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open access

An Analysis and Evaluation of Two Methods of Teaching Language Arts

Description: This study compares and and provides an evaluation of language arts progress made by elementary school children using two different methods of instruction. One traditional method stressed grammar and the other experimentally focused on mechanics.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Harrell, Ruth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Conducting Floristic Studies of Local Plant Populations: The Potential of Two-Year College Students and Faculty

Description: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the ability of two-year college students and faculty in one area of activity and to gain a more adequate understanding of them. A dearth of taxonomic literature on plant populations at the local level prompted this study. It has been observed that amateur botanists have accomplished satisfactory and commendable work in plant taxonomy. Also, it has been observed that a high percentage of students in two year colleges commute considerable distances. Th… more
Date: December 1993
Creator: Prather, Stanley A. (Stanley Albert)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Relationships among Sociometric Status, Teacher Ratings, and Selected Variables

Description: The focus of the present study was an attempt to provide data which would serve as a basis for improving teachers' judgments of sociometric status. In order to accomplish this, the interrelationships between sociometric choice status, teachers' judgments, and selected variables were investigated.
Date: August 1965
Creator: Elsom, Jackie Marvin, 1933-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Proposed Plan for Equalizing the Financial Burdens of Hill County Public Schools

Description: "This study consists of two phases: (1) as study of existing financial conditions of the public schools of Hill county based on assessed valuations, tax rates, expenses per scholastic, and investments per scholastic in bond and capital outlay, and (2) a proposed plan for equalizing the existing inequalities..the study includes all of the 82 public schools of Hill County,Texas. The study includes 63 common school districts, 4 independent districts under county supervision, 2 rural high schools, … more
Date: August 1937
Creator: Savage, Elijah Monroe
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine Whether Changes Are Needed in the Recreation Program of Secondary Schools of Hill County Texas

Description: "It is the purpose of this study to attack one phase of the leisure-time problem: that phase which deals with the recreation program of secondary schools. As effort will be made to determine whether changes are needed in the recreation program of the secondary schools of Hill County Texas in order that they may meet the demands of the new leisure in the light of young people's activities and interests and accepted standards of the present day."--leaf 1.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Savage, Flora Strickland
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the Itasca Cotton Manufacturing Company

Description: "This study concerns the examination of the historical importance and achievements of a small cotton mill located in the agrarian Texas community of Itasca, Texas. Newspaper clippings and numerous interviews with former mill employees and Itasca citizens supplied factual material pertaining to the Itasca mill; however, company records provided the basic research material for this paper... The company offices have since been destroyed, and most of the records are now in the Southwest Collection … more
Date: December 1971
Creator: Ramsey, David O.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Pupil Record and Reporting Systems Used in Twenty Elementary Schools of Hill County

Description: This study was an investigation and an evaluation of the pupil record and reporting systems used in twenty elementary schools of Hill County. The purposes of this study were: 1. To establish criteria for evaluating the pupil record and reporting systems of these elementary schools. 2. To determine the adequacy of the pupil record and reporting systems of these elementary schools in terms of the criteria set up. 3. To offer recommendations for changes that could be made for the improvement… more
Date: August 1950
Creator: King, Etha Gilmore
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

How Democratic in Administration, Construction of the Curriculum, and Methods of Teaching are Sixteen Elementary Schools of Hill County Having More Than Two Teachers

Description: The purpose of this study is three-fold: 1. To make a study of the criteria used in evaluating democracy in the elementary schools. 2. To evaluate how democratic sixteen elementary schools of Hill County are. 3. To offer recommendations for changes that could be made for the improvement of the sixteen elementary schools of Hill County.
Date: August 1948
Creator: Moore, Mary O.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Uses Made of the Radio in the Seventh Grade of the Schools of Hill County

Description: It is the purpose of this study to make an investigation of the uses made of the radio in the seventh grade in the schools in Hill County, in an endeavor to make available to administrators and teachers the possibilities of radio as an educational medium, and also to suggest additional techniques of utilization.
Date: August 1942
Creator: Kirkbride, Martha Frances Cargile
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with School Progress

Description: This thesis is an analysis of certain factors associated with school progress of students of the graduating class of the Hillsboro Junior High School for 1940. The study is limited to considering the effect of age, attendance, environment, and economic status on progress during four years that these students attended junior high school.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Tribble, Percy G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of the Interests of Children in the Sixth Grade and a Suggested Program of Work Based upon These Interests

Description: The dual purpose of this study is to survey the interests of boys and girls who are in the sixth grade and to suggest a program of school work based upon these interests. The writer presents the study with the hope that it will contribute to a better understanding of what children's interests are and the part they should play in planning the curriculum and complete school program.
Date: August 1942
Creator: Dalton, Mary Roberta Payne
Partner: UNT Libraries
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