Search Results

Geography of Tuberculosis in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

Description: In Ghana, spatial patterns of TB vary for different regions and variations may occur within the same region. This study examines TB distribution in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Behavioral, cultural and economic variables associated with TB morbidity are examined. From January 1998 to June 1999, data obtained from the Ghana Ministry of Health revealed that, men had a higher TB rate than women, TB was common among the age groups 20-29 and 30-39, a… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: May 2001
Creator: Donkor, Kweku
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

West African Journal: A Travel Account

Description: West African Journal: A Travel Account is a narrative of the author's trip in twelve West African countries. In the first chapter the author describes her previous travels and preparations for this trip and introduces her husband. She begins the second chapter with a discussion of the benefits and hardships of independent travel and describes the hotels, restaurants, forms of transportation, and difficulties with language. The remainder of Chapter II is a close account of the first sixteen days… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Hudson, Jacquelyn Fuller
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Historical Inquiry Into the Development of Higher Education in Ghana 1948-1984: a Study of the Major Factors That Have Controlled and Inhibited the Development of the Universities of Ghana

Description: Universities in many industrialized countries including Japan, and Australia, have enabled those countries to achieve rapid economic and social advancement. However, this is untrue for the universities of Ghana, due to the country's ailing economy, its continued dependence on foreign manpower, aid, and material goods. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to illuminate the major factors and events that have controlled and inhibited the development of higher education in Ghana from 1948 to 1… more
Date: December 1985
Creator: Darko, Samuel F. (Samuel Fordjour)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Traditional Medicine: a Blessing or Bane? The Case of Ghana

Description: The study examines the socio-demographic characteristics of Traditional Medical Practitioners in Ghana. Their attitudes towards collaboration with biomedical practitioners, their associations, and regulation is also discussed. Data for the study was obtained from a Survey of Traditional Medical Practitioners in Ghana.
Date: August 1996
Creator: Sakyi-Addo, Isaac
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Geography of Maternal Health Indicators in Ghana

Description: Ghana is identified among the developing countries with high maternal mortality ratio in Africa. This study unpacked the Demographic and Health Survey data by examining the maternal health indicators at the district level using GIS methods. Understanding the geographic patterns of antenatal care, place of delivery, and skilled birth attendants at the small scale will help to formulate and plan for location-specific health interventions that can improve maternal health care behavior among Ghanai… more
Date: May 2017
Creator: Iyanda, Ayodeji Emmanuel
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Oil in Ghana: a curse or not? Examining environmental justice and the social process in policymaking

Description: There is great expectation that oil development in Ghana will catapult the nation towards prosperity and lead to drastic improvement in the wellbeing of Ghanaians. However, there is also concern that Ghana could fail to achieve these due to the resource curse notwithstanding the fact that scholars of the curse have yet to agree on the inevitability of the curse. Resource curse scholars adduce different reasons for its occurrence or absence. One thing common among the scholars, however, is that … more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Akon Yamga, Gordon
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Spatial Variations and Cultural Explanations to Obesity in Ghana

Description: While obesity is now recognized as a major health concern in Ghana, the major drivers, causal factors, and their spatial variation remain unclear. Nutritional changes and lack of physical activity are frequently blamed but the underlying factors, particularly cultural values and practices, remain understudied. Using hot spot analysis and spatial autocorrelation, this research investigates the spatial patterns of obesity in Ghana and the explanatory factors. We also use focus group discussions t… more
Date: August 2019
Creator: Asubonteng, Agnes
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Habit Favorability and Geographical Links Between Mycobacterium ulcerans and Eichhornia crasspies in the Amansie West District, Ghana: Social, Economic, and Health Implications

Description: Thesis written by a student in the UNT Honors College discussing the invasive water hyacinth in Ghana, how it spreads the Buruli ulcer, the environmental factors in the areas affected by the plant, and related hospital case studies.
Date: Autumn 1999
Creator: Pearson, Amber L.
Partner: UNT Honors College
open access

Economic Development in Ghana: Some Problems and Prospects

Description: After independence on March 6, 1957, Ghana, under the late President Kwame Nkrumah, turned to diverse developmental activities. Economically, Ghana was on sound footing; the balance of payments was favorable and cocoa was yielding a good harvest. In 1967, Nkrumah was ousted due to his dictatorial rule. In this study the available primary and secondary sources were utilized. Primary sources were made available by the Ghana Embassy in Washington, D. C. and by friends and relatives in institutions… more
Date: May 1974
Creator: Attuquayefio, Alan B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Status and Challenges of Online Distance Education Programs in Post-Secondary Institutions in Ghana

Description: The purpose of this study was to identify the status and challenges of online distance education programs in post-secondary institutions in Ghana. This study was a replication of a similar study conducted in Kenya in 2009, at the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University. This present study was conducted with an online survey using Google survey assessment. The survey requested responses from six post-secondary institutions in Ghana. Out of a total of 450 projected student responses, 309 re… more
Date: May 2017
Creator: Adjabeng, Stanley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Emergency Fire Response in Ghana: The Case of Fire Stations in Kumasi

Description: Comprehensive emergency management and response is crucial for disaster prevention and health emergencies. However, in African countries with an abundance of natural disasters and a rising surge in cardiovascular and obstetric emergencies, little research exists on emergency response. This study examines the fire emergency response in Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Ghana's second largest city. We use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools including location -allocation modeling to eval… more
Date: May 2017
Creator: Boakye, Kwadwo Adu
Partner: UNT Libraries

Behind the Curtain of Public Spaces: Revealing the Narratives of Corporate Street Hawking in Globalizing Accra

Description: All street hawkers are not the same in many Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) of the global south as often portrayed by the media and documented in extant literature. This perception has created a gap in knowledge as researchers explore street hawking activities in NICs. In this study, I investigated a new informality trend of street hawking is coming into being within the capital city of Accra, Ghana. As governance is increasingly becoming entrepreneurial, informal activities are gradually… more
Date: December 2021
Creator: Ansah, Hilary Ama
Partner: UNT Libraries
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