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Search Results

Arctic Climate Feedbacks: Global Implications

Description: Report describing sea-level rise and the associated flooding of coastal regions that may affect more than a quarter of the world’s population. It includes sections on atmospheric and ocean circulation feedbacks, ice sheets and sea-level rise feedbacks, marine and land carbon cycle feedbacks, and methane hydrate feedbacks.
Date: November 2009
Creator: Sommerkorn, Martin
Partner: UNT Libraries

Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation [Map]

Description: The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map shows the types of vegetation that occur across the Arctic, between the ice-covered Arctic Ocean to the north and the northern limit of forests to the south. Environmental and climatic conditions are extreme, with a short growing season and low summer temperatures. As one moves southward (outward from map's center in all directions), the amount of warmth available for plant growth increases considerably.
Date: 2003
Creator: CAVM Team
Partner: UNT Libraries

WCRP IPY activities

Description: On 1 March 2007, the International Polar Year 2007/2008, one of the most ambitious coordinated international science programmes was launched. Many of the IPY leaders and participants are members of WCRP projects and groups. Climate issues are at the forefront of the majority of IPY studies. This chart is a visualization of International Polar Year activities at the World Climate Research Program.
Date: March 11, 2008
Creator: World Climate Research Program
Partner: UNT Libraries
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