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open access

Acenaphthene and 1,10-Phenanthroline-Fused Βeta-Functionalized Porphyrins

Description: A series of acene-fused porphyrins and 1,10-phenanthroline-fused porphyrins were synthesized and characterized via NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The acene-fused porphyrins exhibit unique optoelectronic properties, most notably they exhibit highly red-shifted absorption bands. The 1,10-phenanthroline-fused porphyrins are of interest for their ability to bond to as variety of metals to form chelation complexes.
Date: December 2023
Creator: Arvidson, Jacob Randall
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Acute and Sublethal Impacts of Crude Oil Photo-Induced Toxicity in an Early Life Stage Marine Fish (Sciaenops ocellatus) and Invertebrate (Americamysis bahia)

Description: We investigated the modifying effects of ultraviolet (UV) light and chemical dispersant (Corexit 9500A) on crude oil toxicity in juvenile mysids (≤ 24 h) (Americamysis bahia) and larval red drum (24-72 hpf) (Sciaenops ocellatus). These results demonstrate that crude oil toxicity significantly increases with co-exposure to environmentally relevant UV levels in both species, indicating photo-induced toxicity. This toxicity was further exacerbated by the application of chemical dispersants which i… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Leads, Rachel Renee
Partner: UNT Libraries

Additive Friction Stir Deposition of Al-Ce Alloys for Improved Strength and Ductility

Description: Additive friction stir deposition (AFSD) is a solid-state additive manufacturing (AM) technique that breaks down large constituent particles into more refined and uniformly disturbed microstructure. AFSD was used to print Al-Ce alloys. Current commercial Al-alloys upon elevated temperatures go through dissolution and coarsening of strengthening precipitates causing mechanical degradation of these alloys. Al-Ce alloys do not have this issue as cerium's low solubility restricts dissolution into t… more
This item is restricted from view until January 1, 2029.
Date: December 2023
Creator: Davis, Devin Fredric
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Litigation against North Carolina Educators and School Districts under the North Carolina Tort Claims Act

Description: This dissertation discussed the impact of the North Carolina Tort Claims Act and the history of governmental immunity that has protected school districts and school employees in North Carolina. The research question addressed was: how have North Carolina state courts interpreted the North Carolina Tort Claims Act in litigation against North Carolina school districts and their employees? The North Carolina Tort Claims Act provided citizens with a vehicle to sue local governmental agencies and t… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Harned, Jason Douglas
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analysis of Sensory Integration Techniques on Automatically Maintained Problem Behavior

Description: Sensory integration techniques are a common treatment procedure among occupational therapists. The goal is to "apply" input that competes with input from problem behavior. Although this is a commonly recommended intervention, there is limited empirical evaluation with adults with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, we evaluated the effectiveness of occupational therapist-suggested sensory stimuli on the automatically maintained problem behavior of adults. Specifically, we compared the effects… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Pelletier, Danielle Renee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analytical Study of the Suite for Violin and Piano (1935), Op. 6, by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)

Description: The Suite for Violin and Piano, Op. 6 is one of the least-known compositions by Benjamin Britten. It has been considered unfavorably by critics and scholars due to its puzzling mixture of tonal and post-tonal elements. However, this dissertation argues that the suite is composed with a clear tonal framework, and its unique mixed tonal-post-tonal language justifies an in-depth analysis. This analytical study utilizes a linear progression technique - the voice leading produced by passing tones an… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Lee, Hanjun
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analyzing the Joint Effects of Network and Community Attributes on Network Performance: Evidence from Local Continuum of Care Homeless Service Networks

Description: This dissertation examines the factors and combinations of factors that affect the performance of continuum of care homeless service networks, applying the configurational approach of contingency theory to data sets drawn from federal sources. The study accepts the two key assumptions from the theory: (1) that there are multiple paths to high performance and (2) key conditions have a joint influence on network performance. The data analysis in this study has two parts. The first employs OLS reg… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Kim, Jintak
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Are We Zwisch-ing Yet? An Examination of the Zwischenfach Voice Category and Selected Twenty-First Century American Arias

