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Search Results

open access

The Farmers' Alliance in Wise County, Texas, 1880-1897

Description: The Farmers' Alliance in Wise County, from its introduction in 1880 to its demise in 1897, endeavored to improve the mental, moral, social, and financial conditions of small agrarians in the north central Texas county. This paper details the Alliance's efforts, in cooperative ventures and political activism and third-party politics, to place farmers in a better economic position. Additionally, the paper focuses on the Alliance's attempts to provide educational and social opportunities and moral… more
Date: December 1979
Creator: Riney, James E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Teachers' Ratings of Pupils as Bright or Dull

Description: This thesis resulted from an examination conducted to determine teacher ability to identify individual student capability based on rapport between the two parties.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Lovelace, William True
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Intervention of Human Modifications on Plant and Tree Species in the Landscape of the LBJ National Grasslands

Description: An analysis utilizing both ArcGIS and ethnographic interviews from private land owners and environmental professionals examined how man-made landscape changes affected plant and tree species in the LBJ National Grasslands in Wise County, Texas north of Decatur. From the late 1800s to the Dust Bowl Era the land was used for crop production and cattle grazing resulting in erosion and loss of soil nutrients. The research indicated by 2001 that cattle grazing and population increase resulted in lan… more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Lang, Brett M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Ecological Survey of the Reptiles and Amphibians of Wise county, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to record the relationships between the reptiles and amphibians of Wise County and the ecological subdivisions of the area. Wise County was chosen because of the heterogenity of the area and because of its proximity to other counties which have been previously and similarly studied.
Date: January 1970
Creator: Welch, Donald A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

What Changes in the Decatur Elementary School Curriculum should be Made to Meet the Needs of the Maladjusted Child

Description: The problem of this thesis is to study the types, causes, and effects of maladjustments found in analyzing certain pupils of the sixth grade. Also the problem seeks to determine why the present curriculum is not meeting the needs of these maladjusted children of the Decatur Elementary School.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Morris, Eval, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Electricity in Rural Areas of North Texas

Description: "This study shows three things: (1) a precedent for the expenditure of public funds to teach electricity in our public high schools has already been established by the school system in the larger school systems of Texas, (2) the rural families living on electrified farms in the North Texas area want instruction of this type given to the boys and girls in their communities, and (3) both the rural people and the professional people of the North Texas area believe that instruction dealing with the… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Greathouse, Charles Simmons
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine the Adequacy of the Facilities and of the Health and Recreational Program of the Schools of Wise County

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine what facilities are needed and what changes in the present course of study in physical education of the schools of Wise County must be made in order to carry out an enriched program, functioning for the entire student population. The facilities of the present, the teaching procedure, the administration of physical education, and the latest proposed programs in this field will be considered. It is hoped that a study of this kind will be of value to the c… more
Date: August 1938
Creator: Baugh, V. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of School Financing in Selected Districts of Wise County, 1846-1955

Description: "This study is an effort to follow the development of the tax structure for public education in Wise County, Texas, and to point out the school tax changes which have taken place in this county during the period 1846-1955. Special emphasis is given to the changes during the last twenty years. The study is designed to present in a connected order the changes which have taken place in this area during this time, and to give the effects such changes may have had on the tax structure and the commmu… more
Date: August 1955
Creator: Watson, James Earl
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Needs of the Northwest Independent School District and the Construction of a Possible Program to Meet those Needs

Description: The problem in this study was to determine the needs of the people of the Northwest District by a social survey, and then, on the basis of the results of this survey and the exploring of established community programs, to construct a possible program by which these community needs could be partially or completely met.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Williams, Shirley Kimbrough
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of the Administrator in the High School Guidance Program

Description: This study was proposed to determine to what extent guidance is actually being practiced in the schools selected and to determine a plan for more comprehensive use of guidance. This plan will emphasize the role the administrator should play in the guidance program.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Wilson, W. Andrew
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Personality of Town Pupils and School Bus Pupils in the Elementary Grades

Description: The major purpose of the study is to reveal, by means of comparison, the extent to which the Town Group of pupils and the School Bus Group of pupils of the elementary grades (fourth to seventh inclusive) of the Decatur, Texas, Public School are adjusting to the problems and conditions which confront them in the Decatur school and community, and the extent to which they are developing a normal, happy, and socially effective personality.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Crockett, Dixie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of Achievement Scores and Teacher Ratings of Boys and Girls in the Fourth Grade

Description: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the total achievement scores and teacher ratings of pupils in three fourth grades in Chico and Decatur elementary schools to determine differences, if any, in the rate of progress between boys and girls and in teacher ratings. A secondary purpose was to make a study of individual differences in achievement and to make a number of case studies of pupils in one school.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Doyle, Melba Buttrill
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of Departmentalization on the Achievement and Social Adjustment of Fifth-Grade Pupils in the Decatur Public School

Description: The purpose of this study is to offer some proof toward helping to determine the effect of departmentalization on achievement and social adjustment of fifth-grade pupils, and to determine the best possible means by which pupils in the fifth grade may become well-rounded, socially adjusted individuals, capable of self-expression, independent thinking, and proper attitudes.
Date: August 1950
Creator: James, Elouise Mauldin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Destruction of Enterobacteriaceae by the Sewage Plants of Decatur, Texas.

Description: The nature of this problem divides itself into two parts, that is, a study of the old sewage plants in operation through the summer of 1947 and a study of the new plant put in operation during the fall of the same year.
Date: August 1949
Creator: Gettys, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), 1921-2007
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Utilization of Community Resources in the Educational Program of Wise County, Texas

Description: The problem forming the basis of this study has to do with an analysis of the degree of utilization of the community resources in the educational programs of the independent school districts of Wise County, Texas, for the purpose of determining how adequately these resources are being utilized by the schools for the enrichment of their curricula to the end that pupils may be released into their respective communities well-prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of efficient, function… more
Date: August 1940
Creator: Woodard, John Allen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of Boys' and Girls' Achievement Scores and Teacher Ratings

Description: It is the primary purpose of this study to determine any differences in the achievement abilities and teacher ratings of the boys and girls of equal intelligence quotients in the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades of the Alvord Elementary School, Alvord, Texas. A secondary purpose is to make a study of the environmental background of a number of pupils in order to determine certain other factors that might be considered as producing some influence upon the success or failure of the boy or girl.
Date: August 1951
Creator: Kilpatrick, Inez Speer
Partner: UNT Libraries
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