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open access

Photoexcitation in Superconductors

Description: Dissertation discussing the results of experiments to study the behavior of superconductors under light illumination.
Date: June 1976
Creator: Schuller, Ivan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diphenyloxazole Metabolism by Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase

Description: 2,5-Diphenyloxazole (PPO) was tested as a potential alternate inducer for the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) system. Its apparent lack. of carcinogenicity and toxicity provide a possible system for investigation of enzyme systems related to chemical carcinogenesis without exposure of the researcher to potent carcinogenic compounds. These studies found PPO to be an inducer of AHH in cultured human lymphocytes. When PPO was utilized as a substrate for the AHH assay system, the major metabolit… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Abreu, Mary E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Descriptive Account of United States Government Documents Pertaining to the History of United States Diplomatic Relations with Mexico, 1821-1846

Description: This paper provides a thematic approach to three major United States government document series relating to topics of early United States diplomatic relations with Mexico; treaty negotiations, the Santa 'Fe trade, the Texas question, and claims. The document series examined are .the United States presidential papers, United States Congressional documents , and the National Archives Record Group 59, diplomatic dispatches from United State Ministers to Mexico. Historians must make an evaluation o… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Kelly, Melody S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Locus of Control and Soluble Discrimination Problems on Intelligence Test Performance

Description: This study investigated the possible differential effects of a series of soluble discrimination problems on internal versus external locus of control subjects. It was hypothesized that externals exposed to a series of discrimination problems would perform better on a test task than external controls, while internals exposed to the same problems would not perform better on the test task relative to their controls. As anticipated, the internals were not affected by the discrimination problems. Ho… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Smith, Alvin, active 1976-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Television Reporters' Views Concerning Public Relations Practitioners' Demonstrated Knowledge of Their Technical Needs and Desires

Description: This study determined attitudes held by television reporters nationwide toward PR practitioners' demonstrated knowledge of the technical side of television news. Findings. that emerged from the study were: 1. Television reporters were undecided whether practitioners needed an educational background in PR, and believed they needed an educational but not a professional background in television reporting. 2. They believed practitioners knew too little and should improve their knowledge, and that … more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Tomlinson, Don E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Attitudes Toward Psychodiagnostic Testing and Doctoral Clinical Psychology Students' Professional Expectations and Training

Description: Responses of 111 doctoral clinical psychology students to Garfield and Kurtz' (1973) Testing Attitude Scale were subjected to a 2 x 2 factorial analysis. Attitudes toward psychodiagnostic testing were found to be related both to academic versus nonacademic professional expectations (academics scoring more negatively, M = 32.69, than nonacademics, M = 37.19), F (1, 107) = 5.994, p < 0.016, and to internship training exposure (non-interns scoring more negatively, M = 34.64, than interns, M = 38.8… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Steele, J. Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Magazine News and Editorial Coverage of the 1973 Chilean Military Coup

Description: The study focused on the positive or negative direction shown in 57 articles from ten English-language magazines covering the 1973 military coup in Chile, September 1 to December 31, 1973, inclusive. Magazines chosen were from the fields of news, religion, opinion, and business. Direction was determined by comparing individual thought units within articles against a category table comprising mutually exclusive pairs of thought units. Directional value of each article was determined by positive … more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Hunnicutt, Robert W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of Perceived Exertion Ratings of Aerobic Dance and Treadmill Performances Among College Age Males and Females

Description: The purposes of the study were to compare ratings of perceived exertion of aerobic dance and treadmill performances under equal work loads and to compare ratings of perceived exertion by males and females in aerobic dance and treadmill work. Subjects were twenty-six college men and women in co-educational conditioning classes. Heart rates were monitored after work bouts and perceived exertion was determined using Borg's RPE scale. Data were analyzed by a two-way analysis of variance with repeat… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Walker, Nancy D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Impact of Water Pollution Abatement Costs on Financing of Municipal Services in North Central Texas

