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open access

Cultural Humility, Cultural Comfort, and the Therapeutic Relationship in Play Therapy

Description: The current study is the first to explore the role of cultural humility, cultural comfort, and the therapeutic relationship in play therapy. Participants consisted of 69 parent-therapist dyads recruited from university clinics, private practices, and a non-profit counseling center in the southwestern United States. Parents completed a demographic questionnaire, Cultural Humility Scale, Therapist Cultural Comfort Scale, and Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory – Other to Self 40 (BLRI OS – 40)… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Aguilar, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Practical vs Liberal Arts: A Panel Analysis of Degree Type Awards at Regional Comprehensive Universities

Description: The goal of this research was to explore the relationship between the undergraduate degree profile (practical vs. liberal arts) and environmental factors (institutional and state level) at regional comprehensive universities (RCUs) from 2006-2020. Neoliberal policies have dominated the higher education environment for the last 40 years and this has increased the pressure on institutions. RCUs represent a subset of the higher education population that have historically been responsive to envir… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: McClendon, Mark Bradley
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Multiculturally and Historically Designed Child-Centered Play Therapy Rooms: A Comparison Study

Description: The primary goal of this pilot study was to compare the frequency of which children explore items, and engage in cultural conversations and verbalizations (COBV) in a multiculturally designed play therapy room (MCP) versus a historically recommended play therapy room (HRP). A quasi-experimental comparison group design was used to observe differences between the play therapy rooms. Participants consisted of 32 children with varying cultural identity makers, including age (M = 6.31, SD = 2), rac… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Turner, Krystal K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

South Asian Parents' Consonance with Play Therapy Attitudes: The Role of Acculturation, Help-Seeking Behaviors, and Religiosity

Description: The current study examined levels of acculturation, help-seeking behaviors, and religiosity as predictors of South Asian parents' consonance with play therapy attitudes. Participants consisted of 80 South Asian parents living in the United States, who completed a survey consisting of a demographic questionnaire, the Dimensions of Asian American Acculturation and Enculturation Measure (DAAM), the Inventory of Attitudes towards Seeking Mental Health Services (IASMHS), the Religious Attribution Sc… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Godhwani, Tara Rao
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Impact of Child-Centered Play Therapy and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on Internalizing Behaviors in Children: A Meta-Analysis

Description: The present meta-analytic study examined the overall effectiveness of child-centered play therapy (CCPT) and child-parent relationship therapy (CPRT) for children experiencing internalizing problems. After conducting a comprehensive literature search and review, 25 studies published between 2000 and 2023 met the following inclusion criteria: (a) published and peer-reviewed; (b) used CCPT or CPRT as an intervention; (c) participants were ages 3 to 13 or parents of children ages 3 to 13; (d) stud… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Taylor, Jenna Leigh
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Westernization as Lingua Franca: Historical and Discursive Patterns of Hegemony in Global Higher Education

Description: Westernization as a historical process of universalizing western cultural and societal norms has, in terms of global education, evolved into a narrative of competition, resource-hoarding, erasure, and general accumulation of capital by the few. Universities and colleges are hubs for the production and reproduction of ideologies and ways of knowing that permeate the highest echelons of the global milieu and contribute to the creation of the global imaginary. The research questions that guided th… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Moore, Mallory Carson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Generous Visionaries, Balanced Benefactors, & Lean Supporters: Exploring Foundation Giving in the Field of Higher Education Philanthropy in Texas

Description: This study explored foundation giving in the field of higher education philanthropy in Texas. Utilizing Fligstein and McAdam's conceptual framework, I found that a field-level analysis at the state level uncovered distinct profiles or groups of foundations hidden in the observed data over time. Texas was an interesting case because of its legal history preserving the state's wealth within its borders and its continuous economic growth sustaining philanthropic giving. Using latent profile analys… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Martin, Brittany Causey
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Schrödinger's Extension Center: Examining Institutional Characteristics Affecting the Closure of Off-Site Locations

Description: The primary purpose of this research was to examine institutional characteristics of four-year, public colleges and universities that closed off-site locations between 2012 and 2019 through the lens of resource dependence theory. As institutions attempt to maximize their available resources and make the best use of existing resources, there will inevitably be moments where an off-site location will come into question. Over the eight years of the study, the US Department of Education recorded th… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Wear, Adam Nicholas
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collegiate Experiences of Female Undergraduate Students in an Afghan University

