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open access

How Does It Feel to be Creative? A Phenomenological Investigation of the Creative Experience in Kinetic Places

Description: How does it feel to be creative? Such a question, when approached from a phenomenological perspective, reveals new understandings about the embodied experience of creativity, and how it feels as it is being lived. This investigation begins with a provocative contrast of two environments where creativity is thought to manifest itself: school art classrooms, where creativity is often legislated from an authority figure, and New Orleans Second Line parades, where creativity is organically and kin… more
Date: December 2017
Creator: Bartholomee, Lucy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship between Level of Implementation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Curriculum and Evaluation Standards and 5th Grade Louisiana Educational Assessment Program Math Scores

Description: This study examined the relationship between levels of implementation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Curriculum and Evaluation Standards and 5th Grade Louisiana Educational Assessment Program Math Scores with the effects of race of students accounted for. Secondary areas of interest were the relationship between LEAP mathematics scores with the effects of race of students accounted for and the teacher characteristics of years experience and educational attainment and of the… more
Date: August 1996
Creator: Jones, Gregory A. (Gregory Alan), 1960-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Appeal of Fashion Retailing as a Career: Perceptions of Fashion Merchandising Students

Description: This study investigated the (1) relationship of students' family and educational background to their opinions of fashion retailing as a career, and (2) preferences for fashion retail job attributes in relationship the appeal of fashion retail job profiles. A sample of 131 fashion merchandising students from five state-funded universities completed a four-part survey which measured two independent variables: student background and preferences of fashion retail job attributes and two dependent va… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Daniels, Susan Leigh
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Factors Related to the Professional Progress of Academic Librarians in Louisiana

Description: Three groups of Academic librarians in Louisiana were surveyed to determine what factors other than job performance influenced professional progress (Salary increases, promotion and tenure) for them. Staff development activities were also investigated to determine if they played any significant role in influencing professional progress. Three opinion questions were also asked in this investigation about the feasibility of using an index that was developed to assess quantitatively staff developm… more
Date: May 1991
Creator: Brazile, Orella Ramsey, 1945-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Biodiversity of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) of the South-Central Nearctic and Adjacent Neotropical Biotic Provinces

Description: The south-central United States serves as an important biogeographical link and dispersal corridor between Nearctic and Neotropical elements of western hemisphere odonate faunas. Its species are reasonably well known because of substantial collections, but there has been no concerted effort to document the extent of biodiversity and possible geographic affinities of dragonflies and damselflies of this region. The recent discoveries of Argia leonorae Garrison, Gomphus gonzalezi Dunkle and Erpeto… more
Date: May 1999
Creator: Abbott, John C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewaters on Phytoplankton Primary Productivity in the Red River, Louisiana

Description: Responses of phytoplankton productivity in the Red River to unbleached pulp and paper mill wastewaters were monitored using in situ ^14C incubation. Preoperational studies, conducted prior to the discharge of mill wastewaters varied seasonally, but revealed similar productivity trends when compared with postoperational studies, conducted after mill discharges began entering the Red River. Carbon assimilation rates measured downstream of mill discharge were generally greater than upstream levels… more
Date: May 1984
Creator: Holler, Jeffrey Dee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Participant Selection Process Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act: Texas and Louisiana

Description: Federal guidelines required prime sponsors under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, or CETA, to serve the "significant segments" of the eligible population. This study analyzes whether prime sponsors in Texas and Louisiana correctly identified and served those segments. This study finds that eligible ethnic groups were properly identified and were served equitably; age and gender distinctions, however, were inadequately observed in the providing of services.
Date: May 1988
Creator: Drake, William D. (William Daniel), 1950-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of Factors Deterring Participation in Continuing Professional Education

Description: This study was conceived as an attempt to determine .and analyze factors deterring participation in continuing professional education among social workers in environments where continuing education for relicensure is mandatory and voluntary. The specific research design implemented to complete this study was the ex-post facto descriptive design. The sample included 106 social workers randomly selected in the state of Texas where continuing education is mandatory and 94 social workers in the sta… more
Date: December 1985
Creator: Akintade, Aribigbola
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Need for and Use of In-House Secretarial Training Programs in Manufacturing Companies in Selected Louisiana Cities

