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open access

Physical Studies of Cell Division: Statistical Fluctuations; Effects Due to X-Radiation, Temperature, and Hydrostatic Pressure

Description: Thesis discussing "a technique for determining the generation times of individual yeast cells...the effect of x-radiation on the generation times of individual cells and their progeny..." and "attempts to synchronize cell division in a population of cells."
Date: December 9, 1954
Creator: Burns, Victor Will
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Kinetics of the Complexing of Ferric Ion by Thiocyanate and Chloride Ions

Description: An apparatus for rapidly mixing two solutions and recording the light absorption, which was developed by Connick and Below, has been modified. The mixing characteristics were studied and models were developed in an attempt to umder stand the observed mixing phenomena. The apparatus was applied to a study of the kinetics of the reactions Fe/sup +++/ + SCN/sup -/ = FeSCN/sup ++/ and Fe/ sup +++/ Cl/sup -/ = FeCl/sup ++/ in aqueous solution, with both reactions having the forward rate law STAd(FeX… more
Date: December 1, 1957
Creator: Coppel, Claude Peter
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies Relating to the Structure of Aluminum Hydride

Description: The object of the work was to determine the molecular structure of AlH/ sub 3/, using the techniques of nuclear spin resonance.'' Attempts to prepare ether-free AlH/sub 3/ that were unsuccessful are described. Also it was not possible to observe the deuterium signal in AlH/sub 3/. It was possible, by the use of the proton signal of the ether in AlH/sub 3/, to obtain the nuclear spin resonance absorption curve for AlH/sub 3/ by subtracting out the contributions of the ether protons to the resona… more
Date: December 16, 1957
Creator: Nickerson, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Problems in Horizontal Two-Phase Tow-Component Flow

Description: An experimental investigation was conducted on the flow of air-water mixtures in a number of horizontal rectangular Lucite test sections, whose aspect ratios varied from two to sixteen. These test sections were assembled in various combinations to permit the study of the effect of a sudden change in flow area on the significant flow parameters. A technique was developed for measuring the volume fraction of each phase, making use of the difference of the attenuation characteristics of the liquid… more
Date: December 1, 1958
Creator: Richardson, B. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Noise Considerations in Nuclear Pulse Amplifiers

Description: The effects of certain pulse-shaping networks on the signal-to-noise ratio of a nuclear pulse amplifier were considered. The shaping networks discussed are: equal RC-integrating and RC-differentiating time constant, single- delay-line clipper and RC integrator, and doubledelay-line clipper and RC integrator. The effects of these networks on the signal, when high count rates and overload pulses are present, were also considered. Equations and curves were developed for the energy resolution (sign… more
Date: December 20, 1961
Creator: Landis, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of Spectral Distribution of Positron Flux in an Infinite Copper Medium Containing Cu$sup 64$

Description: The spectral distribution of the flux of positrons inside a beta radioactive medium was experimentally determined using an anthracene coincidence scintillation spectrometer. Positrons leaving a copper cavity source containing Cu/sup 64/ were absorbed in a thin anthracene crystal. The light pulse from the anthracene was recorded in a 256 channel analyzer if a NaI scintillation spectrometer nearby recorded simultaneously a count under the total absorption peak for annihilation radiation. Thus, di… more
Date: December 24, 1963
Creator: Wilkie, W. H. & Birkhoff, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Experimental Verification, with Krypton, of the Theory of the Thermal Diffusion Column for Multicomponent Systems

Description: The extended form of the Jones and Furry theory, which describes the behavior of a multicomponent heavy isotopic gas in a Clusius-Dickel thermal diffusion column, is tested. Experimental and theoretical values of the thermal diffusion column transport equation coefficients Hsub{ik},Ksub{c}, and Ksub{d}, are determined for krypton, a heavy isotopic gas with six isotopes. The experiments are carried out in a column of the hotwire type, at three wire temperatures: Tsub{H}=350 degrees C, 500 degree… more
Date: December 1, 1967
Creator: Roos, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Development in Nigeria

Description: This study involves an analysis of the problems of agricultural development in Nigeria. The investigation made was concerned with agricultural planning initiated by the four regional governments of the North, the West, the Mid-west, and the East, and the problems associated with national agricultural development. It is the object of this study to identify the problems involved in Nigerian agricultural development before and after Nigerian independence, October 1, 1960, and to identify the steps… more
Date: December 1970
Creator: Fagbamiye, Theophilus Ademola
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Self-actualizing Dimensions of Top and Middle Management Personnel

Description: The purpose of the study was to examine categories of self-actualization and specific biographical and developmental factors from the data on 225 individuals selected from top and middle management by psychologists with Rohrer, Hibler and Replogle, international firm of management consultants. The investigation was designed to determine if differences existed for the two groups.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Ladenberger, Margaret Echols
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analysis of the Relationship of Selected Abilities to Performance on a Gross Motor Task at Various Stages of Task Practice

Description: The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining the relationship of selected abilities to motor skill performance. Specifically this study analysed the performance trend on a gross motor task to determine the degree of relationship between the abilities: agility, balance, depth perception, flexibility, reaction time and speed of arm movement, and strength and performance scores on a wall volley task at successive stages of task practice.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Raducha, John Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries
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