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open access


Description: Isotopes of americium and curium with mass numbers less than 242 have been produced by cyclotron bombardment techniques, and several of their nuclear properties have been investigated. The partial alpha half-lives of Am{sup 239}, Cm{sup 241}, and Cm{sup 240} and the partial half-life for spontaneous fission of Cm{sup 240} were measured. The alpha decay daughter of Cm{sup 238} was found and evidence for the discovery of Am{sup 237} (an {approx}1 hour electron capture activity) and Cm{sup 239} (a… more
Date: June 1, 1952
Creator: Higgins, Gary Hoyt.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fluidized Condenser

Description: No Description Available.
Date: May 10, 1952
Creator: Beck, Curt B.; Canby, Thomas D. & Zonis, Irwin S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scales and their Use in the Piano Music of Debussy and Ravel

Description: The purpose of this study is to acquaint the reader with certain scales, not merely as they are used to provide the theoretical "building stones" of all music, but as they have been used as actual scale passages in the piano music of two twentieth century composers. This is a study of the use of various scales in the piano music of Debussy and Ravel. A list of the piano music of these composers which was available for the present investigation is given in the Bibliography. A careful analysis of… more
Date: January 1952
Creator: Christensen, Elizabeth Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Use of Native Materials in the Ante Bellum Buildings of Harrison County, Texas

Description: This study is a report of the results of an investigation into the extent to which native materials were used in the antebellum buildings of Harrison County, Texas; the way in which they were used; and the aesthetic implications of their use. It was hoped that this research might fill a gap in the art and architectural history of Texas, since nothing has been written on this specific subject except a few articles and unpublished papers dealing with certain houses individually or with log constr… more
Date: January 1952
Creator: Fitch, Rebecca Fortson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Procedures and Methods Used by Dallas - Fort Worth Food Brokers in Securing New Accounts

Description: The chief problem of this study was to analyze the methods used by food brokers in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and to determine the general policies which were followed by those brokers in the selection and procurement of those accounts which later proved successful.
Date: August 1952
Creator: Fouts, Theron Judson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Relationship of the Scores Made by Students on Aptitudes "G" and "V" and Parts "H" and "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and the Academic Grades Made in Industrial Arts

Description: This study analyzes the converted scores made on Aptitudes "G" (intelligence) and "V" (verbal" and the raw scores made on Part "H" (three-dimensional space) and Part "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by students enrolled in beginning industrial arts courses, advanced industrial arts courses, and beginning English at North Texas State College, Denton, Texas, and the academic grades made by theses same students in order to determine what relationship exists between both the converted and r… more
Date: August 1952
Creator: Gray, Noel Oren
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Ability Grouping in Secondary English

Description: This thesis discusses the pros and cons of grouping by ability in secondary English.
Date: August 1952
Creator: Harris, Steva Whitehead
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of G. Stanley Hall's Philosophy of the Practical Arts and His Influence on the Philosophy of Industrial Arts in the United States Today

Description: The predominate purpose of this study is to compare G. Stanley Hall's philosophy of adolescence and practical arts with the accepted philosophy of teaching industrial arts in the secondary schools of the United States today. This thesis is a comparative study of G. Stanley Hall's philosophy, with emphasis placed on practical arts, to show how his philosophy has influenced the philosophy of present-day industrial arts in the secondary schools of the United States.
Date: August 1952
Creator: Lowe, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Reactions of Regular Personnel to Junior Executive Training Programs in Selected Oil Companies

Description: This thesis has as its primary purpose determining what, if any, resentment toward junior executive programs may exist among regular or "old" employees of a selected group of petroleum companies in the Port Arthur, Beaumont, and Port Neches area of Texas. At the same time, measures taken in these companies to cope with the problem will be studied and appraised.
Date: August 1952
Creator: Lumbley, John H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of Alexander Hamilton upon the Administration of John Adams

Description: This thesis explores the influence of Alexander Hamilton upon the administration of John Adams. It begins with the background of the conflict between Adams and Hamilton, continues through Adam's presidency and ends with the "death of the Federalist party."
Date: August 1952
Creator: McAdams, Lee Etta
Partner: UNT Libraries
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