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open access

A History of Lon Morris College

Description: The problem with which this study is concerned is that of analyzing the implementation of the stated purposes of Lon Morris College of Jacksonville, Texas from 1847 to 1973. Histories and journals of the period, records and publications of the school and other institutions, and oral interviews of persons involved in its development provide data for the study. As a historical analysis, the study is divided according to successive periods in the school's development.
Date: May 1973
Creator: Jones, Glendell A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Class and Freedom of Choice in the Marriage Patterns of Antebellum Texas Women

Description: Little scholarly analysis has been devoted to the hypothesis that antebellum Texas women generally married within their own socioeconomic (slaveholding) class, and thus had only limited choice in the selection of marriage partners. This quantitatively based investigation suggests that the popular image should be carefully qualified. This study reveals that although a majority of Texas women who married during the early 1850s chose men who had the same slaveholding status, a significant minority… more
Date: December 1991
Creator: Brown, Lisa (Lisa Christina)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Problem of the Insecurity of Children

Description: This study is an attempt to find causes and indications of insecurity in elementary school children. Possible solutions and ways to increase security are also explored.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Little, Edith
Partner: UNT Libraries
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