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open access

It's Going to be Different, but It's Going to be Okay: Caregiver Perspectives on Autism, Culture and Accessing Care

Description: Through ethnography influenced by public health and anthropological theory, I explored the cultural perceptions of autism among eight caregivers whose children received services from a local Dallas-Fort Worth autism treatment organization. Participant observations and semi-structured interviews with caregivers and program employees provided a rich and nuanced view into the state of care currently available in the DFW area while also highlighting areas for improvement. This research will be used… more
Date: December 2017
Creator: Otwori, Beverly N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Two Types of Group Counseling Procedures with Junior College Students

Description: The problem with which this investigation was concerned was to measure personal adjustment, emotional adjustment, home adjustment, and self-concept changes that took place in junior college students as a result of one-counselor group counseling and male-and-female co-counselor group counseling. The rationale for male-and-female co-counselor group counseling relied on the formation of a simulated family in which individuals could socialize their feelings.
Date: August 1971
Creator: West, William George
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Social Drama at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary : The Dilday Controversy

Description: This study examines the events surrounding the firing of Russell Dilday at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary as a social drama. The results suggest that, for application to post-industrial cultures, adaptations need to be made to Victor Turner's original method. The addition of Thomas Farrell's anticipation phase, identification of the breach with the transgression, and examination of unique facets of post-industrial cultures such as economic factors and the role of the media are recomm… more
Date: December 1995
Creator: Drake, Webster F. (Webster Ford)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Homecourt: A Nondirective Student Support Group

Description: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze how Homecourt, a nondirective support group at a public high school in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, operates and how it affects students.
Date: August 1994
Creator: Nelson, Robert E., 1945-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Non-Academic Institutional Variables Related to Degree Completion of Non-Traditional Age Undergraduate Students

Description: A study was conducted at The University of Texas at Arlington to obtain measurements of non-traditional age undergraduate students using the Mattering Scales for Adult Students in Higher Education (MHE). The MHE is designed to assess the perceptions of adult students on how much they matter to the institution they are attending. The study also sought to determine if "mattering" and other selected nonacademic variables associated with the university environment are perceived by nontraditional ag… more
Date: August 1998
Creator: Walts, Rebecca Ann.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Use of an Academic Library by University Students

Description: Academic librarians have for a number of decades been interested in understanding more about how and why students use libraries. This study contributes to that area of library administration by focusing on nine factors thought to be associated with student use of academic libraries.
Date: August 1988
Creator: Harrell, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of Workstation-Based Client/Server Systems in Changing Business Processes: a Multiple Case Study

Description: Although several studies question information technology's contribution to productivity, organizations continue to invest in client/server systems (CSSs) particularly as enablers of business process reengineering (BPR). These efforts may be wasted if they do not improve business processes. This study focused on business processes and investigated the role of workstation-based CSSs in changing business processes. A multiple case study of workstation-based CSS databases in three organizations was… more
Date: December 1995
Creator: Nik Hassan, Nik Rushdi
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of a Computer-Administered Test and a Paper and Pencil Test Using Normally Achieving and Mathematically Disabled Young Children

Description: This study investigated whether a computer-administered mathematics test can provide equivalent results for normal and mathematically disabled students while retaining similar psychometric characteristics of an equivalent paper and pencil version of the test. The overall purpose of the study was twofold. First, the viability of using computer administered assessment with elementary school children was examined. Second, by investigating items on the computer administered mathematics test for pot… more
Date: May 1997
Creator: Swain, Colleen R. (Colleen Ruth)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Participation in Student Financial Aid Programs during the Freshman Year and Persistence in a Private University

Description: The study determined the overall persistence rate of first-time full-time entrants into a mid-sized private university during the fall semesters 1989 to 1991 to the 2nd year (1990 to 1992). The study compared the retention rate of recipients and nonrecipients of a variety of financial aid programs. Included is a comparison of groups receiving various types of financial assistance and whether or not there are differences between the groups with respect to types of assistance, gender, ethnicity (… more
Date: August 1997
Creator: Munson, Leo W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Managerial Attitudes Toward Business Regulation: the Arlington Smoking Ordinance

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a difference in opinion between chain and franchise restaurant managers and independent owner/operators toward the effects of a smoking ordinance. Results of this study showed a significant statistical difference between restaurateur groups toward the perception of economic effects.
Date: August 1996
Creator: Lindly, Ronald B. (Ronald Brian)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Identification of College Freshmen According to Scholastic and Persistence Potential

Description: This study was designed to develop a procedure for the identification of freshman students at risk in the academic and social integration process at Texas Christian University. The data for the study were collected from the Student Information Form (SIF) and student records system at Texas Christian University. The data included demographic, attitudinal, educational background and one-year persistence indicators (retain and drop) as well as one-year cumulative grade point averages for the fall … more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Adams, William F. (William Franklin)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Iranian Access Television of Dallas: Cultural Issues, Preservation, and Community Formation

Description: This study focused on the televisual and cultural practices of Iranians via public access television in Dallas, Texas. It includes analysis of format and content. It combines demographic, structural, and statistical information with a culturalist and interpretive viewpoint in examining the efforts of Iranians, via access television programs, in preserving their culture and the formation of a coherent and active community in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
Date: August 1997
Creator: Karimi, Mohammad, 1959-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Predisposition for Mycobacterium Kansasii Infections in Dallas and Tarrant Counties Due to "Influenza-Like" Infections

