Search Results

Primary view of It's Going to be Different, but It's Going to be Okay: Caregiver Perspectives on Autism, Culture and Accessing Care
Otwori, Beverly N.
December 2017
Primary view of Location Estimation and Geo-Correlated Information Trends
Liu, Zhi
December 2017
Primary view of How Does It Feel to be Creative? A Phenomenological Investigation of the Creative Experience in Kinetic Places
Bartholomee, Lucy
December 2017
Primary view of The Potential of Misdiagnosis of High IQ Youth by Practicing Mental Health Professionals: A Mixed Methods Study
Bishop, James
December 2017
Primary view of Replenishment: A Musical Narrative Inspired by Sleep
Espinel, Miguel Angel
December 2017
Primary view of Stories about Culture, Education, and Literacy of Immigrant Graduate Students and Their Familes
Mirza, Hala
December 2017
Primary view of Shear and Compression Strength of Cold-formed Steel Clip Angles Subjected to Different Screw Patterns
Yan, Zhishan
December 2017
Primary view of An Analytical Perspective of the Developing Aesthetic Concepts in Sergey Prokofiev's Choses en soi, Op. 45
Liu, Tzu-Yi
December 2017
Primary view of When Race Matters: The Influence of Race on Case Clearances in Capital vs. Non-Capital Homicides in Texas
Samaniego, Rebekah
December 2017
Primary view of An Assessment of Extant Euphonium Methodologies for Developing and Performing in the Upper Register
Chou, Wei Chien
December 2017
Stephenson, M.J.
December 1, 1968
Primary view of Historical and Analytical Aspects of William Flackton's Sonatas for Viola and Keyboard (OPUS 2. Nos. 2, 4. 6. 8) with Particular Attention to the Sonata in D Maior (OPUS 2. No. 4)
Rosenbaum, George G. (George Gene)
December 1991
Primary view of Body Image as Mediated by Age, Sex, and Relationship Status
Cooper, Caren C. (Caren Connie)
December 1993
Primary view of Financial Reporting in Poland: Privatization of Select Firms Traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
De la Rosa, Denise M. (Denise Mary), 1949-
December 1996
Primary view of The Baroque Guitar : Late Spanish Style as Represented by Santiago de Murcia in the Salvidar Manuscript (1732), with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Bach, Rak, Brouwer, Hummel, Gnattali and Others
Yates, Stanley
December 1993
Primary view of Attention and Information Processing Variables in Hypothetically Psychosis-Prone College Students
Ottesen, James McBride
December 1995
Primary view of Disturbing the Peace
Hatton, William, 1972-
December 1997
Primary view of The Condition of the Southern Baptist Professoriate : A Comparison with the Carnegie Foundations 1989 National Survey of Faculty
Reynolds, John Harry
December 1994
Primary view of Rebellion and Reconciliation: Social Psychology, Genre, and the Teen Film 1980-1989
Hubbard, Christine Karen Reeves
December 1996
Primary view of Social Drama at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary : The Dilday Controversy
Drake, Webster F. (Webster Ford)
December 1995
Primary view of N-Acylethanolamines and Plant Phospholipase D
Brown, Shea Austin
December 1998
Primary view of Effects of Meal Size and Type, and Level of Physical Activity on Perceived Masculinity, Femininity, Likability and Attractiveness
Hill, Christie D.
December 1994
Primary view of Family and Self-concept Factors Contributing to the Adjustment and Achievement of Early Entrants
Caplan, Sheryl Mink
December 1996
Primary view of Attenuation of Escherichia Coli Aspartate Transcarbamoylase Expressed in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Mutant and Wild Type Strains
Liu, Haiyan, 1966-
December 1994
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