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open access

Act Like a Punk, Sing Like a Feminist: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Feminist Themes in Punk Rock Song Lyrics, 1970-2009

Description: Punk rock music has long been labeled sexist as copious media-generated accounts and reports of the genre concentrate on male artists, hyper-masculine performances, and lyrics considered to be aggressive, sexist, and misogynist. However, scholars have rarely examined punk rock music longitudinally, focusing heavily on 1980s and 1990s manifestations of the genre. Furthermore, few systematic content analyses of feminist themes in punk rock song lyrics have been conducted. The present research is … more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Levine, Lauren E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Media Coverage of Age, Gender, and Ethnicity in the 116th Congress

Description: This study focuses on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. Representative for New York's 14th Congressional District, and how news media portray her based on her gender, age, and ethnicity, which still play essential roles in the political system in the United States. The analysis of previous academic research, newspaper articles from the New York Times and the Washington Post (June 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) and framing and feminist theories are used to evaluate coverage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cort… more
Date: December 2020
Creator: Reyes, Blanca Elena
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Amarillo Globe-News: How Did Gene Howe and the Globe-News Help Guide Amarillo, Texas through the Dust Bowl and Great Depression?

Description: For many years newspapers were locally owned by editors and publishers. However, today many are run by corporations from out of state. As a result, many communities have lost the personal relationship between the family owned publication and the community. Gene Howe, who served as editor, publisher and columnist of the Amarillo Globe-News from 1926 until his death in 1952, believed the community was where the focus should be and the newspaper should do all that it can to help their readers. Des… more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Hasman, Gregory R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

America's First Radio Demagogues: How Charles Coughlin and Robert P. Shuler Used Propaganda Techniques to Build Massive Radio Audiences during the Great Depression

Description: Conservative talk radio has had a long and controversial history in the United States of America. Two early controversial radio hosts who rose to fame in the United States were the "radio priest" Charles Coughlin (1889-1979), a Roman Catholic priest who had a massive national radio audience of approximately 30 million people during the 1930s, and the Reverend Robert P. Shuler (1879-1965), the fundamentalist Evangelical pastor of the 5,000 member Trinity Methodist Church in Los Angeles Californ… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Enochs, Lee Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analysis and Evaluation of the Role of Public Relations in Leasing Dallas Petroleum Center

Description: The problem in this study was to discover if the public relations program of the Dallas Petroleum Center was useful in leasing and if the program played a significant role in a leasing increase. The study was carried out by describing the development of the building project, by analyzing the planning and execution of the public relations program, by testing the program's effectiveness, and by drawing conclusions about the program and by making recommendations for this specific program and for o… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Ainsworth, Doris Stewart
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Community Attitudes Toward the "Bowie News" as a News-Advertising Medium

Description: This study measured attitudes of newspaper staff members, advertisers, subscribers, and power structure members toward the Bowie News as a news and advertising medium. Three hypotheses were tested: that members of the power structure would have a more favorable attitude toward the Bowie News than other readers; that the Bowie News would play an active role as an instrument of the power structure; and that all four publics would differ in their perception of the newspaper's role in getting infor… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Whitfield, James Daniel
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Magazine News and Editorial Coverage of the 1973 Chilean Military Coup

Description: The study focused on the positive or negative direction shown in 57 articles from ten English-language magazines covering the 1973 military coup in Chile, September 1 to December 31, 1973, inclusive. Magazines chosen were from the fields of news, religion, opinion, and business. Direction was determined by comparing individual thought units within articles against a category table comprising mutually exclusive pairs of thought units. Directional value of each article was determined by positive … more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Hunnicutt, Robert W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Methods of Promoting Country Music Records in the Atlanta, Georgia Area

Description: This study examined promoting recorded country music from Atlanta, Georgia, and explored why Atlanta is important in this field. It was learned, through interviews, that promoters wanted radio airplay and top trade publication chart ratings. Radio station program directors decided upon playlists from reading trade publications, efforts by record promoters, listener requests and focus groups, and from reported sales. Stores used album and poster displays, charts, and played music for promotion. … more
Date: May 1986
Creator: Fogel, Betty Cruikshank
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analysis of Regional Magazine Content and Engagement on Twitter

