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Machine Learning and Text Mining for Advanced Information Sharing Systems in Blockchain and Cybersecurity Applications

Description: This research explores the role of blockchain technology in advanced information sharing systems with the applications of energy systems and healthcare. Essay 1 proposes a blockchain application to improve resilience in smart grids by addressing cyber security and peer-to-peer trading potentials. The results show that blockchain-based smart contracts are positively related to smart grid resilience. The findings also show that blockchain-based smart contracts significantly contribute to zero tru… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Hajian, Ava
Partner: UNT Libraries

Silver(I) and Copper(I) Complexes from Homoleptic to Heteroleptic: Synthesis, Structure and Characterization

Description: A plethora of novel scientific phenomena and practical applications, such as solid-state molecular solar cells and other optoelectronic devices for energy harvesting and lighting technologies, have catalyzed us to synthesize novel compounds with tunable properties. Synthetic routes, single crystal structures, and spectral and materials properties are described. Reactions of Ag(I) and Cu(I) precursors with various types of ligands -- including the azolates, diimines, and diiphosphines -- le… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: December 2018
Creator: Almotawa, Ruaa Mohammed
Partner: UNT Libraries

Application of Genetic Algorithm in Designing Matching and Decoupling Networks for Asymmetric Two-Element Antenna Arrays

Description: In this thesis, I demonstrate a genetic-algorithm-based optimization method for designing matching and decoupling networks (MDNs) for asymmetric two-element antenna arrays. The proposed method considers practical aspects in MDN realization by accounting for short pieces of transmission lines between the lumped elements and only using capacitor/inductor values from a predefined database of commercially available lumped component values. In addition, the proposed algorithm is able to explore all … more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Chakma, Nishako
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Development of a Multidimensional Measure of Vaping Dependence

Description: Currently, there is no comprehensive instrument that accounts for all the proposed aspects of vaping dependence simultaneously, nor do current instruments routinely account for factors that may be more unique to vaping dependence. Therefore, the current study addresses these concerns by developing a new multidimensional self-report instrument of vaping dependence. Using guidance from the literature together with expert recommendations, an initial item pool was generated and evaluated. Participa… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Vilches, Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries

Point of Departure: A Method for Teaching Improvisation Using Four-Mallet Marimba Literature for the High School Percussionist

Description: This dissertation introduces a method of melodic improvisation that is designed for the high school percussionist. Teaching improvisation to the modern music student can be challenging, as the concept of creating music spontaneously is unfamiliar to the typical music student. While improvisation techniques exist within jazz education, some students are overwhelmed by the complex harmony and sheer amount of study and practice that is required to improvise within the style of jazz. This dissertat… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2026.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Siegel, Nathan Elliot
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Establishing Social Stimuli as a Conditioned Reinforcer in Children with Autism

Description: Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are characterized by social-communicative deficits that impair important areas of functioning. Behavior analytic interventions frequently focus on providing support and enhancing social-communicative behavior in individuals with ASD. As part of these interventions, conditioning procedures are often implemented to establish social stimuli as reinforcers and promote skill acquisition. The current study systematically replicated and extend… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Ervay, Kaylin Brianne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Hungers and Desires: Excavating and Creating Queer Food Histories on the Borderlands

Description: Hungers and Desires: Excavating and Creating Queer Food Histories on the Borderlands creates a conversation between queer studies and food studies. It is divided into two parts, (I) Excavating and (II) Creating, each representing an engagement with historical methods. First, it offers a framework for reading food practices in the field of LGBTQ history, and queer studies, more broadly. Then, it excavates past food practices hidden within the LGBTQ archives in El Paso, Texas and applies the fram… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Lopez, Joshua Isaiah
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Birendra Glacial Lake, Nepal

Description: This study was done on 86 images from Landsat 5 and 8 from the years 1990 to 2023, and emphasized the spatial change of Birendra Lake. The Otsu method was used on the normalized difference water index (NDWI), modified normalized difference water index 1 and 2 (MNDWI), and automated water extraction index (AWEI) for this study. The area of Birendra Glacial Lake area grew significantly between 1990 and 2023 (94,500 m2 to 222,300 m2) because of climate change. The mean annual temperature was incr… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Bhattarai, Injal
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Development of GelMA-Alginate IPN Hydrogel for Establishing an In Vitro Osteoarthritis Model to Screen MMP-13 Inhibitors