Description: Amidst the turbulence of political shifts and the re-emergence of the Taliban, this phenomenological research shines a light on the lived experiences, aspirations, and challenges of female undergraduate students in an Afghan university. Through in-depth, qualitative interviews, this study unravels six pivotal themes shaping their collegiate journey: gender-centric oppression, systemic and structural barriers, academic hindrances, family support, and the motivation to endure and prevail amidst p… more
Date: December 2023
Creator: Juya, Masoud
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Children's Experiences in Child-Centered Play Therapy: An Artwork-Based Phenomenological Investigation

Description: Child-centered play therapy (CCPT) is an empirically endorsed approach for children facing specific clinical concerns and life circumstances alike. The majority of research to date has accrued data about clients from secondary sources, such as adult report and observation. The purpose of this study was to explore children's perceptions of participating in CCPT by implementing a developmentally accessible interview medium, allowing children to share their experiences directly. Ten children betwe… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Quinn, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Community College Presidents and Their Role in American Democracy: A Narrative Inquiry

Description: The American democracy is experiencing strain from the erosion of democratic norms and its political, judicial, social, and economic institutions. In short, the American democracy shows signs of democratic deconsolidation. Community colleges are higher education institutions that help consolidate the U.S. democracy by representing democratic values such as equality and opportunity. The purpose of my study was to explore how selected community college presidents understand and articulate the res… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Sanders, Jonathon Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Mentorship Experiences of Black Masters Students in CACREP-Accredited Counselor Education Programs

Description: Within this research study, a qualitative phenomenological approach was used to explore the lived experiences of Black master's students (n = 10) who engage in mentorship in CACREP-accredited counselor education programs. The participants in this study represent different ACES regions in the United States, including SACES, NARACES, and NCACES. Six themes were discovered as a result of participants' experiences: (a) impact of mentorship, (b) benefits of mentorship, (c) qualities within mentoring… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Smith, Hailey Brierre
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Child-Centered Play Therapy and Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Children on the Autism Spectrum

Description: The current study is the first repeated-measures design exploring the impact of child-centered play therapy (CCPT), an evidence-based child psychotherapy intervention, on autistic children's social-emotional assets, and emotional and behavioral problems across four times during intervention based on teacher reports. Participants consisted of 19 autistic children recruited from two Title-1 elementary schools in the southwest United States who were aged between 5 years and 8.25 years (M = 6.22, S… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Chung, Regine Ki Ki
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Lived Experiences of Resilient LGBTQIQ Emerging Adults Who have Histories of Complex Trauma

Description: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and queer (LGBTQIQ) adults are more likely to report experiences of complex trauma, and have detrimental mental health effects as a result, when compared to cisgender, heterosexual adults. However, LGBTQIQ adults have excellent capacity for resilience. In this phenomenological investigation, I explored the lived experiences of resilient LGBTQIQ emerging adults (N = 11) who have histories of complex trauma. Five themes emerged as a resu… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Cunningham, Victoria L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of Play Therapists' Characteristics and Self-Efficacy in Predicting Barriers to Engaging Parents

Description: The current study sought to explore play therapists' barriers to engaging parents in their clinical work as well as understand the relationship between play therapist characteristics and their attitudes toward parents. Using a demographic questionnaire, Therapist Barriers to Engaging Parents (TBEP), and the Counseling Self- Estimate Inventory (COSE), 136 members of the Association for Play Therapy were surveyed to explore predictors to engaging with parents. Overall, play therapists reported lo… more
Date: May 2023
Creator: Line, Ahou Vaziri
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of Counselor Trainees' Co-Regulated Mindfulness: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Study

Description: Mindfulness is a practice that has the potential to help counseling students build a variety of skills that are necessary for clinical efficacy, including therapeutic presence, attunement, empathy, cognitive flexibility, and non-reactivity. However, mindfulness is rarely taught to students in mental health training programs, which makes it an untapped possibility to improve counselor education. Additionally, rarely do researchers explore the role of counselor mindfulness and counselor trauma on… more
Date: May 2023
Creator: Warwick, Lindsey A.
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Lived Experiences of Puerto Rican Mental Health Professionals Who Provided Postdisaster Counseling Services to Children

