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open access

An Evaluation of the Equality of Educational Opportunity

Description: This thesis examines the equality of physical education, health, and recreation for middle school boys in Amarillo, Texas. Data gathered at three schools in the city informed the author's conclusions.
Date: August 1939
Creator: Larsen, Ross Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Amarillo Globe-News: How Did Gene Howe and the Globe-News Help Guide Amarillo, Texas through the Dust Bowl and Great Depression?

Description: For many years newspapers were locally owned by editors and publishers. However, today many are run by corporations from out of state. As a result, many communities have lost the personal relationship between the family owned publication and the community. Gene Howe, who served as editor, publisher and columnist of the Amarillo Globe-News from 1926 until his death in 1952, believed the community was where the focus should be and the newspaper should do all that it can to help their readers. Des… more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Hasman, Gregory R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine the Physical Activity Interests of the Junior High School Boys of Amarillo, Texas, to be Used as a Basis for a Physical Education Program

Description: The purpose of this study was to make an analysis of the physical activity interests of the junior high school boys of Amarillo, Texas, in order better to determine the content of the physical education program based on the physical activities in which boys indicated they were interested.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Cearley, Jess E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Psychological Principles of Learning Used in the Social Studies Curriculum of the Elementary Grades

Description: The problem of this study is to establish criteria of psychological factors that should be included in a social studies educational program of the elementary grades to measure the program planned for the social studies of the elementary grades of the Houston, El Paso, Fort Worth, and Amarillo, Texas, public schools.
Date: August 1947
Creator: Stucker, Myrtle
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Students' Recreational Program in the North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Texas, and the Teachers' Recreational Program in Amarillo, Texas

Description: This study is a comparative analysis of the recreational activities and facilities of 150 students attending the North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Texas, during the summer of 1940 and of 150 teachers in service in the public schools of Amarillo, Texas during 1940-41. The three-fold purpose of this investigation was to compare the recreational activities in which teachers in service and students in college participated, to secure from each subject a ranking of activities as to his cho… more
Date: August 1941
Creator: Teal, William Rufus
Partner: UNT Libraries
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