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open access

Statesman from Texas, Roger Q. Mills

Description: This is a biography of Roger Quarles Mills and his contributions to Texas history.
Date: August 1954
Creator: Purifoy, Russell Albritton, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Compton Scattering on Nucleons

Description: From introduction: "The present paper deals with a classical calculation in which some of the meson effects can be included to all orders in the meson-nucleon coupling coupling constant, in particular those having to do with the gyration of the nucleon spin and isotopic spin. Such a treatment leads to results qualitatively different from the weak coupling calculations."
Date: May 24, 1954
Creator: Huddlestone, Richard Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Concept of Sets Enchained by a Stochastic Process and Its Use in Cascade Shower Theory

Description: From abstract: "In the present paper, the above methodology is investigated stochastic processes in general and it is shown how certain choices of sets can be made which preserve the linearity properties, though not necessarily the Markovian principles"
Date: July 1954
Creator: Rankin, Bayard, 1924-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Capacity Factors in the Performance of Perforated Plate Distillation Columns

Description: From abstract: "A study of factors affecting the vapor handling capacity of perforated plate liquid-vapor contacting columns. Vapor phase pressure drop across plates, liquid entrainment upward from plate to plate, and plate stability were investigated as functions of operational and geometric column parameters."
Date: October 1954
Creator: Hunt, Charles d'Ancona, 1924-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physical Studies of Cell Division: Statistical Fluctuations; Effects Due to X-Radiation, Temperature, and Hydrostatic Pressure

Description: Thesis discussing "a technique for determining the generation times of individual yeast cells...the effect of x-radiation on the generation times of individual cells and their progeny..." and "attempts to synchronize cell division in a population of cells."
Date: December 9, 1954
Creator: Burns, Victor Will
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Small-Angle Neutron-Proton Scattering at 90 and 290 Mev

Description: From abstract: "The relative differential neutron-proton scattering cross section has been measured in the range of center-of-mass angles from 5.1° to 36.0° for approximately 90-Mev neutrons and from 10.7° to 37.8° for approximately 290-Mev neutrons."
Date: September 14, 1954
Creator: Easley, James Warren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy (d,p) Reactions

Description: No Description Available.
Date: March 1, 1954
Creator: Slater, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Orifice Plate Pulse Column for Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Description: A study was made of the performance of an orifice plate pulse column which is essentially a spray column containing internal constrictions in the form of orifices. The chemical system studied was acetic acid-waterhexone, and the variables considered were pulse frequency, throughput, phase continuity, and direction of solute transfer. For comparison purposes, several runs were made with a conventional spray column. Curves are presented showing the effect of the column variables on the column eff… more
Date: August 23, 1954
Creator: O'Brien, D. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the Three-Dimensional Instability of Laminar Boundary Layers on Concave Walls

Description: Memorandum presenting a study of the stability of laminar boundary layer profiles on slightly curved walls relative to small disturbances, in the shape of vortices, whose axes are parallel to the principal direction of flow. The result in an eigenvalue problem by which, for a given undisturbed flow at a prescribed wall, the amplification or decay is computed for each Reynolds number and each vortex thickness.
Date: June 1954
Creator: Görtler, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Absorption in Bone

Description: No Description Available.
Date: January 1, 1954
Creator: Friesen, B. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Metallic Titanium by Film Boiling

Description: From abstract: The Van Arkel-deBoer method for producing ductile titanium by thermal decomposition of TiI4 vapor and deposition on an electrically heated filament is modified by film boiling TiI4 liquid on a heated filament, resulting in similar titanium deposition on the filament and liberation of iodine to the gaseous phase."
Date: April 1954
Creator: Petersen, Alfred William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Internal Momentum Distributions

Description: The following report measures and analyzes the nuclear internal momentum distributions of protons in light nuclei with the 340-Mev scattered proton beam from the synchocyclotron.
Date: April 1954
Creator: Wilcox, John Marsh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermodynamics of the Aqueous Ions of Americium

Description: Thesis discussing the heats of reduction, oxidation potentials, and measurements of autoreduction and disproportionation for aqueous ions of americium.
Date: April 7, 1954
Creator: Gunn, Stuart Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Chemical Properties of Curium

Description: Report discussing details of curium's chemical properties, including gamma radiation, solubility, and absorption. A procedure for separating curium from americium and the preparation of terbium tetrafluoride, which lead to its discovery, is also included.
Date: April 12, 1954
Creator: Feay, Darrell Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Ion exchange column elution methods for the separation of americium and curium using tartrate and lactate solutions have been developed which are superior to citrate elutions. Tartrate elutions are suitable for slow separations and lactate elutions are satisfactory for general use where rapid separations are required. Fission and spallation products were isolated from Pu{sup 239} targets which had been bombarded with alpha particles of 21 to 37 Mev energy. Fission yield curves as well as fissio… more
Date: April 20, 1954
Creator: Glass, Richard Alois
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ideal Siting, Orientation, and Ventilation of Houses in Relation to the Climate of Denton, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to collect and compile data on the principal climatic factors of the Denton area which affect one's personal comfort and health, in order to show how a maximum of these commodities could be secured through manipulation and control of the climate of individual building sites. In the Denton County area the naturally breezy climate of summer, excluding areas near heat-collecting surfaces of pavement and masonry, is not usually uncomfortable out of doors unless one is … more
Date: January 1954
Creator: Jenkins, Gloria Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
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