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open access

God's Newer Will: Four Examples of Victorian Angst Resolved by Humanitarianism

Description: One aspect of the current revaluation of Victorian thought and literature is the examination of the crisis of religious faith, in which the proponents of doubt and denial took different directions: they became openly cynical and pessimistic; they turned from religion to an aesthetic substitute; or they concluded that since mankind could look only to itself for aid, the primary duties of the individual were to find a tenable creed for himself and to try to alleviate the lot of others. The moveme… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Speegle, Katherine Sloan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Stereochemical Elucidation Of The Tetrahydro [2.2]paracyclophane System

Description: The purpose of this investigation is to study the Birch reduction products of [2.2lparacyclophane and of [2.2]paracyclophane- 2-carboxylic acid. The tetrahydro Birch reduction product of [2.2]paracyclophane is shown to be dl stereoisomer, with the olefins of the upper deck only partially overlapping with the olefins of the lower deck. This stereochemical elucidation is accomplished by means of a complete proton nmr analysis of the tetraepoxide derivative. A proposed mechanism supported by VB (v… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Song, Ban-Huat
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Development of a Comprehensive Program in Higher Education for School Health Educators

Description: The problem of this study was the development of a comprehensive health education program in higher education for the preparation of public school health educators. The purposes were fivefold: (1) to conduct a survey of the historical nature and significance of the concept of health education in higher education within the United States; (2) to conduct a survey of the major health needs in the United. States; (3) to survey the degree of attention given to curriculum areas in current bachelor de… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Miller, Joseph Taylor
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Model Curriculum for High School Metallurgy

Description: The problem of this study is the development of a model curriculum for high school metallurgy students. The study was made at the Skyline Career Development Center of the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas. The study has three purposes. In addition to providing a model curriculum for high school metallurgy students, a second purpose is to describe the developmental processes by which the curriculum was derived. The third purpose is the evaluation of the basis of the content of th… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Keeton, Harold G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Relationships Between Selected Personality Factors and Personal Adjustment of Overseas Personnel

Description: The problem of this study was the assessment of the value of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the DF Opinion Survey, and An Inventory of Factors STDCR for use in identifying personality factors significant to overseas adjustment. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. The TSCS and the DFOS lacked validity as predictors of personal adjustment as measured by the MPAS. 2. Freedom from depression tendencies (Factor D) and freedom from fluctuating emotions (Factor C) of the STDCR were significant… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Guynes, Delmer R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effects of Modeling/Role Playing Counseling Technique on Second-Grade Socially Withdrawn Children

Description: This investigation examined the effect of a modeling/role playing counseling technique upon the social adjustment of second-grade socially withdrawn children. The specific hypotheses investigated dealt with changes in the socially withdrawn child's social adjustment as measured by a peer sociometric instrument, teacher rating, trained observer rating, and self-rating which were administered one week prior to the initial session. A one-way analysis of covariance was employed to test the hypothes… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Smith, Donnie Atlas.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effects of the EPI-C Model upon Self-Actualization of Clients in Group Counseling

Description: The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the EPI-C model as a guide to group counseling. The purposes of the study are (1) to determine whether group counseling employing the EPI-C model results in positive gain in self-actualization, and (Z) whether group counseling using the EPI-C model is more effective than a topical discussion group or no treatment at all in producing greater positive change in subject self-actualization. This… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Kyle, Judy Knapp
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

MCABC 0475 an Original Composition

Description: MCABC 0475 is the first composition generated by MCABC (Music Composition Aided by Computer), a computer program written in PL/1. Its duration is approximately 14 minutes. Using a North Texas State University computer library program, the full score and parts were drawn by the CALCOMP plotter. The text, which discusses processes and procedures in developing MCABC 0475, as well as indeterminacy, aesthetics of computer composition, and pro gr am user information, was printed by the IBM 1403 line … more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Wilson, Don, 1942-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Santos Degollado and the Mexican Reforma, 1854-1861

Description: This study examines in detail the public career of Santos Degollado during the era of the Mexican Reforma, and, because of his central role in national events of that period, the story is presented in the context of a general history of the Reforma. Sources of information were largely primary, including manuscripts and newspapers from Mexican archives. The richest of these were the collection of Degollado's letters at the Instituto de Antropologia e Historia; manuscripts from the Secretaria de … more
Date: December 1975
Creator: Hardi, John T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Eighteenth-Century Rhetorical Figures in British Romantic Poetry: A Study of the Poetry of Coleridge, Wordsworth Byron, Shelley, and Keats

Description: Rhetoric, seen either as the art of persuasion or as the art of figurative expression, has been largely neglected as an approach to the poetry of the Romantics. The most important reason for this seems to be the rejection of rhetoric by the Romantics themselves. As a result of negative comments about rhetoric by Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats, scholars seeking clues about the Romantics' literary principles in their critical writings have agreed that eighteenth-century rhetoric was ei… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Kennelly, Laura B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Anti-Christian Elements in Thomas Hardy's Novels

