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open access

American Influence on the French Revolution

Description: This thesis examines some of the influences America had on France in the late eighteenth century, and argues that they contributed to the French Revolution.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Holladay, Joe T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Twenty-Five Vocal Methods of the Twentieth Century

Description: The following study is designed to define the existing differences of opinion regarding the solution of vocal problems. Some twenty-five vocal methods have been examined with reference to the principles set forth on what are generally considered the most important vocal problems, viz., Breathing, Registers, Resonance, Tone and Interpretation.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Gardner, William H., 1918-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Boys' Physical Education Programs in the Senior High Schools of Rusk County, Texas, and an Evaluation of These Programs on the Basis of Standards Set Up by Bulletin No. 444 of theTexas State Department of Education

Description: The underlying purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the senior high schools of Rusk County, Texas, are meeting state standards as outlined in the Texas State Department of Education Bulletin no. 444, and consequently to point out shortcomings in the program of physical education for boys in these schools in the light of actual conditions compared with recommended standards. Then, of course, recommendations will be made for the improvement of the phys' physical education program … more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Hall Homer R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Electricity in Rural Areas of North Texas

Description: "This study shows three things: (1) a precedent for the expenditure of public funds to teach electricity in our public high schools has already been established by the school system in the larger school systems of Texas, (2) the rural families living on electrified farms in the North Texas area want instruction of this type given to the boys and girls in their communities, and (3) both the rural people and the professional people of the North Texas area believe that instruction dealing with the… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Greathouse, Charles Simmons
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Ensemble Brass Method for College Brass Classes.

Description: The primary objective of this study is to write a brass method which will give the college student a thorough foundation in articulation, tone production, intonation, and other factors involved in the playing of the trumpet, French horn, bass and trombone. This brass method will be written for college level brass classes.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Averyt, Alton Roger
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Fantasy For Orchestra

Description: Fantasy for Orchestra was first conceived as a symphony in one movement of about twenty minutes duration in sonata-allegra form. It was to include the diversity of moods and materials generally associated with the three, or four movement sonata, or symphony, as had my sonata for violin and piano. The plan of this previous work is as follows: A, Scherzo, B, Closing Theme, Development, A, Slow Movement, B, Closing Theme, Coda.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Fischer, Gilbert, 1917-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Impact of the Second World War upon Agriculture in Henderson County, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the Second World War upon the agricultural economy of Henderson County, Texas, with primary emphasis upon the economic and social changes brought about by wartime conditions during the years 1940 through 1945.
Date: January 1949
Creator: George, Willard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Professionalism in Teacher Unionism

Description: The purpose of this study is to point out the accomplishments and various benefits gained through teacher cooperation, with special emphasis placed upon the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Baker, Robert Buckner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship of Specific Background Factors upon English Usage

Description: The problem of the present study is to investigate specific background areas of pupils who show average use of English, and of pupils who are recognized as having below-average use of English. The study will attempt to bring out certain tendencies, by the use of standardized tests, which the two groups investigated possess in varying degrees. The aim of the study will be to bring out and evaluate the differentiating background factors as revealed by the results obtained on the standardized test… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Hamilton, Harlan E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Seasonal Survey of Actinomycetes in Twenty Denton County, Texas, Soils

Description: This investigation has had for its aim a further study of actinomycete flora of twenty Denton County, Texas, soils. The problem has evolved itself into, first, a seasonal analysis for the number of actinomycetes in each of the twenty soils; second, a determination of the types of soils that contain the greatest number of actinomycetes in each cultivated and uncultivated land; third, a determination of soil moisture and pH; and fourth, an attempt to correlate these factors with the number of ac… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Hudgins, Gladys
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Significance of Classroom Environmental Control in the Azle Elementary School

Description: The objective of this investigation was to make two surveys relating to environmental control in the Azle Elementary School, Azle, Texas. The first survey was designed to furnish a list of favorable and unfavorable factors in classroom environment as they existed in the Azle Elementary School at the close of the school session of 1946-1947, and the second survey , conducted in the same school approximately a year later, was for the purpose of ascertaining what improvements had been made in the … more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Wood, Roy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Factors Influencing High School Seniors in their Decisions to Seek Further Educational or Vocational Training Following their Graduation from High School

