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open access

The Vegetation and Habitat Factors of Rockwall County, Texas

Description: This paper consists of a study of the soils and vegetation found in Rockwall County, Texas. This county is located in the northeastern part of the state. Rockwall County lies in the northeastern part of the Black Waxy Belt of the Coastal Plains province.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Smith, W. Desby
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Methods of County Financing in Relation to County Government in Texas

Description: This study aims to show the relation of the methods of county financing in Texas to the present form of county government. It argues that the present form of county government in Texas is antiquated and inadequate to meet the requirements of efficient administration of county financing.
Date: August 1939
Creator: Yoakum, Gladys A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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