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open access

A Critical Examination of "The Echo": Prison Publication of the Texas Department of Corrections

Description: The problem this investigation deals with is how The Echo functions as a communication vehicle within the TDC. Information was gathered through visits, interviews and a questionnaire. Organization is as follows: Chapter I, introduction, Chapter II, history and development; Chapter III, analysis of questionnaire data; Chapter IV, content; Chapter V, summary and conclusions. The study found that The Echo is often the sole source of TDC information to inmates, frequently aids administrators in pro… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Hadeler, David A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Landscape Ecological Characteristics of Habitat of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker

Description: Geographic information systems (GIS) technology was used to analyze factors influencing habitat use by an endangered species, the red-cockaded woodpecker. The study area was the western part of the Raven Ranger District of the Sam Houston National Forest, Texas. The factors considered included both structural characteristics and spatial relationships among stands of trees in the habitat.
Date: December 1993
Creator: Thomlinson, John Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of Certain Factors Related to Self-Concept, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitude toward Sex Education of a Group of Elementary Teachers

Description: The problem of this study was to determine the relationship between self-concept, expressed sexual knowledge, and attitude toward sex education of a group of experienced elementary teachers. A second dimension of the problem was to investigate the relationship of the three variables above with certain other factors that could possibly influence the effectiveness of the elementary teacher of sex education. These factors were age of the teacher, sex of the teacher ,grade level of teaching, educat… more
Date: June 1970
Creator: Hobbs, George W. (George William), 1932-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Preparation of Stones of Walker County, Texas for Use as Sets in Jewelry

Description: Since the East Texas area has many minerals in the categories which yield semiprecious stones of commercial value--jasper, wood agate, wood opal, and silicified stone, the author undertook this study to determine: (1) the extent which these minerals could be utilized as sources for gems; (2) the equipment necessary for cutting and polishing the stones; and (3) the techniques for finishing the gems.
Date: August 1946
Creator: Pledger, Leon Monroe
Partner: UNT Libraries
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