Description: The purpose of this study is to make an investigation relating to certain factors and influences that have some bearing upon decisions made by graduating seniors in high schools to attend college or vocational school before entering a vocation or professional career.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Rutherford, Raymond Riley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Relationships Between Sociometric Scores and Personality Self-Ratings

Description: There is at present no way to tell what the correlations between personality self-rating scores and sociometric scores. One might suppose, as a rule of thumb, that such a correlation would be higher than .50 in most groups. This relationship, between sociometric scores and scores on personality self-rating scales, is the subject under investigation in the present study.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Christy, William J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Outstanding Skills and Personality Traits Desirable in Office Workers

Description: The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to find out the qualities employers expect in beginning workers, (2) to investigate the importance attached to personality by some writers in the literature of the business education field, and (3) to compile information that will be of aid to students of Dallas Technical High School in developing the needed personal qualities and skills.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Wolf, Clara
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Peer Acceptance of a Rural Group in a Town High School

Description: The problem of this study is the examination of a high school group situation in which two broad background elements exist, the rural and the urbanwith the aim of seeking the statistical importance of these elements in their influence upon the peer acceptance within the group.
Date: January 1949
Creator: Hays, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Texas Reformatory System with Emphasis on the Gatesville School for Boys

Description: At least one state function is handled differently in most all of the forty-eight sovereign states. This function is that of juvenile control, or the care of juvenile delinquents. The states vary a great deal in their methods of combating juvenile delinquency and in the operation of their reformatories, and most of these systems are in crying need of reform. Many are the forgotten chore of state administrators, and others are the thorn in the side of the state's political administration. The la… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Johnson, Samuel Maurice
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Organize and Evaluate an Intramural Sports Program for Boys at Schreiner Institute

Description: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intramural sports program at Schreiner Institute, Kerrville, Texas, for the school year, 1947-48, to determine its adequacy in meeting the aims and objectives of a reorganized program of intramural sports set up in the school at the beginning of the year, 1947-48. Attention was directed to the special need for the program, to its aims and objectives, to its plan of procedure, and to the outcomes at the end of the year.
Date: 1949
Creator: Wheeler, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Union List of Musical Literature in North Texas Regional Libraries, 1946

Description: It is the purpose of the study to make a survey of the larger libraries in this region and to compile a list of the holdings of books about music. With the impetus of the North Texas Regional Union List of Serials, 1943; Comprising the libraries of North Texas State Teachers College. Southern Methodist University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas Christian University Texas State College for Women, and the Public Libraries of Dallas and Fort Worth, and its two supplements of 1943… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Henderson, George R. (George Robert), 1918-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Buckling of a Uniformly Compressed Plate with Intermediate Supports

Description: This problem has been selected from the mathematical theory of elasticity. We consider a rectangular plate of thickness h, length a, and width b. The plate is subjected to compressive forces. These forces act in the neutral plane and give the plate a tendency to buckle. However, this problem differs from other plate problems in that it is assumed that there are two intermediate supports located on the edges of the plate parallel to the compressive forces.
Date: May 1949
Creator: Dean, Thomas S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Teacher Ratings Assigned Girls and Boys

Description: It is the purpose of this study to determine if there is any significant difference in teacher ratings of boys and girls of equal achievement. If such differences are found to exist, an attempt will be made to explain the causes for such differences.
Date: May 1949
Creator: Ussery, Sadie Maxine
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Dramatic and Musical Analysis of the Character, Isolde, Derived from Both the Legend and Richard Wagner's Opera, Tristan and Isolde

Description: This paper attempts to give a complete musical and dramatic analysis of the character of Isolde, from both the legend and Richard Wagner's opera, Tristan and Isolde, by first comparing the events as related in the two principal sources of the legend and then by an examination of Wagner's version of the story.
Date: May 1949
Creator: McConnell, Patsi Jane
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Origin and Development of the Solo Cantata

Description: This thesis is designed to acquaint vocalists with the history of the solo cantata and to give a bibliography of available cantatas. Very few singers know that solo cantatas exist and little material is available on the subject in comparison to the material available on other musical forms.This work endeavors to aid the vocalist by compiling the solo cantata material that is available in the North Texas State College Library.
Date: May 1949
Creator: Taliaferro, Rowena Turney
Partner: UNT Libraries
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