Search Results

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En Babel éclatée

Description: Recording of Michel Karsky's En Babel éclatée. Mourning waltzes around Besieged Babels. The man is in the world. And the creator is not exempted from being in the world with the full enjoyment of his faculties of intelligence and sensitivity of intimate and collective memory, echo of history and art. In addition, when he is a musician, the sense of dance works on his sound material until he imprints an irresistible program on him. How can a frail waltz subject become a song of mercy for a wound… more
Date: 1996
Duration: 34 minutes 57 seconds
Creator: Karsky, Michel, 1936-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Two small boys go shopping

Description: Recording of Peter Cusack's Two small boys go shopping. The piece is a representation of composer Peter Cusack and his son simply shopping together in North London. This trip includes a visit to a toy store and a musical instrument shop where Peter tries out a guitar by playing a few notes from Stairway to Heaven.
Date: 1995
Duration: 15 minutes 22 seconds
Creator: Cusack, Peter
Partner: UNT Music Library
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