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of water pollution control on financing municipal water pollution control facilities in selected cities in North Central Texas. This objective is accomplished by addressing the following topics: (1) the cost to municipalities of meeting federally mandated water pollution control, (2) the sources of funds for financing sewage treatment, and (3) the financial implications of employing these financing tools to satisfy water quality regulations.… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Rucks, Andrew C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Iconoclast: a Readership Survey and a Study of the Historical Evolution of an Underground Newspaper

Description: The problem of this study was an audience analysis of Dallas' weekly underground newspaper Iconoclast. A readership survey was mailed to 200 randomly selected subscribers to Iconoclast. Data were taken from the ninety useable questionnaires of those returned. The study is organized into four chapters. Chapter I discusses problems, procedures, introductory material and recent and related studies. Chapter II is a history of Iconoclast. Chapter III is an analysis of data. Chapter IV presents summa… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Wells, Richard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Drumming Behavior of Selected Nearctic Stoneflies (Plecoptera)

Description: Drumming was recorded for 11 of 13 Nearctic stonefly species, representing 4 families. Both male and female signals were obtained from 5 species, and were either 2-way or 3-way communications. Signals were species-specific; those of males and females varied from 3-39 and 1-14 beats/ signal, respectively. Duration of male signals varied from 105-8,016 ms; those of females, except Perlinella drymo (1 beat), varied from 402-1318 ms. Signals among related taxa showed greatest similarities. Duration… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Zeigler, David D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of the Relationship Between Performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Picture Arrangement Subtest and Social Intelligence in Children

Description: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Picture Arrangement (PA) subtest has often been assumed to be a measure of social intelligence. The present study compared WISC PA performance and performance on a verbal conditioning task (production of plural nouns) as a measure of social intelligence. Four groups, high and low PA with reinforcement, and high and low PA without reinforcement, were compared on production of plural nouns over two consecutive four-minute periods. The four grou… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Jester, Charles Franklin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access


Description: This paper is an exposition of the theory of the hyperspaces 2^X and C(X) of a topological space X. These spaces are obtained from X by collecting the nonempty closed and nonempty closed connected subsets respectively, and are topologized by the Vietoris topology. The paper is organized in terms of increasing specialization of spaces, beginning with T1 spaces and proceeding through compact spaces, compact metric spaces and metric continua. Several basic techniques in hyperspace theory are disc… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Voas, Charles H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Computerized Analysis of Radiograph Images of Embedded Objects as Applied to Bone Location and Mineral Content Measurement

Description: This investigation dealt with locating and measuring x-ray absorption of radiographic images. The methods developed provide a fast, accurate, minicomputer control, for analysis of embedded objects. A PDP/8 computer system was interfaced with a Joyce Loebl 3CS Microdensitometer and a Leeds & Northrup Recorder. Proposed algorithms for bone location and data smoothing work on a twelve-bit minicomputer. Designs of a software control program and operational procedure are presented. The filter made w… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Buckner, Richard L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Spectroscopic Investigation of Some Allyl Alkali Metal Compounds

Description: To gain better understanding of the nature of the carbonmetal bonding in 3-neopentylallyl alkali metal (5,5-dimethyl- 2-hexenyl alkali metal) systems, an investigation is extended to 3-neopentylallylpotassium. In addition, pertinent data on the 3-neopentylallyl systems are re-examined in an attempt to understand the trends in the bonding habits, as affected by the solvent, the cation and the temperature.
Date: May 1976
Creator: Moore, Michael L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of Opinions of Institutional Leaders Concerning the Goals of Independent Senior Colleges and Universities in Texas

Description: The purposes of this study were (1) to identify the major goals of independent senior colleges and universities in Texas, (2) to survey the opinions of persons in positions of leadership in independent senior colleges and universities in Texas with respect to existing and preferred goals, (2) to determine if there are significant differences of opinion among these persons, and (4) to develop projections of the probably priorities for goals of independent senior colleges and universities in Tex… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Bawcom, Jerry G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Martin Luther: Protagonist of Authoritarianism

