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open access

A Comparative Study of Achievement Made in a Departmentalized and a Non-Departmentalized Fourth Grade

Description: This thesis has three main purposes: 1. to determine the progress made in achievement by each individual in the departmentalized and non-departmentalized groups; 2. to contrast the progress made in achievement by the groups under discussion; 3. to ascertain, by comparison of the two groups, whether any relative gain in achievement is made as a result of children working in the two different school organizations.
Date: 1948
Creator: Terry, Bulah Beatrice
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Superstitions and Customs Affecting Health Practices Among the People of Starr County, Texas

Description: Because superstitions and customs of the people of Starr County, Texas, have a bearing on health practices that affect their well-being, the purpose of this study is to explain the deep-rooted superstitions and customs adhered to by the settlers. In order to understand more fully the cultural factors which relate to health, it is necessary to study the lives and customs of the people of Starr County. An effort has been made to look at their problems, not from a critical standpoint, but from the… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Longoria, Gladys L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Mystic Trumpeter

Description: The Mystic Trumpeter is intended to reflect and comment on the meaning of the poem of the same name featured in Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Formally the individual movements are approximately simple territory ternary in form; however, cyclical treatment of the opening motive is the main structural concept of the work, and its appearance throughout the composition is controlled entirely by the recurring connotations of the poetry.
Date: January 1948
Creator: Dorn, Gerhardt George, 1911-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Theme and Mutations

Description: The purpose of this composition is to demonstrate the creative stimuli offered a composer by The Schillinger System of Musical Composition. To illustrate this creative stimuli offered a composer, the writer has composed an extremely diverse, yet homogenous musical continuity from the elements contained in an eight measure theme. The sections of this composition are titled mutations, for though they are all inherently related to the theme, this relationship often appears fortuitous. The term var… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Dolch, John P. (John Parker)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Four Songs From Versions of Peace

Description: The text of the composition was selected from a set of six unpublished poems by Sidney L. Burks. The four used were the most musically adaptable.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Dewitt, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Symphony Number 1. : First Movement

Description: This thesis consists of the first movement and discussion of Symphony Number I, an original composition by Gerald Ray Haney.
Date: June 1948
Creator: Haney, Gerald Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Symphonic Piece for Band

Description: Primarily the objective was to compose a piece for concert band in a large form with the ultimate aim of submitting the number for publication for perfromance by a college, or good high school band, with the additional hope this number might eventually be included on a high school band contest list. With the thought of publication in mind, it was necessary to cross-cue certain parts and limit the technical scope of the composition.
Date: June 1948
Creator: Hill, Charles Lee, 1910-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Organization and Production of an Original Musical Playlet, A May Comedy

Description: The purpose in writing this thesis is to describe program material for a musical performance to be presented by the public school music classes of the Stephenville Public Schools, Grades IV to VIII, and the means taken to further musical growth on the part of several hundred children through participation in this program. Most musical plays provide for only a small number of main characters and only one chorus. To fit the need of classes in this particular school, a large cast is necessary, and… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Heptinstall, Bobbie B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Chamber Music for Children

Description: This study is a progressive series of string quartets for children ages six to eight. A picture and a story for the child accompany each of the twenty lessons. The stories are written about animals, birds, and incidents that exist in the child's world. They are designed to arouse associations between familiar subjects or incidents and unfamiliar problems at hand. The second section of this work is entitled "Instructions to the Teacher." A child's interest is sacrificed when he is burdened with … more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Cornelius, Marjory Lunt
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the First State Bank of Gladewater, Texas, and Its Economic Relationship with the Community

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to present a history of the founding, operations, services, and growth of the First State Bank of Gladewater,Texas, with special emphasis placed on the economic relationships between the bank and the community. The general problem in this thesis is to gather all the material and data pertaining to the organization, operation, and functions of the bank, with relation to the growth of the community and to present them in a readable coherent manner.
Date: June 1948
Creator: McLean, Billy B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Accidents and Their Causes Occurring in Industrial Shops in the Public Schools of Texas, and the Methods Used to Teach Safety Education in Industrial Arts Program

Description: The problem of this study is to determine sound practices and teaching in connection with Industrial Arts shop safety program in Texas public schools, and the methods, policies, and programs used to prevent accidents. The study reviews the Texas State Laws for safety precaution, and the devices and programs recommended by the Industrial Arts teachers who answered the questionnaire used in this study. The state safety laws of other states are studied for comparison with the Texas Safety Laws.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Turner, Finis
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine the Effectiveness of Two Methods of Teaching Literature