Description: The problem of this study is to determine the need for and use of in-house secretarial training in manufacturing companies in five selected Louisiana cities. Data for this study were collected by the use of a questionnaire which was devised, validated, and pilot tested. Questionnaires were mailed to 197 personnel/training directors of manufacturing companies in the five largest cities of Louisiana. One hundred thirteen usable responses were received, which represented a 57.4 per cent return. Ad… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Weaver, Marie Benoit
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Characteristics of Development Directors in Charitable Homes for the Aged

Description: This study concerns the characteristics of fund development directors employed in selected homes for the aged. The first purpose of this study is to develop a profile of job functions, through task analysis, among development directors in charitable homes for the aged. The second purpose of this study is to develop a profile of personal characteristics of development directors of charitable homes for the aged based on the following characteristics: age, sex, educational background, experience o… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: Wuenschel, Douglas F. (Douglas Ferdinand)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Job Performance Expectations of Recent Journalism Graduates and the Importance of Journalism Education

Description: The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the job performance expectations of recent journalism graduates as perceived by selected managing editors and journalism educators in Standard Federal Region Six (the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). The survey instrument consisted primarily of statements dealing with the topics of five research questions on the value of journalism education to success on newspapers, the value of newspaper experience to teachi… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Flynn, George A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Woman's Movement in Louisiana: 1879-1920

Description: In this study the term "woman's movement" is defined as any advancement made by women, socially, economically, legally, or politically. In addition to information gathered from various collections, memoirs, diaries, and contemporary newspaper accounts of Louisiana women's activities, material from a number of pertinent secondary works is included. Chapter one gives a brief overview of the women's movement as it developed in America in the latter half of the 19th century. This is followed by a c… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Lindig, Carmen Meriwether
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Value of Visual Media in the Achievement of Instructors' Objectives as Perceived by Instructors in Predominantly Black State-Supported Colleges and Universities in the State of Louisiana

Description: The problem of this study was to determine the extent to which instructors perceived visual media as being valuable in achieving their classroom objectives in predominantly black, state-supported colleges and universities in the State of Louisiana. Questionnaires were mailed to 165 college and university instructors in colleges of education in predominantly black state-supported universities in Louisiana. Of the 165 questionnaires mailed, 139 were returned. All participants used in the study we… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Pennywell, Phillip
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Psychological Investigation of the Expressed Attitudes of Single Undergraduate College Students Toward Marriage and Family Life

Description: This study examined the attitudes of undergraduate college students toward marriage and family life. The students in the study lived in college residence halls located in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas in the southwestern portion of the United States. A survey instrument consisting of fifty-eight attitude statements and six demographic items was used to gather information for the study. All of the fifty-eight attitude statements were listed in the following ten cluster a… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Martin, Don (Donald Vincent)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Perceptions of the Louisiana State-Assessment Program by Superintendents, Principals, and Teachers

Description: In 1976, the Louisiana Legislature passed Act 709. This act mandated accountability in education. As a result of this law, Louisiana students in grades four, eight, and eleven are given tests each year in reading, mathematics, and writing. The primary motivation for conducting this study was the wide-spread discussion about the value of the state-assessment program. There was a need to determine what the perceptions toward the Louisiana State-Assessment Program were by superintendents, principa… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Cooley, Glen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Louisiana Learning Resources System Focusing on Projections for 1985

Description: The problem addressed in this study was the lack of long-range projections resulting from an absence of data in terms of functions, funding, administrative staffing, and collection of materials for the Louisiana Learning Resources System (LLRS) network of 1985. The purpose of this study was to make long-range projections in these areas. Based upon the findings and conclusions of this study, the following projections were made. 1. The LLRS of 1985 should be a local unit which would be specialize… more
Date: August 1979
Creator: Brooks, William Kelly
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Aggression and Social Interest in Behavior Disordered Students

