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open access

An Investigation of the Importance of the Art of Hand Lettering in the Field of Advertising Art

Description: This thesis concerns the utility of including the art of hand lettering in a curriculum of a university advertising art program. Data secured from 155 questionnaires sent to 266 advertising firms in five states were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics including frequency counts and percentages. Two hypotheses were examined, and it is concluded that hand lettering is still needed in advertising art and should be taught in university art programs.
Date: August 1977
Creator: Greer, Hiram V.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Food Habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Gunnison and Dolores Rivers, Colorado

Description: Gut contents of 2,500 stonefly nymphs, comprising 10 species, from the Gunnison and Dolores Rivers, Colorado were examined from Dec., 1974-Oct., 1975. Perlidae species were carnivorous feeding primarily on chironomids, mayflies and caddisflies. Seasonal patterns of ingestion and preference varied among species and predator sizes and between rivers. Early instar polyphagous species utilized detritus in the fall, eventually shifting to carnivorous habits as they grew through winter-spring. Pteron… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Fuller, Randall L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Historical Development and Future of the National Technological University

Description: The National Technological University (NTU), a consortium of more than twenty American engineering schools, broadcasts courses produced at member institutions to professional engineers at corporate sites across the country. It is a nonprofit institution.begun in fall 1984 with headquarters in Fort Collins, Colorado, which offers only course work leading to the Master of Science degree in various branches of technology, or applied science. Students must be sponsored by their corporate employers … more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Mays, Marilyn Elaine
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Study of Temporal and Spatial Variability of Degree Day Factor of Snowmelt in Colorado

Description: Snowmelt is one of the major sources of surface water supply and ground-water recharge in high elevation areas and can also cause flooding in snow dominated watersheds. Direct estimation of daily snowmelt requires daily snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements that are not always available, especially in places without monitoring stations. There are two alternative approaches to modeling snowmelt without using direct measurements of SWE, temperature-based and energy-based models. Due to its sim… more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Pokhrel, Pranav
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Preparedness to Counsel HIV-Positive Clients: a Survey of Practitioners

Description: This purpose of this study was to investigate and examine the attitudes of therapists who treat HIV-positive (HIV+) clients. Specifically, therapists' perceptions of their own preparedness in dealing with specific issues and emotions of HIV+ clients were examined. Also, therapists' evaluation of their own efficacy of specific therapeutic approaches with HIV+ clients was examined. These therapists' perceptions and evaluations of all their clients in general were compared to their HIV+ clients. C… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Rowe, Christina J. (Christina Jo)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Development of a kinetic model and calculation of radiation dose estimates for sodium iodide-{sup 131}I in athyroid individuals

Description: The treatment for some thyroid carcinomas involves surgically removing the thyroid gland and administering the radiopharmaceutical Sodium iodide-{sup 131}I (NaI). A diagnostic dose of NaI is given to the patient to determine if remnant tissue from the gland remains or larger doses are administered in order to treat the malignant tissue. Past research regarding NaI uptake and retention in euthyroid individuals (normal functioning thyroid) reveal that radioiodine concentrates mainly in the thyroi… more
Date: July 1, 1997
Creator: Rodriguez, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Variability Within the Ocean-Atmospheric System Over the North Pacific

Description: Characteristics of the oceanic mixed layer over the North Pacific were examined utilizing a number of statistical methods. Based on the analyses of twelve years of data, a quasi-meridional differentiation (QMD) in sea surface temperature (SST) spectra across the North Pacific was observed. The SST spectra became increasingly red as an increasing function of latitude. A strong 21 to 26 day cycle in SST anomalies is discussed which may be a reflection of heat fluxes. These fluxes also vacillate s… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Ciesielski, P E
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ornithogalum Virens as a Plant Assay for Beta and Gamma Radiation Effects

