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[Portrait of Fran Vick, 3]

Description: Photograph of Fran Vick for potential use as an author photo in 2007. Vick is sitting in a rocking chair, facing to the left and looking directly at the camera. She is smiling slightly. Both of her hands are resting on the left arm of the chair. A shelf full of books can be seen in the background behind her.
Date: 2007
Creator: Vick, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of three Pro Bene Meritis awards presented on April 22, 2010. Each award consists of a glass cylinder with an angled top, forming a flat area on its front side. They are all lined up on a table, facing to the left of the camera. The award in the center reads, "Pro Bene Meritis Award Presented by the College of Liberal Arts to W. Parker Frisbie, Ph.D. In recognition of outstanding service & contributions 2010."
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Randy Diehl at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of Randy Diehl at the University of Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Diehl is looking off to the left of the camera and motioning with both hands. He appears to be speaking. A nametag on his suit jacket reads, "College of Liberal Arts[,] The University of Texas at Austin[,] Randy Diehl[,] Dean, College of Liberal Arts." Another man can be seen standing across from Diehl with his back turned to the camera, partially out of frame.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Mary Jo Lloyd at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of Mary Jo Lloyd (center) at the University of Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Lloyd is smiling at a woman standing across from her (right), who has her back turned to the camera. Suzan Glickman (left) can also be seen in the photograph, facing to the right of the camera.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Michael Stoff at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of Michael Stoff at the University of North Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Stoff is looking to the left of the camera and smiling. His left hand is resting on his hip. Two other men can be seen standing across from Stoff in the foreground of the photograph, out of focus and partially out of frame.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Michael Stoff at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards, 2]

Description: Photograph of Michael Stoff at the University of North Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Stoff is smiling at a woman standing across from him (right) who is out of focus in the foreground of the photograph. The woman has her back turned to the camera, and is adjusting her bag with her left hand. The hand of another person can be seen on the woman's back.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Richard Flores at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of Richard Flores at the University of North Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Flores is looking to the right of the camera and smiling slightly. His right hand is resting on the bar next to him. Two bottles of alcohol can be seen sitting on the bar in the bottom right portion of the photograph. A nametag on Flores' suit jacket reads, "College of Liberal Arts[,] The University of North Texas at Austin[,] Richard Flores[,] Senior Associate Dean Liberal Arts."
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Alan Tully and Frank Denius at 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Awards]

Description: Photograph of Alan Tully (left) and Frank Denius (right) at the University of Texas Pro Bene Meritis Awards dinner on April 22, 2010. They are standing side by side, looking at the camera and smiling. Denius has his right arm on Tully's shoulder. A nametag on Denius' suit jacket reads, "College of Liberal Arts[,] The University of Texas at Austin[,] Frank Denius[,] 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Recipient."
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Frank Denius receives 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Award]

Description: Photograph of Frank Denius (left) receiving the Pro Bene Meritus Award on April 22, 2010. Denius is facing to the right of the camera, shaking hands with Randy Diehl (right) who is standing across from him. Diehl is holding the award in his left hand. Julius Glickman (center) is standing behind them on stage, looking at Denius. All three men are smiling.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Ellen Clarke Temple receives 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Award]

Description: Photograph of Ellen Clarke Temple receiving the 2010 Pro Bene Meritis Award on April 22, 2010. Temple (2nd left) is holding the award in her right hand and a folded sheet of paper in her left hand. Julius Glickman (left), Randy Diehl (2nd right), and Fran Vick (right) are also on stage. They all are standing side by side, looking at the camera and smiling.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2010 Pro Bene Meritis Award recipients with Randy Diehl and Julius Glickman]

Description: Photograph of recipients of the University of Texas Pro Bene Meritis Award with two men at an awards dinner on April 22, 2010. Members of the group have been identified as: (l-r) Julius Glickman, Randy Diehl, W. Parker Frisbie, Ellen Clarke Temple, and Frank Denius. They are standing side by side, facing the camera and smiling. Frisbie is looking off to the right of the camera.
Date: April 22, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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