Description: This two-part mixed-methods study analyzed the Twitter activity of two regional magazines – D Magazine and Texas Monthly – and how social media editors implement strategies to maintain journalistic integrity (news values, topics, and ethical standards) while increasing engagement.
Date: December 2019
Creator: Higgins, Claire Corinne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Frequency of Readership and Influence of a Home Furnishings Trade Magazine

Description: Market Place is a home furnishings trade magazine circulated free to approximately 35,000 employees in the home furnishings industry. The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of determining whether three demographic characteristics, including type of business, position, and experience, affect frequency of readership or influence of the magazine. Questionnaires were mailed in the spring of 1975 to a random sample of 1,000 recipients of Market Place. Analysis of the data sho… more
Date: August 1975
Creator: Greaney, Harriet H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Relationship Between Television News Selection and Public Relations Techniques

Description: The problem is to determine if identifiable factors influence selection of soft news for coverage on television newscasts. Data were obtained from news releases, newscast scripts, and interviews with participating practitioners and editors. Chapter I presents the problem; Chapter II contains an analysis of news releases submitted to editors; Chapter III presents analysis of techniques and attitudes of practitioners and editors; Chapter IV presents conclusions and guidelines. The study indicated… more
Date: August 1977
Creator: Resnik, Linda
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Relationship of Comparative Advertising and Culture in Japanese Natives in the Dallas, Texas Area

Description: This study was designed to test whether Japanese natives who retained traditional Japanese value orientations and who resided in the Dallas, Texas area would have unfavorable attitude toward the concept of comparative television advertising. Data were collected from 104 respondents of varying sex, age, education, occupation, length of stay in the United Sates, intention of settling in the United States, and television viewing horse. All null hypotheses were accepted, indicting that cultural inf… more
Date: May 1979
Creator: Fukawa, Kazuhisa
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

And the Stereotype Award Goes to...: A Comparative Analysis of Directors using African American Stereotypes in Film

Description: This study examines African American stereotypes in film. I studied six directors, Kathryn Bigelow, Spike Lee, the Russo Brothers, Ryan Coogler, Tate Taylor, and Dee Rees; and six films Detroit, BlacKkKlansman, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Help, and Mudbound. Using the framework of critical race theory and auteur theory, I compared the common themes between the films and directors. The main purpose of my study is to see if White or Black directors predominantly used African American… more
Date: December 2019
Creator: Young, Kelcei
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Attitudes of Foreign Students at North Texas State University Toward American Advertising

Description: The problem of this study was to determine whether any relationship existed between foreign students' cultural and economic backgrounds and their attitudes toward American advertising and advertising media. The major findings of this study were that foreign students had a slightly favorable attitude toward American advertising and spent a great deal of time with American mass media. The stage of economic development of foreign students' home countries and the length of time foreign students sta… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: Chung, O-Jeeru
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Attitudes of Selected Texas Reporters and Editors Toward Video Display Terminals

Description: This study is concerned with determining the effects that video display terminal use had on reporters' and editors' attitudes toward their jobs and the machines themselves. Data for this investigation were obtained with questionnaires returned from seventy-one reporters and editors who use video terminals in their daily work. Questionnaire data were supplemented with interview data from thirteen questionnaire respondents, Ten hypotheses in five categories were tested with the t test. Four addit… more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Breedlove, James J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Case Study of Public Relations Efforts in Three Dallas Retirement Facilities

Description: This study compared the public relations efforts in three Dallas retirement facilities against suggested standards of professional public relations practitioners to determine which standards each facility utilized. Externally, all three facilities related to the community in an "above average" way, as indicated by their utilization of the twenty-two suggested standards. Internally, two facilities related to residents and staff in a "superior" way, and one facility related in an "average way," a… more
Date: August 1985
Creator: Martin, William Todd
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Case Study of the Public Relations Programs of the Six Southern Baptist Seminaries

