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open access

A Correlation of the Edaphic Factors with the Vegetation of the Woodbine Sands, Denton County, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to correlate the Vegetation of the Woodbine Sands with the edaphic factors. In the laboratory an analysis of the edephic factors was made of the twenty-two soil types collected from the three formations. The results of these and other analysis are shown in tables and graphs. The results indicate that the vegetational cover of an area that is uniform in its origin and in its resident soil factors is determined by the edaphic factors present.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Graham, H. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Speech Correction in Secondary Education

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the speech defects found in the high Schools of Denton County and the corrective measures best adapted to the treatment of such handicaps Based on the data analysis, conclusions and recommendations have been made specific to the country as well as for all high school systems.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Higginbotham, Christine. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Chemical Analysis of the Soils of Denton County, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to analyze the different soils in Denton, Texas. For the purpose of this study, the soils of Denton County are divided into three general groups with respect to origin: 1)those formed in place by the weathering of consolidated rocks, 2) those formed from the weathering of unconsolidated rocks, and 3) alluvial soils. A chemical analysis of representative samples of Bell Clay, Kirvin fine sandy loam, and San Saba clay has been made, and shown to have a strict correla… more
Date: August 1936
Creator: Wilson, Curtis
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Moisture Relations of the Soils of Denton County

Description: In this research, study was made of representative soils of denton County (Texas) with the aim of correlating various soil-moisture factors through experimental analyses. Two accepted hypotheses of soil-moisture relations have been substantiated by experiment with Denton County soils.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Laufer, Hymie.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Determining Student Reaction To A Modified Activity Program In The Detroit Texas School

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine some reaction of students from grades five through eleven of the Detroit, Texas Public School to a modified activity program. The sources of the data were educational literature, a questionaire that was adminstered to the group,and results secured from the use of the New Stanford Achievement Test.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Robinson, Hoyt Ellsworth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of the Specific Teaching of Mathematical Concepts in Second Year Algebra

Description: The purpose of this study was to correlate the Vegetation of the Woodbine Sands with the edaphic factors. In the laboratory an analysis of the edephic factors was made of the twenty-two soil types collected from the three formations. The results of these and other analysis are shown in tables and graphs. The results indicate that the vegetational cover of an area that is uniform in its origin and in its resident soil factors is determined by the edaphic factors present.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Gross, John Milton
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Evidences of the Need of Scientific Speech Training in the Elementary Grades of the Independent School Districts of Denton County with a Suggested Program of Oral Reading

Description: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the need of scientific speech training in the elementary grades of the Independent School Districts of Denton County. The analysis of data reveals a dire need for speech correction and other phases of speech training.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Henderson, Kathleen Tobin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Principals in Texas Secondary Schools Having an Enrollment of two Hundred Fifty or More

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the present status of the principals in Texas secondary school having an enrollment of 250 or more. The data were gathered from 147 principals in Texas high schools having an enrollment of 250 or more and the study made recommendations that are needed as found by comparison with the standards set up by eminent authorities.
Date: August 1936
Creator: McCallum, William J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Procedures by which the Value and Effectiveness of Geography Teaching May be Improved in the Elementary Grades of Collin County

Description: This study aimed to secure and evaluate the current practices in teaching of geography within the rural school system of Colon County, Texas. The objectives of the study were also to learn from the County rural supervisors of the state the procedures they are using together with their recommendations for the present needs in geography teaching.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Ownbey, Ethel B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Plankton Dilution in Source Streams Compared with that of Lake Dallas Proper

Description: This study was a comparative study of Plankton of Lake Dallas and the three main source streams. Based on the analysis of data, which was presented relative to the organisms taken from the lake and from the source streams, the results obtained are discussed, the Plankton seem to be largely autogenetic in Lake Dallas, the source streams Elm Fork and Clear Creek form a dilution process.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Evans, Archibald A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Transportation Set-up in District Five, Texas.

Description: This study is a comparative study of the transportation set-ups in the schools of District 5, Texas and attempted to determine the relationships various factors to pupil transportation cost. In light of the findings of the study, the writer made recommendations that would serve District 5 (i.e. Cooke, Grayson, Wise, Denton, and Collin counties).
Date: August 1936
Creator: Atkins, Elmer L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

How the Child's Social Needs are Being Met in some First Grades of North Texas

Description: This study undertook to present and evaluate the ways in which the social needs of the first-grade child are being met by teachers in North Texas. Based on the data presented in the study, eleven definite conclusions have been drawn.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Gardner, Mary Frances
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Negro as a Character in Recent American Fiction

Description: This study aimed to assess the character in Recent American fiction. It concludes that writers of Negro literature have been quick to see the effectiveness of the use of Negro religious beliefs and practices in giving reality and substance to their racial pictures. Black men have to live in a white man's world. As a whole, contemporary American fiction gives a panorimic view of Negroes of almost every section.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Early, Minnie Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Quantitative Chemical Examination of Surface Well Water from the Three Principal Geological Divisions of Denton County

Description: A sample of the surface-well water was taken from an area of the predominating soil of each of the three geological regions of Denton County, Texas, and a chemical analysis of each sample was made. This thesis deals with the area from which the samples were taken, the methods of analysis used, and the results of the analysis.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Schnably, John Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Some of Browning's Major Characters.

Description: This study aimed to show the variety and skill of Browning's portrayal of character and to prove that the unifying forces in his treatment of character is the development of the poet himself.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Kincaid, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Certain Phases of the Home Economics and Industrial Education Graduates with the Regular Men and Women Graduates of North Texas State Teachers College for the Years of 1919,1923, 1927, and 1931

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the status of Industrial Education graduates and Home Economics graduates as compared with the status of all men and women graduates of North Texas State Teachers College, with reference to background before entering college, high school status, college status, college entrance and graduation ages, number and percentage of transfers, grades, major fields, amount of transiency and tenure.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Ray, Elizabeth Gibson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Advantages in the Social Studies to be Derived from the Texas Centennial by Children of Junior High School Level

Description: The predominant theme utilized by the Texas Centennial is the historical background Texas, which encompasses a hundred years of independence and four centuries of progress. This study aims to select and classify those buildings in the Texas Centennial Exposition containing exhibits possessing educational significance for junior high school social studies students.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Martin, Anna Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine the Use Which Should be Made of Art Metal Work in the Junior High School, as Indicated by the Seventh Grade of the Demonstration School, 1935-36, and by an Analysis of the Field

Description: This study attempts to determine what use should be made of art metal work in the junior high school. It attempts to determine whether art metal work should be offered strictly as art metal, as combinations of art metal and wrought iron, or as combinations of art metal and wood, from the standpoint both of the child and of the ultimate aim of Industrial Arts. The ultimate aim or objective of Industrial Arts is to provide such training as that of general education, which will best equip for effi… more
Date: August 1936
Creator: Lamb, Jack Julius
Partner: UNT Libraries
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