacy research, Krook's residual orality is seen to play a greater role in his characterization than his more frequently discussed spontaneous combustion. Also, the role orality and literacy plays in understanding Dickens's satire of "philanthropic shams" is analyzed. This study concludes that an… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: Nelms, Jeffrey Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Heloise of History

Description: This thesis seeks to determine the historical role of the twelfth-century abbess Heloise, apart from the frequently cited and disputed letters exchanged between her and Peter Abelard. Independent information exists in the testimony of Heloise's contemporaries, in the rule written for her abbey the Paraclete, and in the liturgy of the Paraclete. This evidence not only substantiates an erudite Heloise in concert with the Heloise of the letters, but serves as testimony to a woman of ability and ac… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Kelso, Carl J. (Carl Joseph)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Girolamo Savonarola and the Problem of Humanist Reform in Florence

Description: Girolamo Savonarola lived at the apex of the Renaissance, but most of his biographers regard him as an anachronism or a precursor of the Reformation. Savonarola, however, was influenced by the entire milieu of Renaissance Florence, including its humanism. Savonarola's major work, Triumph of the Cross, is a synthesis of humanism, neo-Thomism and mysticism. His political reforms were routed in both the millennialist dreams of Florence and the goals of civic humanism. Hoping to translate the abstr… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Norred, Patricia A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Massage Therapy: Mind/Body Effects on Chronic Pain Patients

Description: This study assessed the influence of massage therapy on the psychobiology of chronic pain patients. A pre- and posttest design measured the effects of a one-month treatment program Twenty outpatients and twenty inpatients of two chronic pain treatment programs, were administered several psychological and physiological tests before and after the study. Experimental subjects received massage therapy twice a week for one month in addition to their other therapies. Control subjects continued with t… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Lockart, Esther
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Genetic Variation in a Population of the Plains Woodrat Neotoma micropus

Description: Neotoma micropus from Jack County, Texas, were studied over a 9-month period. Loci from blood and saliva were used to determine genetic variation within the population. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found at one locus. The average temporal F over all seven loci was 0.040. Genetic structuring was subtle, fluctuated on a seasonal basis, and was due to differential migration or predation on genotypes. Heterozygotes tended to move more than homozygotes, and a greater proportion of… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Stewart, John E. B. (John Edward Bakos)
Partner: UNT Libraries
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