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open access

A Study to Identify Industrial Arts Skills and Understandings Needed by Graduates of Pampa High School Seeking Employment in Gray County, Texas

Description: "The study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What skills and understandings may be acquired in industrial arts courses as described in Principles and Standards for Accrediting Elementary and Secondary Schools that might be helpful to youth seeking employment in the Pampa area? 2. What is the current industrial arts program in the Pampa Independent School district? 3. What skills and understandings receive the greatest emphasis in the Pampa industrial arts program? 4. What skills and … more
Date: August 1965
Creator: Mackey, William K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Scholastic Achievement of Junior High School Boys Who Work after School and Those Who Do Not

Description: In this particular study the problem is to determine the influence working after school hours has upon a group of junior high school boys. This study is concerned with comparisons in subject matter achievement, self and social adjustment, and behavior records and ratings. It is the purpose of this study to make these comparisons with boys who work after school and those who do not.
Date: August 1950
Creator: Trusty, Ruby
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Progress Made by Two Age Groups of First-Grade Children

Description: The three-fold purpose of this study is: 1. To contrast the physical, mental, and emotional development of children who were six to six and one-half years old with those who were older than six and one-half at the beginning of the school year. 2. To contrast the amount of progress made in subject-matter achievement and in emotional development. 3. To determine, by comparison of the two groups, which group had the advantage as far as subject-matter achievement, adjustment, and behavior were conc… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Marlin, Oleta Nedra
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Reading Interests of Pupils of High and Low Ability on the Different Socio-Economic Levels in the Fifth Grade of Pampa School

Description: In this particular study the problem is to find which types of books pupils of the fifth grade of different abilities and of different socio-economic status like to read. This study is also concerned with the comparison of boys and girls in their choice of books and magazines.
Date: August 1951
Creator: Mayo, Nova Estheu
Partner: UNT Libraries
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