Description: The German word Zwischenfach often refers to opera roles and singers whose voices lie between the categories of mezzo-soprano and soprano. While the term is not universally accepted as a voice category, Zwischenfach voices and roles are being discussed more openly and with more specificity in collegiate and professional circles. This document includes a discussion on the challenges of categorizing dramatic voices, mezzo-soprano voices, and those who could be considered Zwischenfach, taking into… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Taylor, Hilary Grace
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Avian Community Response to Riverby Ranch Restoration Reconstruction

Description: Anthropogenic activities have caused many wildlife spices to decline in populations worldwide. The grassland bird communities are especially being impacted by these land use changes. Breeding success is closely tied to functional habitats for most grassland bird species in North Texas. Restoring these degraded habitats is an important component to aid in conserving wildlife biodiversity. We surveyed the bird population at Riverby Ranch Mitigation site by conducting point count sampling. This si… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Boucher, Tessa Katrish
Partner: UNT Libraries

Bottom-Up Impacts of Grazing Disturbance on Ground-Nesting Bee Assemblages: Do They Dig It?

Description: In my thesis, I examined impacts of nesting and floral resources on ground-nesting bee assemblages at nine ranch sites with differing grazing histories. Because ecological disturbances can strongly affect the availability of foraging and nesting resources over time, I also examined the impacts of grazing history on nesting and floral resources for ground-nesting bees. I sampled bee assemblages, a comprehensive array of vegetation and soil measures, and floral abundance and richness. I used thes… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Collins, Shannon Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries

Building a Digital Twin of the University of North Texas Using LiDAR and GIS Data

Description: Digital twins are virtual renditions of the actual world that include real-world assets, connections, activities, and processes. Recent developments in technologies play a key role in advancing the digital twin concept in urban planning, designing, and monitoring. Moreover, the latest developments in remote sensing technology have resulted in accurate city-scale light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, which can be used to represent urban objects (buildings, vegetation, roads, and utilities), … more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Bhattacharjee, Shwarnali
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

California Public Schools and Employees' Negligence of Supervision on School Property

Description: We live in a culture where school systems are accused of being negligent or at fault for any undesired outcome. This can leave school districts and their employees anxious about potential consequences, regardless if the negligent claim is warranted or not. Therefore, there is a need for all educators to understand their responsibilities to provide a safe learning environment, and this may look different from state to state across the United States. The purpose of this study was to analyze how C… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Gonzales, Manuel Salas
Partner: UNT Libraries

Climate Injustice and Commodification of Lives and Livelihoods in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh

Description: Just and equitable responses to the disparate impacts of climate change on communities and individuals throughout the world are at the heart of the concept of climate justice. Commodification, in the context of my research, is the process of monetizing nature and livelihoods for the purpose of surplus accumulation and profit maximization. In this study, my aim was to contextualize the concepts of climate injustice, disaster capitalism, and the commodification of lives and livelihoods in the spe… more
This item is restricted from view until January 1, 2029.
Date: December 2023
Creator: Keya, Kamrun Nahar
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collegiate Experiences of Female Undergraduate Students in an Afghan University

Description: Amidst the turbulence of political shifts and the re-emergence of the Taliban, this phenomenological research shines a light on the lived experiences, aspirations, and challenges of female undergraduate students in an Afghan university. Through in-depth, qualitative interviews, this study unravels six pivotal themes shaping their collegiate journey: gender-centric oppression, systemic and structural barriers, academic hindrances, family support, and the motivation to endure and prevail amidst p… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Juya, Masoud
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Competency Pipeline: Examining the Association of Doctoral Training with Early Career Outcomes

Description: Participants from earlier nationwide studies on predictors of internship match were contacted 7-10 years after obtaining their doctoral degree to gather additional data concerning their attained early career competencies and benchmarks (e.g., scores on the national licensing exam). In this sample (N = 190), licensure exam scores were significantly positively associated with scores obtained on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), family of origin socioeconomic status, and student debt load. Ho… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Ortiz, Andrea
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comprehensive Investigation of Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Charge Transfer Mechanisms in Push-Pull Donor-Acceptor Systems: Implications for Energy Harvesting Applications