Description: A commonplace among Hardy critics is that as a young man Hardy lost his Christian faith and entered a serious religious disillusionment. The mainstream of Hardy criticism has followed the general consensus that Hardy suffered keenly as a result of this experience and looked back on Christianity with poignant nostalgia. If his view is not purely nostalgic, traditional criticism has insisted, then it seems at worst only ambivalent. The purpose of this dissertation is to argue that Hardy's attitud… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Alexander, B. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Competencies Necessary for the Public School Superintendency as Perceived by Texas Superintendents

Description: This study was concerned with which competencies are considered necessary for success as a Texas public school superintendent, and the results were derived from responses to a questionnaire by practicing school superintendents in Texas during the spring of 1975. Summary of Findings: The literature reviewed and the data obtained from the survey instrument appeared to indicate that school superintendents in Texas do need certain competencies in order to adequately fulfill their role in the educat… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Douglas, Marion Eli
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Undergraduate Music Education Curriculum at North Texas State University

Description: Graduates who responded to the survey indicated that the undergraduate music education curriculum between 1967 and 1972 was generally adequate in preparing students to teach music in the public schools. Areas such as administration, supervision, student teaching, and professional education were deemed weaker than other areas by both the vocal and instrumental graduates. In comparing vocal and instrumental graduates' responses in certain areas of the questionnaire it was found that in most cases… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Bennett, Wayne (R. Wayne)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Conceptual Foundations for Cost-Benefit Analyses in Homes for the Aging--Quantifying Resident Satisfaction

Description: The purpose of this research project is to develop concepts for doing cost-benefit analyses for governmental and nonprofit homes. Such concepts should facilitate a differential diagnosis which recognizes the wide individual differences among those served. Developing relevant concepts is a first step in measurement. An aim is to develop appropriate concepts and instruments that will make an ordinal measurement of resident satisfaction possible. This study makes no effort to develop monetary meas… more
Date: December 1975
Creator: Hyman, Ladelle M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Density Profile of a Quantized Vortex Line in Superfluid Helium-4

Description: The density amplitude of an isolated quantum vortex line in superfluid 4He is calculated using a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii (G-P) equation. The generalized G-P equation for the order parameter extends the usual mean-field approach by replacing the interatomic potential in the ordinary G-P equation by a local, static T matrix, which takes correlations between the particles into account. The T matrix is a sum of ladder diagrams appearing in a diagrammatic expansion of the mean field term in an … more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Harper, John Howard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of the Interaction of Supervisory Style and Employee Locus of Control on Voting Behavior in Union Representation Elections

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction of two variables which may influence employee voting behavior. These variables are the leadership style of the supervisor and the employee personality trait of locus of control. The hypothesis held that the interaction of supervisory style and employee locus of control will result in significant differences in the vote in representation elections. The implicit assumption was that certain combinations of leadership styles and employee inter… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Harrison, Edward L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of the Effects of Highly Structured, Partially Structured, and Non-Structured Human Relations Training for Married Couples on the Dependent Variables of Communication, Marital Adjustment, and Personal Adjustment

Description: This study compared the effects of three treatment approaches to training married couples in communication skills on the dependent variables of marital communication, marital adjustment, and the personality characteristics of extraversion/introversion and stability/instability. The initial focus of the study was to determine whether any of the treatment programs--a highly structured (T3), a partially structured (T1 ) or a non-structured (T 2) program -- were superior to any other or to the cont… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: McIntosh, Diane Merse
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Effects of Two Experimental Methods of Guidance on Vocal Solo Memorization

Description: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of guided musical analysis and guided attention to textual understanding on the speed of solo memorization by selected university vocal students. The guided musical analysis consisted of instruction to a subject regarding the melodic elements, rhythmic elements, phraseology, form, and key relationships of the experimental songs. The guided attention to textual understanding consisted of instruction to a subject regarding the meaning and phras… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Reynolds, Martha Helen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Attitudes of Selected Resident Undergraduate Military Veterans Toward Selected Campus Organizations at a State University

Description: The problem of this study was to determine and report the attitudes of selected undergraduate military veterans toward selected campus organizations at North Texas State University. The purpose of this study was to provide a basis for evaluating and possibly improving the campus organizations at this university. As a result of this study, it was concluded that the majority of responding veterans had very little knowledge concerning the majority of campus organizations. It was concluded that the… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Nelson, Bill Monta
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of Thought Detection on Anxiety Responses

Description: The problem of this study was to analyze the effects of contingent reinforcement on the presence of thoughts defined as anxiety responses. The two types of data, observed and introceptive, were used to determine the effects of reinforcement. The observed data from the peripheral physiological pre- and post-measures included heart rate, blood pressure, and the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale data. The introceptive data supplied by subjects were the daily percentages of anxious thought detections s… more
Date: May 1975
Creator: Komechak, Marilyn Gilbert
Partner: UNT Libraries
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