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open access

An Analysis of the Advertising Art in Eight Retail Stores of Fort Worth Texas

Description: It is the purpose of this thesis to acquaint the reader with the various systems, materials, and people who produce the art , in order to evaluate it and to pass on the results of its research to others who may find it useful in acquainting themselves with the advertising field.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Bradford, Johnny Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Growth and Urbanization of the Texas Population, 1940-1950

Description: It is the purpose of this thesis to consider the growth and urbanization of the Texas population since 1880, with primary emphasis on changes which took place during the decade from 1940-1950. The problem involved, therefore, in the second part of this study is to determine the amount of urbanization which took place in Texas during the 1940-1950 decade, to determine the variations among the several regions and "size groups" of cities, and to describe some of the factors related to such increa… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Boulter, Oscar H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Components of a Basic Wardrobe for Professional Women

Description: The study was based on a survey of the outer garments and accessories within the wardrobes of twenty professional and business women of this vicinity. A questionnaire was used in order to obtain information concerning the wardrobes. From the results tabulated, the following concusions were reached: (1) the expenditures to provide adequate wardrobes were much more than they should have been; (2) in most cases, the distribution of garments was inadequate to meet the needs for all occasions; (3) t… more
Date: January 1951
Creator: Gross, Thelma Clement
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Solo Songs of Charles Ives

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to give the prospective performer an insight into the content of the vocal solos of Charles Ives and to give the student and musicians in general an understanding of the musical devices employed by Ives and of his position as a song writer.
Date: January 1951
Creator: Bounds, Charles Evans
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Overture for Orchestra

Description: The purpose of writing the Overture for Orchestra is two-fold: first, to produce a short orchestral work in the modern idiom; second, to compose a symphonic piece within the technical scope of semi-professional orchestras such as college and civic organizations.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Taliaferro, Lloyd Carr
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Economic Status of College Teachers in Texas Compared with other Professions and Measured by Relative Support of Education in Texas

Description: The problem of this study is the economic status of college teachers in Texas, with emphasis on actual support afforded that profession in the past and in the present; and objective statistical analysis of the ability of the state to more adequately support the profession now and in the future, and the theoretical and actual importance which that economic status presages for out state and society. Actual support of higher education will be measured by salaries and expenditures; ability to suppo… more
Date: June 1951
Creator: Sparkman, Roy Clifford
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluative Study of the Grasslands of the R.J. McMurry Ranch, Denton County, Texas

Description: It is the purpose of this problem to classify the four major pastures of the McMurry ranch using the discussed classification system. The definite measurable qualities characterizing each condition of the system are used extensively in this study. The problem is concerned also with the observation of results of misuse, the present practices that could result in further depletion of portions of the McMurry ranch, and procedures being employed at the present time aimed toward the restoration of t… more
Date: June 1951
Creator: Nolen, Bette Rudd
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Follow-up of Students Having Attended Draughon's Business College, Wichita Falls, Texas, During the Years 1946-1950

Description: This study is made in that it may serve as a basis of guidance of the Draughon's Business College. This problem was selected in the hope that it might contribute something worthwhile to the administrators, teachers, placement directors, and students of Draughon's Business College, Wichita Falls, Texas.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Meador, Rowe Morgan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cobalt Metabolism of Young College Women on Self-Selected Diets

Description: This study was undertaken to determine the cobalt intake in food and milk, and the excretion of cobalt in the urine and feces of young college women living in the home management house at the North Texas State College and consuming a self-selected diet. Cobalt as a trace inorganic element has long been recognized according to Martin (1945) as a nutritional essential in ruminants in whom cobalt deficiency is a typical anemia. For that reason emphasis has been placed upon studies with ruminants, … more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Harp, Mary Wanda Jones
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Evidences of Modern Architectural Design in Public School Buildings of Denton, Texas

Description: In this study the public-school buildings of Denton are examined for evidences of modern architectural design. Chapter I serves as an introduction. Chapter II presents a history of the Denton Public Schools. Chapter III presents standards for evaluating modern school architecture. Features of existing school buildings, built earlier than 1964, which, in character, exemplify modern architectural design are described in Chapter IV. The three school buildings built since 1946 and the one under con… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Carden, Mary Mildred
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Proton Beam Current Measurement in the Low K.E.V. Range