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine if the monocotyledonous angiosperm, Ornithogalum virens (Quintanilha and Cabral, 1947), could be used in such a biological assay system. After exposing O. virens plants to acute (/sup 60/Co) and chronic (/sup 137/Cs) gamma radiation and internal beta radiation (/sup 32/P), lethality (LD/sub 50/, LD/sub 100/), growth inhibition, and chromosome aberrations were investigated. The LD/sub 50/ and LD/sub 100/ for acute gamma radiation were estimated to be be… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Herron, V J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Use of Faunal Remains for Identifying Shifts in Pit Structure Function in the Mesa Verde Region: a Case Study From Goodman Point

Description: The archaeofaunal remains left by the Ancestral Puebloan people of Goodman Point Unit provides a valuable, yet underutilized resource into pit structure function. This thesis explores temporal changes in pit structure use and evaluates if a final feast occurred during a kiva decommissioning. The results from zooarchaeological analyses of a pithouse and two great kivas suggest that changes in pit structures at Goodman Point mimic the regional trend toward specialization until late Pueblo III. Cr… more
Date: August 2015
Creator: Winstead, Christy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Life Histories of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) and Other Aquatic Insects in the Rio Conejos Drainage, Colorado

Description: Stonefly life histories were studied March, 1987 through May, 1990 in the Rio Conejos, Colorado. Adult presence phenology and intensity were monitored daily in the summers of 1988 and 1989 and were coupled with monthly benthic samples to assess nymphal growth. Eggs of several species were reared. Thirty-one species were collected, with several multi-species assemblages occurring in Capnia, Utacapnia, Taenionema, Suwallia, Triznaka, Isogenoides and Isoperla. Sufficient data were obtained to reve… more
Date: May 1992
Creator: DeWalt, Ralph Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Life in the Early Mining Camps of Colorado

Description: The story of the advancing American frontier has unending interest. Perhaps one of the most colorful and unusual frontier developments was that of the mining frontier in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. During the years following the discovery of gold in 1858 and the early 1880's occurred an almost unprecedented evolution from a primitive pioneer society to complex industrial development.
Date: August 1954
Creator: Smith, Charles O.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study in Human Resources Utilization: A Critical Examination of the Role of the Self-Concept in the Vocational Choice Process of College Students

Description: The specific problem confronted by this dissertation research is this: Do college students who are quite decided about their vocational choices have more developed and implemented self-concepts than do college students who are quite undecided about their vocational choices? If the decided students have more developed and implemented self-concepts than the undecided students, it can be logically reasoned that the developing and implementing of the self-concept is essential in the vocational choi… more
Date: December 1971
Creator: Davis, Jefferson Jackson
Partner: UNT Libraries

Evolutions: A Study of George Crumb and Vox Balaenae

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing the life of George Crumb, his compositions, and the natural world as his inspiration for Vox Balaenae.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: Summer 2002
Creator: Wilhelms, Jennifer Ann
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Optimal Sensor Placement for Structural Health Monitoring

Description: In large-scale civil structures, a limited number of sensors are placed to monitor the health of civil structures to reduce maintenance, communication and energy costs. In this thesis, the problem of optimal sensor location placement to infer the health of civil structures is explored. First, a comparative study of approaches from the fields of control engineering and civil engineering is conducted . The widely used civil engineering approaches such as effective independence (EI) and modal assu… more
Date: December 2014
Creator: Movva, Gopichand
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Critical Study of the Qualifications and Duties of Counselors at a Selected Number of Girls' Private Summer Camps in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado

Description: The problem of this study was to make a critical evaluation of the qualifications and duties of counselors in girls' selected private summer camps in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado for the following purposes: 1. To determine the duties and qualifications of camp counselors; 2. To determine criteria for qualifications and duties of camp counselors; 3. To determine the opinions of camp directors regarding the duties and qualifications of counselors; 4. To determine the extent to which counselors… more
Date: August 1949
Creator: Dowdy, June
Partner: UNT Libraries
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