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of two methods of teaching literature. An attempt will be made to ascertain whether the teacher-directed method or the free-reading method will be more effective in meeting the needs of the elementary children in the field of literature.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Yoe, Winifred Dora
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Physical Education and Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Other Fields at North Texas State College with Respect to Selected Personal Traits

Description: "To determine the general characteristics of the undergraduate men majors in the field of physical education and men majors in other fields...if the undergraduate men majors in physical education could be distinguished from the men majors in other fields"--4.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Oglesby, Bill
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Microflora in Prepared Foods Dispensed from Eating Establishments in Dallas, Texas

Description: A bacteriological study was made of a number of prepared foods that were bought ready-to-eat, for home consumption, from several food establishments in Dallas, Texas. The purpose of this study was to show whether these foods could be a potential source of food poisoning; whether there are any particular foods that should have greater care than others in order to protect their quality; and whether the bacteriological contamination could have been prevented by strict observance of the city regula… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Phillips, Margaret
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Transmission into Legislation of Political Promises of Texas Governors from 1914 to 1943

Description: The problem of this thesis is to determine the relationship of political promises made by the elected candidates for governor with their achievements in relation to these political promises. From such an evaluation, it is hoped to determine the value of different types of political promises, and thus be more able to judge properly candidates seeking the office of governor.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Nunn, William H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Gothic Elements in Shelley's Writings

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to give a basic understanding of Percy Shelley's introduction to Gothicism and to explore the Gothic elements found within his writings.
Date: January 1948
Creator: Boaz, Olna Oatis
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the Kilgore College

Description: "This is a history of the Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas, a junior college for Kilgore and the oil belt. The data concerning the history of this very young publicly owned junior college has been secured through personal interviews with its originators, its administrators past and present, Kilgore newspapers, college catalogs, college annuals, and educational references, public laws and board minutes...The material dealing with the history of this college has been organized to cover the followi… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Bradford, Q. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Administration of the Guidance Program for Secondary Schools

Description: An attempt will be made to answer these questions: (1) Why is a guidance program necessary? (2) What steps are being taken to accomplish the objectives set forth? (3) What is considered the best method of instituting a guidance program? In answering these questions a study of the guidance programs in a few of the leading cities and states of the United States has been taken into consideration. The best possible method or combination of methods will be recommended. This method will be compared w… more
Date: January 1948
Creator: Hillyer, Martha B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Early English Ballad and Its Influence on Classical English Song

Description: The English classical song is peculiarly native to Britain. It roots in the mystic elements of ballads and nature. It was the influence of the early English ballad, first spoken, then sung, then joined in the happy culmination of voice and melody to make a song that is immortal and unique in music.
Date: June 1948
Creator: Richards, Evan Cater
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of Selected Instrumental Methods

Description: It is the purpose of this thesis to present an evaluated list of instrumental methods in order that'this material may serve as a useful and beneficial guide toward the selection of methods for the students and teachers of stringed, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Clark, Margene
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the J.S. Bach Capriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother

Description: The purpose of this study is to present a brief history of the work, a discussion of the ornamentation which occurs therein and suggestions for the performance of the ornaments, an analysis covering especially the characteristics of each movement in regard to form and style and inasmuch as possible to show the influence of this early work on the later compositions of J. S. Bach.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Kelver, George E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Educational and Professional Background of Piano Teachers in the Colleges and Universities of the United States

Description: The purpose of this survey is to determine the educational and professional status of piano teachers in the colleges and universities of the United States. This survey will attempt to evaluate the musical and educational background as well as the professional status of people engaged actively in the teaching profession today.
Date: June 1948
Creator: Childress, Frances
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine the Extent to Which the Denton County Library is Meeting the Recreational Reading Interests of the Elementary Pupils of the Rural Schools of Denton County, Texas

Description: "In order to determine the extent to which the Denton County Free Library is meeting the needs of the elementary school children for recreational reading, an analysis was made of the reading interests of the elementary-school children of twelve common school districts of Denton County, Texas. The ages of these children ranged from nine to fourteen years. A second analysis was made by checking various acceptable authors in the field of children's reading interests as read by the children in this… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Lambert, Benjamin Carter
Partner: UNT Libraries
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