Description: Donor-acceptor systems exhibit distinctive attributes rendering them highly promising for the emulation of natural photosynthesis and the efficient capture of solar energy. This dissertation is primarily devoted to the investigation of these unique features within diverse donor-acceptor system typologies, encompassing categories such as closely covalently linked, push-pull, supramolecular, and multi-modular donor- acceptor conjugates. The research encompasses an examination of photosynthetic an… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Alsaleh, Ajyal Zaki
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Storage over Graphs

Description: In the era of big data, it is essential to implement practical security and privacy measures to ensure the lawful use of data and provide users with trust and assurance. In the dissertation, I address this issue through several key steps. Firstly, I delve into the problem of conditional secret disclosure, representing it using graphs to determine the most efficient approach for storing and disclosing secrets. Secondly, I extend the conditional disclosure of secrets problem from a single secret … more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Li, Zhou
Partner: UNT Libraries

"Creature from the Unconscious"

Description: Creature from the Unconscious is a reflexive genre hybrid film that follows the process of the director's journey of navigating the process of self-acceptance and self-love in the wake of trauma.
Date: December 2023
Creator: Powell, Madison Keely
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cross-Conjugation Effects on Fused β, β'–π–Extended Porphyrins

Description: Cross-conjugation in molecules has been seen in nature for many years but was not pursued due to the difficulty of their synthesis and their lack of stability. Recently, it has become more interesting due to the rise of molecular electronics. Linear conjugation serves well as the wires to conduct electrons, but molecular electronics are made up of more than just wires. Molecules are needed that possess an on/off switch that can allow or deter conduction. Cross-conjugated systems show promise in… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Washburn, Spenser L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cross-Pollinating Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies and Systemic Functional Linguistics in English as a Second Language (ESL) Classrooms

Description: This exploratory case study research was conducted with a view to exploring how teachers teaching emergent bilingual students in ESL programs can enact the principles of culturally sustaining systematic functional linguistics (CS SFL), such as critical centering, historicizing, curricularizing, teaching and learning cycle (TLC), and semantic waving in their classrooms. Two middle school teachers participated in the study and used CS SFL principles to teach their emergent bilingual students. I g… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Rana, Lal Bahadur
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cyber Addiction and Information Overload and Their Impact on Workplace Productivity

Description: The research examines the relationship between cyber addiction (excessive use of the Internet, CA), information overload (IO), and assesses their impact on workplace productivity. A multi-methods approach is used employing the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and a quantitative survey design to assess and test the stated hypothesis. The study used random sampling methods targeting 150 respondents from different information technology departments of various organizations. The study hypothesizes tha… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Alboulayan, Moneerah Abdulhameed M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Decoding Fantasy: An Analysis of Paquito D'Rivera's "Caribbean Berceuse" (2021)

Description: Written for and featuring the Barcelona Clarinet Players, Caribbean Berceuse (2021) is Paquito D'Rivera's (b.1948) first composition for wind band. Along with idiosyncratic expectations of fusing jazz and classical elements according to D'Rivera's oeuvre, the title implies extramusical associations in the composition. This analysis demonstrates how extramusical associations interact with thematic development by using five codes of meaning from Roland Barthes's (1915–1980) S/Z (1970), which was … more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Truan, Robert Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Degradation Mechanisms and Dynamics of Silicon Telluride: A Guide to the Effective Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Telluride-Based Devices

Description: Silicon telluride (Si2Te3) and many other tellurium containing compounds show emergent Raman peaks located at ~120 cm-1 and ~140 cm-1 as they age. The origin of these two emergent peaks is controversial in the literature and has been attributed to myriad causes such as the intrinsic Raman modes of the telluride materials, surface oxidation, defects, double resonances, and tellurium precipitates. The controversial nature of these peaks has led to the misidentification of highly degraded materia… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Hathaway, Evan Allen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Design and Development of a Paper Spray Air Sampling Device for Use in Clinical, Defense, and Environmental Applications

Description: Environmental monitoring is becoming increasingly important, primarily in urban areas due to the concentrated levels of human activities. The air sampling device presented is a novel method to sample air which harnesses the power of paper spray ionization paired with the intrinsic advantages of mass spectrometry such as high sensitivity, high selectivity, high throughput, and the ability to monitor multiple compounds at once.
Date: December 2023
Creator: Murillo, Wilbert Alberto
Partner: UNT Libraries
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