Description: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disease characterized by irreversible cartilage degradation. MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) inhibitors represent a new approach to slowing OA progression by addressing cartilage degradation mechanisms. However, the success of preclinical studies failed to be translated into clinical application. One of the possible reasons is that the disease models in preclinical study can't reflect the biological complexity of human disease. Hydrogel-based cartilage cons… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Hu, Qichan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access


Description: My documentary film, Chhau, investigates how chhaupdi is practices in Nepal today. During chhaupdi, woman must isolate themselves during their menstruation, refraining from taking part in daily activities such as preparing meals for the family, having dinner with the family, consume dairy products and going to scared places.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Sunuwar, Saja
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Achieving Greater Tornado Resilience: Investigating Perceptions of Anchoring Systems among Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners

Description: Changing weather patterns have led to an increase in the frequency of tornadoes in the socially vulnerable southeast United States. This is concerning to manufactured and mobile homeowners, as these structures are highly vulnerable to tornado impacts. In recent years, the installation of ground anchors on manufactured and mobile homes (MMHs) has emerged as a strategy to mitigate against risks posed by tornadoes and high winds. Although these systems decrease horizontal movement and rollover pot… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Kelly, Ruxton Samuel
Partner: UNT Libraries

Scale Invariant Equations and Their Modified EM Algorithm for Estimating a Two-Component Mixture Model

Description: In this work, we propose a novel two-component mixture model: the first component is the three-parameter generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD), and the second is a new three-parameter family of positive densities on the real line. The novelty of our mixture model is that we allow the two components to have totally different parametric families of distributions with asymmetric tails of the mixture density. We extend the scale invariant variable fractional moments (SIVFM) method proposed by Son… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Ukenazor, Ifeanyichukwu Valentine
Partner: UNT Libraries

Diversity Patterns of Tardigrade Assemblages in Forested Landscape of Southern Chile: Associations and Biogeographical Implications

Description: In the Neotropical realm, little is yet known about the distribution, ecology, and biodiversity of limno-terrestrial tardigrades. Tardigrades are understudied micrometazoans and, in Chile, their biogeography and the variables that are associated with their diversity have never been recorded. This study proposes to examine the assemblages (composition and abundance) of tardigrades in forests throughout southern Chile and relate the patterns found to latitude, altitude, temperature, precipitation… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Mahawaththa Wathiyage, Ishani Chamishka Mahawaththa
Partner: UNT Libraries

Diversity Patterns of Chilean Tardigrades: Exploring Alpha and Beta Diversities at Multiple Spatial Scales

Description: Tardigrades are microscopic organisms found in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. Despite their adaptability, tardigrade ecology, particularly their spatial distribution, remains an understudied topic. In this study, we provide a brief overview of tardigrades identified from 26 forests in Southern Chile. We represent tardigrades using Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and examine their spatial distribution across multiple spatial sca… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Mohanan, Arya
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cultural Humility, Cultural Comfort, and the Therapeutic Relationship in Play Therapy

Description: The current study is the first to explore the role of cultural humility, cultural comfort, and the therapeutic relationship in play therapy. Participants consisted of 69 parent-therapist dyads recruited from university clinics, private practices, and a non-profit counseling center in the southwestern United States. Parents completed a demographic questionnaire, Cultural Humility Scale, Therapist Cultural Comfort Scale, and Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory – Other to Self 40 (BLRI OS – 40)… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Aguilar, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Exploring the Interdependence, Overselectivity, and Quantification of Emergent Verbal Behavior

Description: We aimed to develop and validate a multidimensional framework for analyzing complex verbal behavior. This involved introducing and demonstrating the use of multiaxial radar charts for visualizing and quantifying the interdependence of elementary verbal operants. Next, we extended the application of radar charts to the broader field of behavior analysis, emphasizing their utility in measuring and understanding complex human behavior. Last, we apply these methodologies to practical scenarios invo… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Otero, Maria Jose
Partner: UNT Libraries