Description: The problem of this study was to review within Dallas and Tarrant Counties the relationship between an "influenza-like" illness within six months prior to contracting Mycobacterium kansasii disease. An interview instrument was developed and used during personal interviews to collect data. Additional data of case rates and reported cases was compiled from local and national governmental public health agencies. Analysis of the data indicated no significant difference between an individual contrac… more
Date: May 1978
Creator: Good, Willis E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Feasibility and Organizational Procedures for Establishing a Children's Theatre in the Fort Worth, Texas, Metropolitan Area

Description: This study seeks to determine the values of and the procedures for establishing a children's theatre activity in the Fort Worth, Texas, metropolitan area. This study has a twofold purpose. The first is to apply the values of children's theatre to children in the Fort Worth metropolitan area. The second purpose is to develop a feasible plan for organizing a workable theatre for children. Chapter II is a review of related literature and is divided into two parts. A history of the children's theat… more
Date: August 1974
Creator: Pennington, R. Boyce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Between the State of Public Relations Education and the Views of Public School Public Information Directors and University Journalism Department Chairmen Concerning Public Relations Education

Description: Data obtained through interviews with eleven directors of school public information directors and four university chairmen in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex indicated that they are generally satisfied with public relations education being housed in the journalism department, with course format, and with undergraduate study and specialization; and that they are dissatisfied with practitioner-educator relationships. Some of their recommendations included that graduatelevel study be offered more … more
Date: May 1980
Creator: Ramsey, Patricia Kingsley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Modern Automotive Tune-Up Equipment Used in Fort Worth, Texas

Description: The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining the use of modern automotive tune-up equipment as used by the automotive garages in the Fort Worth area. The data for this study were provided by fifteen garages of the Fort Worth area. Of the Fort Worth garages using electronic equipment to perform a tune-up, few appear to have the adequate equipment and few appear to make more use of the equipment. In addition, a deficiency seems evident in the use of the electron… more
Date: August 1977
Creator: Shabbot, Kadhum
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Public Relations Practices of the First National Bank of Fort Worth

Description: This study examined the organization, goals and scope of the public relations activity of the First National Bank of Fort Worth, Texas. The study's purpose was to examine the public relations function, department structure, process by which goals and policies are determined, the bank's practice of public relations and the process by which effectiveness is evaluated. The bank satisfactorily met several criteria for public relations effectiveness, but the staff was hampered by a lack of formal go… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: McCorstin, Allen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of Sight Word and Phonics Contingencies in the Remediation of Oral Reading and Comprehension

Description: A comparison of contingent word and phonics drilling exercises on oral reading errors was made and the effects of a work skipping contingency on reading comprehension were examined. Five learning disabled elementary school children served as subjects. Reading comprehension increased from 30 to 50% over baseline, while subjects progressed an average of two years through a reading series. Subjects responded differentially to the two drills on oral reading errors, but the combined effects of the d… more
Date: August 1983
Creator: Huffine, John Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Factors Influencing the Selection of Apparel Worn to Work by Women in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex

Description: This study investigated factors influencing the selection of apparel worn to work by women who attended fashion and wardrobe seminars in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Clothing selection factors were analyzed by computer according to age, marital status, work status and education. The majority most frequently wore suits and separates to work. Single participants preferred separates. Most wore sizes considered average. Respondents most frequently purchased apparel from department stores. Brand… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Russell, Jean, 1958-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Organizational Improvement of the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Fort Worth, Texas, 1969-1988: a Case Study of Forces Responsible for Organizational Change

Description: This study documents that external and internal forces were causes of change at VCWTP. External forces caused. Fort Worth to reorganize and introduce new management at VCWTP after 1982. These improvements led to VCWTP being selected best managed wastewater treatment plant in the nation by EPA in 1988. This study first analyzes external and internal forces responsible for changes at VCWTP. A history of plant operations also is reviewed. Personnel interviews were conducted of perceptions of emplo… more
Date: May 1993
Creator: Akidi, Innocent O. (Innocent Okechuknu)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The History and Development of Casa Mañana Musicals, 1958-1980

Description: The investigation is a historical survey tracing the development of Casa Mañana Musicals, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, from its experimental beginning in 1958 as the first permanent musical arena theatre in the United States, through twenty-three subsequent seasons. The study includes a chapter on the origins of theatre and the influences behind its concept dating back to the 1936 Casa Mañana produced by Billy Rose. Subsequent chapters deal with the theatre's seasons and its struggle to gain accept… more
Date: May 1981
Creator: Jones, Jan Lynn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Public Safety, D/FW Style: Production of an Informational Videotape

Description: This study consists of two parts, the completed videotape production and the production book. The videotape explores the history, organizational structure, and training requirements of the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Department of Public Safety. A copy of the videotape is shelved in the North Texas State University Media Center Library. The production book describes background preproduction, production, and postproduction of the videotape. Problems, their effects, and solutions are described. The… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Holland, Marvin Glyn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Surface Type on Experienced Foot Contact Pressures and Lower Limb Functioning During Running Performance

Description: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different surfaces on lower limb motion and encountered pressures at two locations on the plantar surface of the right foot. Nine females performed five trials for each of four surface conditions. The results provided no evidence for surface-related changes in experienced foot contact pressures. Both asphalt and grass surfaces resulted in the shortest relative time of forefoot immobility. No surface related differences were found for the r… more
Date: December 1983
Creator: Denniston, Nancy L. (Nancy Louise)
Partner: UNT Libraries
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