Description: The study examined the similarities and differences in the public relations programs of the six Southern Baptist Convention-owned seminaries. Using data collected from surveys and interviews, the study found the general perception of public relations at each seminary good, although some constituencies did not understand the public relations program's purpose. Cooperation among the six seminaries was limited, and most respondents said individual needs kept the seminaries from working more cooper… more
Date: December 1984
Creator: Poole, Philip
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Castle/Nikki Heat Phenomenon: A Detailed Examination of Female Representation in Entertainment Media

Description: As entertainment reflects a culture's ideology, it is important for researchers to study its messages and subsequently its potential meanings. Entertainment has the power to inform and persuade, creating models for behavior with which the public interacts. The entertainment texts for the purpose of this study are the Castle television series and the Nikki Heat novels. Together, they create a unique multi-layer fictional world. By using postmodern, feminist, communication, and entertainment theo… more
Date: December 2016
Creator: Skinner, Katharine Virginia
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Changing Face of Ralph Lauren's Advertising: A New Lifestyle Image and Increased Nudity

Description: Advertising, which is an important sales tool for brands to the masses, may produce lasting impressions of a company and its products. These impressions rely on a consistent message over time to maintain a brand's image. This study examines how Ralph Lauren's advertising images have changed from a country club lifestyle image to urban/hip. In addition, the study examines the increased use of nudity and sexual imagery in Lauren's advertising. The findings were obtained by content analyzing all R… more
Date: August 2001
Creator: LaCaze, Tray
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

China's Propaganda in the United States During World War II

Description: The study examined China's conduct of its most important overseas propaganda activities in the United States during World War II. The findings showed that the main characteristics of China's propaganda in the United States in the war years included, (a) official propaganda in the United States was operated by the Chinese News Service and its branch offices in several cities; (b) unofficial propaganda involved work by both Americans and Chinese, among them, missionaries, newspapermen, and busine… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: Tsang, Kuo-jen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Analysis of Press Coverage of the 1974 Cyprus Crisis by the Turkish Newspaper, "Cumhuriyet," and the Greek Newspaper, "To Vima"

Description: This study is concerned with determining whether the Turkish newspaper, Cumhuriyet, and the Greek newspaper, To Vima, differed in their coverage of the 1974 Cyprus crisis, Issues of the newspapers covering the period, July 16-August 31, 1974, were examined, News items related to the crisis were categorized as hard news, soft news, editorials, and illustrations. Totals for each category were measured in column inches and converted to percentages of total available space in each newspaper, Catego… more
Date: December 1975
Creator: Pasadeos, Yorgo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Analysis of Saudi and U.S. Online Newspapers' Framing of Saudi Women's Issues: Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage Before and After Saudi Vision 2030

Description: Previous research on framing has proved its strong effects on the social perception and political preferences of individuals. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore how Saudi women's issues have been framed in a sample of United States and Saudi newspapers. Saudi Vision 2030 is the post-oil plan for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that was announced on April 25, 2016. The sample of this thesis was 300 news stories from eight newspapers. The U.S. newspapers were the New York Times, the Wa… more
Date: December 2020
Creator: Dawshi, Norah
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Content Analysis of ITAR-TASS's and the United Press International's Coverage of the Russian Referendum in April 1993

Description: A comparative content analysis was conducted to determine whether the Russian (ITAR-TASS) and the American (UPI) wire service coverage of President Boris Yeltsin in the April 25, 1993, referendum was balanced and unbiased. Also, the amount of space dedicated to this topic was measured. Study results indicate that ITAR-TASS was more critical of Yeltsin prior to the referendum than UPI, and that there was no statistically important difference between the two wire services in their post referendum… more
Date: May 1994
Creator: Glad, Lotte Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Content Analysis of the Editorial Positions of the Christian Century and Christianity Today on Selected Social and Moral Issues

Description: This study compared the editorial positions of two magazines, The Christian Century and Christianity Today, on seven social and moral issues, then compared each magazine's positions with the opinions of their intended audiences. A directional content analysis was conducted that determined the editorial positions. On all four issues for which comparison was possible, the magazines demonstrated a marked difference in direction. These positions were compared with the published opinions of those so… more
Date: December 1985
Creator: Warner, Gregory Dann
Partner: UNT Libraries
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