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open access

A Comparative Study of the Reading Ability Scores of Boys and Girls in the Third Grade of the Graham, Texas, Elementary School

Description: For eighty years psychologists have investigated problems touching upon reading ability. It is the purpose of this study to determine if there is any significant difference in the reading ability of boys and girls in the third grade. If such differences are found to exist, an attempt will be made to explain the cause.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Range, Ruby
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Social Class and Selected Characteristics of Intellectual Pursuit

Description: The problem with which this investigation is concerned is the relationship of social class to intellectual attitudes and behavior. It ascertains attitudes toward and use of the public library.
Date: May 1973
Creator: Hanvey, Edna
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Electricity in Rural Areas of North Texas

Description: "This study shows three things: (1) a precedent for the expenditure of public funds to teach electricity in our public high schools has already been established by the school system in the larger school systems of Texas, (2) the rural families living on electrified farms in the North Texas area want instruction of this type given to the boys and girls in their communities, and (3) both the rural people and the professional people of the North Texas area believe that instruction dealing with the… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Greathouse, Charles Simmons
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Some of the Effects That the Development of Oil in Young County Has Had on the Educational Program of the County

Description: "The problem in this study is to determine some of the effects that oil development in Young County has had on the educational program of the county. Some significant effects on the valuations for school purposes, bond rates, maintenance rates, salaries of the teachers in the common and independent schools, per capita cost of instruction, rural aid, enrollment per teacher, and total enrollment in the schools of Young County will be investigated. For comparative purposes, a study of the independ… more
Date: August 1940
Creator: Emanuel, James R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Home Room Versus Departmental Method of Teaching Second Grade

Description: The problem under consideration is to determine the difference between home-room and departmental methods of teaching second grades, as measured by educational achievement. The study attempts to answer the question, Which one of the foregoing mentioned methods will produce the greatest gain in achievement when applied at second-grade level?
Date: June 1949
Creator: Lindsey, Charles A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of Graham High School Graduates to Determine Whether They are Meeting Stated Needs of Business as to Personality, Intelligence, and Character Traits

Description: It was the purpose of this study to make an investigation of fifty-seven representative businesses that are located throughout the United States, in an attempt to find out just what the potential employers feel the school should give the potential employee in regard to personality and character training.
Date: August 1949
Creator: Mayes, Billy Woods
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Comparative Value of Two Types of Teaching Reading

Description: The major purpose of this study is to compare the progress in the general reading ability of a group of pupils taught by the phonic method of word recognition, with the progress of a group taught by the same method plus the study of stories to determine whether the study of stories aids word recognition ability and, in turn, general reading ability.
Date: August 1943
Creator: Evans, Lucy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Graham School System

Description: The purpose of the study is to compare the Graham School System with other school systems in the same area; to evaluate the Graham School System with accepted standards, on the phases of school activities studied; and to make constructive recommendations and suggestions for needed improvements as shown by the data collected.
Date: August 1943
Creator: Hefner, Hubert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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