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open access

Understanding Indian and Pakistani Cultural Perspectives and Analyzing Us News Coverage of Mukhtar Mai and Jyoti Singh Pandey

Description: A foreign country's positive or negative image in the U.S. media can influence public attitudes toward that country. The way U.S. media covers sex crimes from countries like India and Pakistan has a direct effect on the global image of these countries. This qualitative content analysis examined the coverage of two rape victims, Jyoti Singh Pandey and Mukhtar Mai in two mainstream U.S. newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Frames identified in the study include cultural differe… more
Date: May 2013
Creator: Kark, Madiha
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Creating Captain America: a Frame Analysis of the Pat Tillman Epic

Description: Pat Tillman—an Arizona Cardinals player who sacrificed everything to serve his country but died in Afghanistan—was initially touted as a true American hero who was killed by enemy fire. In reality, however, the Tillman narrative was based on nothing but military propaganda. This research focused on how mainstream U.S. newspapers used news frames, overall story tone, and news sources before and after the official acknowledgement of the true cause of Tillman's death as fratricide. As hypothesized… more
Date: May 2013
Creator: DeWalt, Christina A. Childs
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Changing Face of Ralph Lauren's Advertising: A New Lifestyle Image and Increased Nudity

Description: Advertising, which is an important sales tool for brands to the masses, may produce lasting impressions of a company and its products. These impressions rely on a consistent message over time to maintain a brand's image. This study examines how Ralph Lauren's advertising images have changed from a country club lifestyle image to urban/hip. In addition, the study examines the increased use of nudity and sexual imagery in Lauren's advertising. The findings were obtained by content analyzing all R… more
Date: August 2001
Creator: LaCaze, Tray
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of the Reporting of International News in Two Algerian and Two United States Daily Newspapers

Description: This study was concerned with determining how the Algerian dailies, El Moudjahid, and El Djomhouria, and the United States dailies, The New York Times and The Christian Science Monitor, which function in two different press systems, compare in reporting international news in terms of type and tension. This study concludes that the four dailies are similar in type of news; they report more news than editorials, more straight news than in-depth reports, more news of elites than common people, and… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Abderrahmane, Azzi
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Television Reporters' Views Concerning Public Relations Practitioners' Demonstrated Knowledge of Their Technical Needs and Desires

Description: This study determined attitudes held by television reporters nationwide toward PR practitioners' demonstrated knowledge of the technical side of television news. Findings. that emerged from the study were: 1. Television reporters were undecided whether practitioners needed an educational background in PR, and believed they needed an educational but not a professional background in television reporting. 2. They believed practitioners knew too little and should improve their knowledge, and that … more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Tomlinson, Don E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Magazine News and Editorial Coverage of the 1973 Chilean Military Coup

Description: The study focused on the positive or negative direction shown in 57 articles from ten English-language magazines covering the 1973 military coup in Chile, September 1 to December 31, 1973, inclusive. Magazines chosen were from the fields of news, religion, opinion, and business. Direction was determined by comparing individual thought units within articles against a category table comprising mutually exclusive pairs of thought units. Directional value of each article was determined by positive … more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Hunnicutt, Robert W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Second Armored Division's Public Affairs Office: Its Operation and Organization

Description: This study described the operation and organization of the United States Army's Second Armored Division's Public Affairs Office, with emphasis on the differences between garrison and field operations. The study found that the function of the division, public affairs office is to keep both the internal and external public(s) of the division informed concerning the activities of the division. The office is organized into three branches: command information, public information, and administration.… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Donnelly, Robert T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Iconoclast: a Readership Survey and a Study of the Historical Evolution of an Underground Newspaper

Description: The problem of this study was an audience analysis of Dallas' weekly underground newspaper Iconoclast. A readership survey was mailed to 200 randomly selected subscribers to Iconoclast. Data were taken from the ninety useable questionnaires of those returned. The study is organized into four chapters. Chapter I discusses problems, procedures, introductory material and recent and related studies. Chapter II is a history of Iconoclast. Chapter III is an analysis of data. Chapter IV presents summa… more
Date: May 1976
Creator: Wells, Richard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Development of Business Week Magazine