Description: It is the aim of this thesis to discuss Martin Luther as a political philosopher of authoritarianism as revealed in his writings. Although he advocated the separation of faith and reason, Luther's political sphere includes the omnipotence and authority of God. Given this factor, the religious elements of calling, faith, and love become political manifestations. This polity effects a state in which the citizen must find spiritual and civic fulfillment within a secular existence. The possible aff… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Hopkins, Karen Leigh
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Teaching Intellectually Gifted Students

Description: The problem with which this study is concerned is the methods and techniques that are utilized by some teachers in the identification of a gifted student. This study has a threefold purpose. The first is to discuss the plight of some of our valuable human resources as manifested by the gifted in the American educational structure. The second is to present and contrast the current approaches to conserving these resources. The third is to project some possible trends in meeting the needs of the g… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Morris, Richard, fl. 1976-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Spinster and Flabby Lucy

Description: Many contemporary writers maintain that a prime requisite of poetry is autobiographical sincerity. They would have the poet commit himself to an openness with his audience that is usually reserved for only the most intimate relationships. The thirty-two poems of this thesis were written as a reaction to current confessional trends and postulate that the creation of fictions to live by is an intrinsic part of the human process. Central to the work is the idea that past fictions, traditions, and … more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Angel, Shelly
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Serological Relationships of Azotobacter Species

Description: In order to clarify the taxonomic problems which exist among the group azotobacter by serological method, 24 cultures of Azotobacter including 9 species were tested as antigens in Ouchterlony plates against 3 different antisera obtained from rabbits immunized with A. chroococcum ACl6, A. macrocytogenes St.M. and A. vinelandii 12837, respectively. The results showed more cross reactivity in intraspecies reactions than in interspecies ones and indicated the presence of a common immunogenic determ… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Chang, Chyan-chuu
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of Popular Music on Self-Disclosure Among Adolescents

Description: Seventy-five adolescent members of a local church youth organization completed Jourard's 40-item Self-Disclosure Questionnaire. The subjects were assigned to three groups, matched for degree of self-disclosure. A control group filled out Green's Sentence Completion Blank. A second group filled out the completion blank after listening to popular music while reading printed lyrics. The third group listened and also wrote a few sentences about the "meaning" of the music. Two judges scored the sen… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Gentry, David G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Foundry Facilities in Industrial Arts Programs in the State of Texas

Description: The problem of this study was to determine how much foundry equipment exists in the high schools of Texas and to determine to what extent it is being utilized. The data for this study were provided by thirty-seven metalworking instructors of Texas high schools. Of the Texas high schools offering metalworking as a part of the industrial arts curriculum, few appear to have adequate foundry facilities. In addition, a deficiency seems evident in the background and training in foundry of the metalwo… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Lange, Robert Douglas
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Attitudes of Journalism Students in Dallas High Schools Toward Journalism Careers

Description: The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of journalism students in Dallas high schools toward the meanings and images of journalism careers. Eleven out of eighteen Dallas high schools participated. A total of 211 respondents, 145 females and 66 males, completed the questionnaire. The first part of the analysis involved the comparison through percentage tables illustrating the similarities and differences of the groups. The second part of the analysis involved the semantic differen… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Cates, Judy M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Children's Causal Attributions in Success and Failure Situations and Academic Performance

Description: To determine correlates of better academic performance, a scale was devised for this study to measure children's attributions to ability and effort in academic success and failure situations. These measures as well as measures of locus of control an d perceived contingency of teacher rewards and punishments were related to achievement test scores, grades, and a teacher's ratings of the helplessness or competence of classroom behaviors. Subjects were 137 sixth-graders (66 girls and 71 boys). Int… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Riley, Mary Margaret
Partner: UNT Libraries
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