Description: This photovoice study explored the lived experiences of nine Puerto Rican mental health professionals who provided postdisaster counseling services to children. Due to the complex and multilayered experiences of Puerto Rican mental health professionals, this study used intersectionality as the theoretical lens to facilitate thematic analysis of the data. Results from coresearchers' narratives and photographs generated seven major themes: (a) la politiquería of disasters; (b) the impact of compo… more
This item is restricted from view until June 1, 2025.
Date: May 2023
Creator: Rodríguez Delgado, Mónica
Partner: UNT Libraries

Implementing the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies with Black, Indigenous, and Womxn of Color

Description: The purpose of this descriptive multiple case study was to explore how counselors implement multicultural and social justice counseling competencies (MSJCC) when providing therapy to Black, Indigenous, and Womxn of Color. This study was informed by critical theory and intersectionality theory to capture the complex dynamics of identity and power through semi-structured interviewing, observations of archived counseling sessions, review of archived client case records, and administration of the M… more
This item is restricted from view until June 1, 2025.
Date: May 2023
Creator: Jarrett, Jodi Ann N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The View and Understanding of 60x30TX at a Rural Community College

Description: This qualitative case study was completed at a rural medium-sized Texas community college and sought to understand how advisors and program coordinators made sense of the 60X30TX policy as it was implemented at their institution. The theoretical framework included community college, the Completion Agenda, structure-agency, and sensemaking. Each community college has its own culture shaped from its history, open access, policies, employees, and students. But the community college is influenced b… more
Date: May 2023
Creator: Daley, Christine Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries

Counselors' Experiences: Training and Use of Standardized Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Tests in Play Therapy Practice

Description: Assessment is a core component of the counseling identity. While previous literature has explored child clinicians' attitudes and use of standardized assessment instruments, less is known about the assessment practices of counselors providing play therapy to young children. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the subjective experiences of counselors who regularly use standardized social, emotional, and behavioral tests in their play therapy practice. Eleven professional counsel… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Iliff, Tamara
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Using Gottman's Sound Relationship House Scales to Assess the Impact of Safe Conversations Workshops

Description: This study replicated components from Babcock et al. (2013) by examining an Imago-based Safe Conversations (SC) workshop using Gottman's psychometrically established instruments for couple functioning. Participants were 28 married heterosexual couples (N = 56) with a mean age of 27.30 years (SD = 10.16), 89.3% non-Hispanic, 78.6% Black or African-American, 85.7% first time married, 75% with at least a bachelor's degree, and a median household income in the $100,000-150,000 range. Couples indepe… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Eaglin, Benlon V.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Differences in Academic Capital in Students at a Two-Year versus a Four-Year Institution

Description: Academic capital is composed of social processes that result in family knowledge of educational expectations, and strategies that result in a successful college experience. Often underrepresented and first-generation students lack a wealth of academic capital. This lack of knowledge may affect their college success. I used the Academic Capital Scale to research differences in academic capital in students attending a 2-year and a 4-year institution. To address differences in these two groups, I … more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Bell, Melody Delynn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Graduate Enrollment Management: A Case Study on Enrollment Managers

Description: Graduate enrollment management (GEM) is an area of enrollment management that focuses on graduate and professional education. GEM's responsibilities can include various functions such as strategic planning, marketing, recruitment and admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student services, retention, and alumni relations. The comprehensive structure of GEM puts a significant amount of pressure on enrollment managers as its unique interdependence model creates an environment where profess… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Bernard, Natalie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effective Caregiver Consultation in Play Therapy: A Program Evaluation

Description: This study examined the effectiveness of caregiver consultations in caregiver's child's play therapy process through a program evaluation lens. Archival data was used from a counseling clinic located in the central southwestern United States. Quantitative data was collected from caregiver who filled out assessments (PSI-4 and CBCL) about their child's progression through play therapy and both groups frequency of attendance. A regression analysis was used to determine if caregivers perceived cha… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Lowe, Paige Mathison
Partner: UNT Libraries
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