Description: This study explains the development of Business Week from its beginning in 1929 to 1975 and its changes over this forty-five-year period in format, content and editors. The study shows how Business Week developed, reflecting the history of American business, industry, labor, and the rise of the consumer, and recorded the growth and changes in the magazine's format, news departments, services and features, and staff. The study traces the development of Business Week in three periods, 1929, 1930-… more
Date: December 1977
Creator: Stockard, Krista Lynn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Content Analysis of ITAR-TASS's and the United Press International's Coverage of the Russian Referendum in April 1993

Description: A comparative content analysis was conducted to determine whether the Russian (ITAR-TASS) and the American (UPI) wire service coverage of President Boris Yeltsin in the April 25, 1993, referendum was balanced and unbiased. Also, the amount of space dedicated to this topic was measured. Study results indicate that ITAR-TASS was more critical of Yeltsin prior to the referendum than UPI, and that there was no statistically important difference between the two wire services in their post referendum… more
Date: May 1994
Creator: Glad, Lotte Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Views of Black Journalists Working at Black Newspapers Concerning the Effects of the Civil Rights Movement on Their Black Newspapers from 1960 to 1985

Description: This study was designed to determine whether black journalists who work at black newspapers in Texas felt the Civil Rights movement had affected their industry. Although black newspapers lost an exclusive market for talent that now must be shared with majority-owned newspapers, this report concludes that the operation of black newspapers virtually was unaffected by the Civil Rights movement. It is recommended that this research serve as a starting point for a continuing examination of black new… more
Date: August 1985
Creator: Parson, Rita L. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Sources of Power Demonstrated by Houston Harte, Texas Newspaper Owner

Description: In fifty years, Houston Harte guided an organization that grew from one afternoon daily to a chain of nineteen newspapers in six states, and one television station. Much of the civic activity in San Angelo, his hometown, revolved around Harte from 1930 until 1970. He knew many politicians, such as Lyndon Johnson, and was willing to ask their help. Harte's major contributions were retaining Goodfellow Air Force Base's active status, helping San Angelo College attain four-year status, and influen… more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Straach, Kathy H.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Critical Examination of "The Echo": Prison Publication of the Texas Department of Corrections

Description: The problem this investigation deals with is how The Echo functions as a communication vehicle within the TDC. Information was gathered through visits, interviews and a questionnaire. Organization is as follows: Chapter I, introduction, Chapter II, history and development; Chapter III, analysis of questionnaire data; Chapter IV, content; Chapter V, summary and conclusions. The study found that The Echo is often the sole source of TDC information to inmates, frequently aids administrators in pro… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Hadeler, David A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Between the State of Public Relations Education and the Views of Public School Public Information Directors and University Journalism Department Chairmen Concerning Public Relations Education

Description: Data obtained through interviews with eleven directors of school public information directors and four university chairmen in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex indicated that they are generally satisfied with public relations education being housed in the journalism department, with course format, and with undergraduate study and specialization; and that they are dissatisfied with practitioner-educator relationships. Some of their recommendations included that graduatelevel study be offered more … more
Date: May 1980
Creator: Ramsey, Patricia Kingsley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Nigerian Military Government and Press Freedom, 1966-79

Description: The problem of this thesis is to examine the military-press relationship in Nigeria from 1966 to 1979 and to determine whether activities of the military government contributed to violation of press freedom by prior restraint, postpublication censorship and penalization. Newspaper and magazine articles related to this study were analyzed. Interviews with some journalists and military personnel were also conducted. Materials collected show that the military violated some aspects of press freedom… more
Date: May 1984
Creator: Agboaye, Ehikioya
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Attitudes of Journalism Students in Dallas High Schools Toward Journalism Careers

Description: The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of journalism students in Dallas high schools toward the meanings and images of journalism careers. Eleven out of eighteen Dallas high schools participated. A total of 211 respondents, 145 females and 66 males, completed the questionnaire. The first part of the analysis involved the comparison through percentage tables illustrating the similarities and differences of the groups. The second part of the analysis involved the semantic differen… more
Date: December 1976
Creator: Cates, Judy M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Editorial Reaction of Texas Daily Newspapers to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1938