RNA Sequencing of Mechanically Modulated A549 Cells

Description: Mechanical stiffening of the interstitial space in the lung – the protein-rich extracellular space between the alveoli and capillaries – plays an important role in modulating epithelial cell behaviors that contribute to cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) disease etiologies. However, the effects of substrate stiffness and breathing-like stretch are not well understood in the context of cancer. In this thesis project, we utilize RNA sequencing to understand how the mechanical properti… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Hessami, Ala
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Comprehensive Evaluation of VA-Developed PTSD Apps: A Systematic Review, MARS Scale Assessment, and User Review Analysis through Thematic and Path Analysis

Description: Mobile technology is increasingly leveraged for mental health interventions, with users expressing overall satisfaction and finding the apps helpful and user-friendly. While the apps offer diverse features for symptom management, self-help, and treatment support, evidence regarding their effectiveness remains limited, suggesting a need for further research. Usability, engagement, and tailoring to user preferences emerge as critical factors, emphasizing the importance of customization for differ… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Esener, Yeter Yildiz
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Air to Air Channel Modeling for Advanced Air Mobility Services

Description: A channel model is a mathematical or conceptual representation employed to describe the behavior and characteristics of a communication channel through which signal or data can be transferred from the transmitter (Tx) to the receiver (Rx) or between two transceivers. In wireless communication, the channel model represents the wireless medium with parameters like pathloss, impulse response, and multipath effects. A2A channel poses various challenges when UAVs operate at a higher altitude greater… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Das Rochi, Sudesna
Partner: UNT Libraries

Element and Event-Based Test Suite Reduction for Android Test Suites Generated by Reinforcement Learning

Description: Automated test generation for Andriod apps with reinforcement learning algorithms often produce test suites with redundant coverage. We looked at minimizing test suites that have already been generated based on state–action–reward–state–action (SARSA) algorithms. In this dissertation, we hypothesize that there is room for improvement by introducing novel hybrid approaches that combine SARSA-generated test suites with greedy reduction algorithms following the principle of HGS (Harrold Gupta Soff… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Alenzi, Abdullah Sawdi M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

When Nature Calls: Acoustical Measures of Biodiversity and Naturalness in an Urban/Peri-Urban Landscape

Description: Urban acoustic ecology is an emerging field focused on furthering our understanding of how the sounds within urban development impact the surrounding soundscape and biodiversity. Human noise, otherwise known as anthrophonies, are known to negatively impact wildlife by impeding communication and lowering species richness. With urban population expected to grow profoundly within the next 30 years, it is critical to explore the acoustical relationship between the environment and wildlife for futur… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Fields, Miranda Catherine
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Emergence of Integrated Airpower: Allied Airpower and Combined Arms Operations on the Western Front in 1918

Description: Airpower developed significantly during the First World War while leaders adapted to integrate it into the constantly evolving combined arms system. First World War airpower is often viewed as insignificant in relation to the wider conflict. This generally stems from the perception that airplanes fought in a parallel air war or failed to achieve "decisive" air-to-ground results. These conceptions oversimplify the impact of pursuit and bomber aviation and ignore the monumental role of aerial obs… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Roberts, Andrew McClain
Partner: UNT Libraries

Effects of Cattle Disturbance on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Missouri Farm Ponds

Description: I surveyed macroinvertebrate assemblages in ponds in three grazing regimes (ungrazed, rotationally grazed, and continuously grazed) in spring and summer of 2019 on the Osage Plains ecoregion of Missouri. Total suspended solids, turbidity, and organophosphates were lower in ungrazed ponds than in both grazed treatments, and water transparency and aquatic macrophyte cover was significantly higher. Richness was positively correlated with average depth, deepest depth, and water transparency and n… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Mittelhauser, Jennifer
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Practical vs Liberal Arts: A Panel Analysis of Degree Type Awards at Regional Comprehensive Universities

Description: The goal of this research was to explore the relationship between the undergraduate degree profile (practical vs. liberal arts) and environmental factors (institutional and state level) at regional comprehensive universities (RCUs) from 2006-2020. Neoliberal policies have dominated the higher education environment for the last 40 years and this has increased the pressure on institutions. RCUs represent a subset of the higher education population that have historically been responsive to envir… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: McClendon, Mark Bradley
Partner: UNT Libraries
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