Description: Secondary charge effects from a 10 kilovolt proton beam and their effect upon beam current measurement are investigated. A collector is designed for beam current metering of a 60 kilovolt proton beam by means of charge measurement and energy measurement.
Date: June 5, 1951
Creator: Fairbrother, Forrest, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microbial Utilization of a Certain Hydrocarbon Insecticide

Description: This problem includes, first, the isolation and identification of microorganisms which utilized the hydrocarbon insecticide as a sole source of carbon and energy; second, a determination of the effect on plants sprayed with the hydrocarbon medium as compared with the effect on plants sprayed with the hydrocarbon medium containing a good growth of hydrocarbon-utilizers; and third, a determination of the ability of laboratory stock cultures of organisms to utilize or remain alive in the hydrocarb… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Dorman, Homer L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Exhibition as a Medium for Developing Community Awareness to Good Design in Useful Objects Available in Wichita Falls, Texas

Description: Realizing the need on the part of the general public for a better background for selection of useful household objects that combine utility and beauty of line, the author planned an exhibition in an attempt to develop a community awareness to good design in useful objects available in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Tyson, Phoebe W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study to Determine the Differences in Scholastic Achievement and Sociometric Standing Between Children from Broken and Unbroken Homes

Description: The problem presented in this study is to determine if any differences exist in the sociometric standing and the scholastic achievement between children from broken homes and children from unbroken homes. The purpose of the study is to make a comparison of the sociometric standing and scholastic achievement of two selected groups of pupils to determine if differences exist and to what extent they exist.
Date: August 1951
Creator: Cooke, Eunyce Allen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Guidance Program for Freshman Students at North Texas State College

Description: The purposes of this study are: (1) to discover the most prominent needs of the freshmen students at North Texas State College, (2) to find the extent to which the guidance program aids college freshmen in developing into normal and socially adjusted individuals, and (3) to evaluate the present guidance program at North Texas State College.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Waterman, William Hill
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The History of the Gainesville XLI Club and Its Relation to the General Women's Club Movement

Description: "The organized woman's club movement spread into the State of Texas. Beginning as associations for self-culture and intellectual development, the clubs were soon laying the foundation for better conditions of living in their communities. Since Texas was largely in the pioneer stage of development with widely separated communities, the women's clubs in small centers became the nucleii for civic improvements. One of these small centers was the town of Gainesville, Texas, with a population of abou… more
Date: February 1951
Creator: Culp, Bengta A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Achievements of Anglo- and Latin-American High School Pupils

Description: "The purpose of this study is to investigate paired groups of Latin-American and Anglo-American children in one community who have attended the public schools approximately the same number of years, to discover difference, if any, in achievement when comparable opportunities for education have been present. Achievement, in this instance, means all phases of the school program: core subject areas, vocational subjects, physical education and health, and participation in extra-curricular activitie… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Nelson, Leslie R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Origins and Early Development of the Major Seventh Chord

Description: The purpose of this study is to trace the development of the major seventh chord from the earliest recorded music through the German School of composition up to the time of Johann Sebastian Bach. The term "major seventh chord" is used to denote the four-tone chord comprised of a major triad plus a tone which is a major seventh above the root. In major keys this chord may be built on the tonic and subdominant degrees of the scale without alterations, and in the "natural" minor on the mediant and… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Hanslowe, Nannette Reese
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of Isolated and Integrated Fourth Grade Music on Children's Achievements in Music and Academic Subjects

Description: The purpose of this study was to compare two types of teaching music, isolated and integrative, to determine their influence on achievements in music and academic subjects of pupils in two fourth-grade classes in a Fort Worth elementary school. Attention was directed to the values of music in the lives of individuals, to the two types of teaching music, and to the outcomes of instruction from both types of programs.
Date: August 1951
Creator: Phillips, Ena Melba
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Background Data of Fifty Students Who Failed in the College of Home Economics, Syracuse University

Description: The problem of academic failure has been of real concern to the administration and faculty at Syracuse University. The study at hand is concerned specifically with the problem in the College of Home Economics. Through a study of the data known about students at the time of entrance into the College, it was thought that a better basis for selection night be recommended for the admission of students to the College. Such questions as the following arise in the mind of the research worker: 1. Do t… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Grimes, Mary Xantha
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Piano Style of Claude Debussy

Description: This thesis begins by describing the piano's history and development and then goes into how Claude Debussy used the piano in his music and the style in which he composed for the piano.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Ryan, Alexander Boggs
Partner: UNT Libraries
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