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open access

Contextualizing the Law: Sentencing Decisions of Sexual Assault Cases of Dallas County, 1999-2005

Description: The incidence of sexual assault inundates the courts with many cases each year. Given the unique nature of the crime, judges and juries are faced with an array of different scenarios to which they are required to make fair, justifiable and consistent decisions. I examine child sexual assault cases of Dallas County 1999-2005, I look at both legal and extralegal factors including case characteristics, institutional characteristics and characteristics of the defendants and the victims. First, I ex… more
Date: December 2006
Creator: Greening, Megan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Hydrological Impacts of Urbanization: White Rock Creek, Dallas Texas

Description: This research project concerns changes in hydrology resulting from urbanization of the upper sub-basin of the White Rock Creek Watershed in Collin and Dallas Counties, Texas. The objectives of this study are: to calculate the percent watershed urbanized for the period of 1961 through 1968 and the period of 2000 through 2005; to derive a 1960s average unit hydrograph and a 2000s average unit hydrograph; and, to use the two averaged hydrographs to develop a range of hypothetical storm scenarios t… more
Date: December 2005
Creator: Vicars, Julie Anne Groening
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of the Social and Academic Status of Private Pre-school and Public School Children in the Second Year of a Dallas Elementary School

Description: This study will endeavor to make a comparative study of seventeen children in the second grade in an elementary school in Dallas that attended private schools and omitted the first year of the public school, and seventeen children that are in the second grade after completing the first grade in the public school. The purpose of the study in comparing the social and academic status of the two groups is to determine if the non-scholastic child after a year of private school is able to adjust and … more
Date: August 1947
Creator: Aldredge, Ruby
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Dallas Employment Requisites for Stenographers and Secretarial Qualifications of Students at Forest Avenue High School

Description: The problem in this study has a three-fold purpose: to learn the likenesses and differences of the small and large business offices of Dallas, Texas, in regard to their employment requirements for the beginning stenographer; to determine to what extent the average Dallas high school graduate shows the characteristics that are requisite for secretarial success; and to evaluate the learnings of secretarial students in Forest Avenue High School, Dallas, Texas, in view of these findings.
Date: August 1946
Creator: Fetterman, Ruth Evelyn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of the Graduates of Technical High School, Dallas Texas, from 1936-1945 to Determine the Effectiveness of the Training Program

Description: The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of a survey of the graduates of Technical High School in Dallas since 1938 to determine the effectiveness of the training given by the school in helping the graduate choose an occupation and giving him skills and attitudes that will help him get a job and make a good worker.
Date: August 1947
Creator: Butler, James A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Occupational Opportunities for the Woman College Graduate in Specialized Business Fields

Description: The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the opportunities in the business world for the woman college graduate. Attention has been given to the general status of women workers, the training given by colleges in business administration, and the opportunities for the employment and advancement in the business world.
Date: August 1946
Creator: Long, Ruth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Eye Hygiene in Ascher Silberstein Elementary School, Dallas, Texas

Description: The problem of this research was to make a survey of cumulative and permanent records of the children in the Ascher Silberstein Elementary School in order to discover the eye conditions, and to determine the necessity for an expanded program of eye hygiene.
Date: August 1941
Creator: Evans, Mary Sue
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Critical Study of the Auditorium Activities of the White Elementary Schools of Dallas, Texas, to Determine the Educational Value of such Procedures in a Platoon System of Public Schools

Description: The purpose of this survey was to make a critical study of (a) educational philosophies, (b) the place of auditorium activities, (c) the purpose of auditorium activities, and (d) the value of auditorium activities in the whole scheme of educational procedures.
Date: August 1940
Creator: Welch, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the Crozier Technical High School of Dallas, Texas

Description: The purpose of this thesis is to present a history of the establishment and growth of the Crozier Technical High School in Dallas, Texas, with special emphasis placed upon technical phases of the school curriculum and the concrete outcomes in terms of actual results ascertained from the graduates.
Date: January 1943
Creator: Hayes, Elmore Onslow
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Survey of Department Store Employment in the Cities of Dallas, Sherman, Denison, and Denton, Texas

Description: This study was undertaken for the purpose of finding the standard requirements and qualifications demanded of employees by the sales, sales service, and executive divisions of the average department stores, and the rewards and benefits enjoyed by the employees for faithful and efficient service rendered to the organization.
Date: August 1941
Creator: Sullivan, Henry L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency in Dallas and the Educational Program as a Medium of Attack

Description: It is the purpose of this study to determine to what extent the present educational program in Dallas, Texas, is meeting the problem of juvenile delinquency. To determine this, an analysis will be made of the types of conduct deviations of juveniles, of modern educational psychology, and the relation between these two things.
Date: August 1947
Creator: Hill, Irvin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Discount Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Description: It is the purpose of this thesis to give a factual presentation of the operation of the discount system of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, covering the years 1914 through 1935.
Date: August 1947
Creator: Richardson, Jean
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Suggested City-Excursion Program for Social Studies in the Junior High Schools of Dallas, Texas, with Emphasis on Functional Citizenship

Description: The purpose of the investigation was two fold: first, to analyze the school excursion as a teaching and learning aid; and second, to develop a suggested school-excursion program for the social studies in the junior high schools of Dallas, base upon the findings and evaluations reported by educational observers and by experienced users of excursions.
Date: January 1948
Creator: Crawford, Ethel Gertrude
Partner: UNT Libraries
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