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open access

Community Leadership and Economic Growth

Description: This study is concerned with discovering relationships between community power structures and economic growth. The economic growth in selected Northeast Texas counties and their major cities is compared with the power structures in each of these communities during the 1944 through 1968 period.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Jones, Hubert Kelly
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship between Shorthand Achievement and Two Plans of Homework in Shorthand

Description: The purposes of the study were: 1. To design two contrasting plans of shorthand homework, Method A plan to be used by control groups and Method B plan to be used by experimental groups. 2. To implement Method A plan and Method B plan through control and experimental groups respectively. 3. To define criteria by which achievement levels may be determined. 4. To make comparative analysis of achievement levels between the control groups and the experimental groups.
Date: August 1972
Creator: Pankhurst, Barbara Elaine, 1940-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the First State Bank of Gladewater, Texas, and Its Economic Relationship with the Community

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to present a history of the founding, operations, services, and growth of the First State Bank of Gladewater,Texas, with special emphasis placed on the economic relationships between the bank and the community. The general problem in this thesis is to gather all the material and data pertaining to the organization, operation, and functions of the bank, with relation to the growth of the community and to present them in a readable coherent manner.
Date: June 1948
Creator: McLean, Billy B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the Kilgore College

Description: "This is a history of the Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas, a junior college for Kilgore and the oil belt. The data concerning the history of this very young publicly owned junior college has been secured through personal interviews with its originators, its administrators past and present, Kilgore newspapers, college catalogs, college annuals, and educational references, public laws and board minutes...The material dealing with the history of this college has been organized to cover the followi… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Bradford, Q. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Stressed Back Vowels in the Speech of Gregg County, Texas

Description: The purpose of this paper is to contribute some knowledge of the vowel sounds in the speech of one part of East Texas, Gregg County. Although these sounds do not vary greatly from those heard in other parts of the South, the variations which do occur are of interest to the student of speech sounds, and for that reason the sounds studied are carefully recorded in this paper.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Bradford, Frances R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Influence of Audio-Visual Aids in Eighth-Grade Social Studies

Description: The problem of this study is to determine, if possible, whether any significant difference in achievement existed when the eighth-grade social studies were taught by two methods; namely, the textual method and the textual method supplemented by audio-visual aids.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Moore, Mary Frances Ferguson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Art as a Tool in a Fifth-Grade Guidance Program

Description: The purpose of this thesis was to determine a way by which the school could best serve all the children in the capacity of guidance. A program was needed which would enrich the lives of children of widely varying social and financial levels, chronological ages, mental ages, personalities, talents, and other inherent traits or tendencies.
Date: August 1946
Creator: Collins, Winny
Partner: UNT Libraries
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