Description: This study investigated whether behavior disordered children would decrease aggressive behavior if their social interest were developed. Three hypotheses that were tested predicted that there would be a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group on adjusted mean scores on aggressive behavior on post test scores. The measuring instruments used were the Child Behavior Checklist Parent Report Form, the Child Behavior Checklist Teacher Report Form, and the Child Beh… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: Brown, Deborah D. (Deborah Dairy)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationships Among a Reading Guidance Program and the Reading Attitudes, Reading Achievement, and Reading Behavior of Fifth Grade Children in a North Louisiana School

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the introduction of a regular librarian-centered reading guidance program as an integral part of the entire school program would improve the reading attitudes and habits of elementary school students and increase the reading achievement scores on a standardized test of elementary school students. In addition, the reading attitudes of students were compared with reading achievement scores to assess any relationship between the two.
Date: August 1986
Creator: Mosley, Mattie Jacks
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effectiveness of a Performance Contracting Program in Reading and Mathematics Relative to Educationally Deprived Secondary School Students

Description: This study has two purposes. The first is to compare the academic skills achievement in reading and mathematics of students participating in a performance contracting program with the academic skills achievement of students not participating in the performance-based program. The second is to determine whether those students participating in the performance contracting program show a significantly different level of achievement (higher or lower) than the control group approximately four months a… more
Date: August 1973
Creator: Kelley, Peggy Joy Lloyd, 1929-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Analysis of Reading Habits and Abilities of Students in Selected Elementary Schools in North Louisiana With and Without Centralized Libraries

Description: The problem addressed by this investigation is whether the provision of centralized school library services is related to the reading habits and reading abilities of elementary school children. In considering this problem, a survey approach was utilized which entailed the examination of standardized reading achievement test scores, student reading records, and parent, teacher, and student questionnaire responses.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Lowe, Joy L. (Joy Lambert)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Legal Analysis of Litigation against Louisiana Educators and School Districts, Before and After the Louisiana Governmental Claims Act

Description: This dissertation analyzed court decisions in injuries on school grounds cases under the Louisiana Governmental Claims Act. The question addressed was: How have the Louisiana courts interpreted the Louisiana Governmental Claims Act in litigation against Louisiana school districts and their employees? The intent of this study was to show how Louisiana's legal system has evolved, and how that evolution affected tort cases involving school boards and school board employees. Doctrinal legal researc… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Price, Charie Wesley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

No Quarter: the Story of the New Orleans Greys

Description: The purpose of this thesis document is to explain the process of making the documentary film, No Quarter: The Story of the New Orleans Greys. The document is organized by having the prospectus and the film proposal at the beginning, with the body describing how the film was made based on the prospectus. The purpose of the film is to tell the history of a unit of volunteers in the Texas Revolution, the New Orleans Greys. The document describes the methods used to make the film and how it will be… more
Date: December 2015
Creator: Barnes, Travis S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Portraits of Young Artists: Artworlds, In/Equity, and Dis/Identification in Post-Katrina New Orleans

Description: Using portraiture methodology and social practice theory, this study examined the identity work of young people engaged in a teen arts internship program at a contemporary arts center in post-Katrina New Orleans. This research asked four interrelated questions. Through the lens of a teen arts internship at a contemporary arts center in post-Katrina New Orleans, 1) How do contextual figured worlds influence artist identity work? 2) How does artist identity work manifest through personal narrat… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Travis, Sarah Teresa
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Catalog of Miniature Case and Seating Furniture Categorized as Being of the Second Size Which are Owned by Five Museums and Historical Societies of Texas and Louisiana

Description: The miniature furniture cataloged is considered to be of the second size, i.e., miniatures which could have been used as traveler's samples, cabinetmaker's models, or toys. The entries are selected from collections of Louisiana and Texas museums and historical societies. They were located through use of a questionnaire sent to the institutions listed in the Official Museum Directory as having furniture and decorative arts collections. Responses showed five institutions owning miniatures of the … more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Parsons, Robert Alan
Partner: UNT Libraries
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