Description: The objective of this study is to identify newspapers who supported or opposed portions of the New Deal from 1932 to 1938. Nine newspapers from various geographic areas were consulted. Chapter II discusses the 1932 campaign, in which all newspapers supported Roosevelt. Chapter III discusses the First New Deal, in which widespread support was evidenced. Chapter IV discusses the Second New Deal, in which criticism appeared. Chapter V discusses the 1936 campaign, in which only one newspaper oppose… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Sellers, Steven A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Attitudes of Foreign Students at North Texas State University Toward American Advertising

Description: The problem of this study was to determine whether any relationship existed between foreign students' cultural and economic backgrounds and their attitudes toward American advertising and advertising media. The major findings of this study were that foreign students had a slightly favorable attitude toward American advertising and spent a great deal of time with American mass media. The stage of economic development of foreign students' home countries and the length of time foreign students sta… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: Chung, O-Jeeru
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Professional and Educational Backgrounds of the Photography Teachers in the Texas Secondary Schools

Description: To determine professional and educational backgrounds of photography teachers in Texas secondary schools, a questionnaire was sent to all eighty-seven. Sixty-five responded. The study found that the majority (a) were not certified to teach industrial arts as required by the state; (b) taught only three classes of photography; (c) did not handle publication photography; (d) had less than the required twelve hours of photography education; (e) had some professional experience; and (f) planned to … more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Cloer, Theresa Udd
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Oak Cliff Tribune Under the Leadership of Ray Zauber

Description: This study evaluates the influence of The Oak Cliff Tribune under the leadership of Ray Zauber, from late 1946 to August, 1978. The study shows the contributions of The Oak Cliff Tribune for the area, its influence within the community and with community leaders, and determines what gives the paper its particular character. The study traces the history and development of the newspaper in four periods, 1903-1946, 1946-1959, 1959-1969, and 1969-1978; and concludes that The Oak Cliff Tribune has h… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: Babb, Judith Killen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Internal Public Relations in the Military: A Case Study of the Public Affairs Office at Carswell Air Force Base, Texas

Description: This investigation sought to describe the organization, function, and scope of the internal public affairs program of Carswell Air Force Base, Texas. Data came from in-depth interviews, office files, and military publications. The Carswell Air Force Base internal public affairs program appeared to be without direction and reactive in nature. Personnel had little or no formal journalism or public relations training and demonstrated only a vague awareness of the relationships between publics, too… more
Date: December 1982
Creator: Knieff, Amy C. (Amy Cheri)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Attitudes of Selected Texas Reporters and Editors Toward Video Display Terminals

Description: This study is concerned with determining the effects that video display terminal use had on reporters' and editors' attitudes toward their jobs and the machines themselves. Data for this investigation were obtained with questionnaires returned from seventy-one reporters and editors who use video terminals in their daily work. Questionnaire data were supplemented with interview data from thirteen questionnaire respondents, Ten hypotheses in five categories were tested with the t test. Four addit… more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Breedlove, James J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Relationship Between Television News Selection and Public Relations Techniques

Description: The problem is to determine if identifiable factors influence selection of soft news for coverage on television newscasts. Data were obtained from news releases, newscast scripts, and interviews with participating practitioners and editors. Chapter I presents the problem; Chapter II contains an analysis of news releases submitted to editors; Chapter III presents analysis of techniques and attitudes of practitioners and editors; Chapter IV presents conclusions and guidelines. The study indicated… more
Date: August 1977
Creator: Resnik, Linda
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Award-Winning High School Newspapers in Texas

Description: This study identified the common characteristics of the adviser, the journalism program, and the newspaper of the high schools consistently winning awards. The purposes of this study were to identify the award-winning newspapers, to examine and describe the characteristics and elements (those rated by ILPC) of the newspapers, the attitudes and opinions of the principals, the qualifications, the attitudes, and the opinions of the advisers. Based on the results, there was no pattern that indicate… more
Date: May 1980
Creator: Scattergood, Kathy
Partner: UNT Libraries
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