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Preserving the Image of Fandom: The Sandy Hereld Memorial Digitized Media Fanzine Collection at Texas A & M University

Description: Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the author discusses the content and issues of the Sandy Hereld Memorial Digitized Media Fanzine Collection at Texas A & M University.
Date: September 20, 2013
Creator: Brett, Jeremy
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Austin Fanzine Project: An Overview

Description: Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. This presentation discusses the Austin Fanzine Project, an institutional-independent project intended to improve access to the documents of a recently-historical subculture -- the Austin, Texas underground music scene of the 1990s. The project has also blossomed into a sandbox for creative experimentation with digital archives and digital humanities methods and tools.
Date: September 20, 2013
Creator: Hecker, Jennifer
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Social Media on Schedule

Description: Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the author discusses scheduled social media updates at the Texas Archive of the Moving Image.
Date: September 20, 2013
Creator: Hansen, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Digital Evolution: Innovative Survival

Description: Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the authors discuss digitization methodologies, skills, and economic factors relating to the Oklahoma Historical Society.
Date: September 20, 2013
Creator: Pryse, JA & Wojcik, Nicholas
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Birds of a Feather Session

Description: Presentation of speakers and topics in a birds of a feather session for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. Topics include: Testing the research usability of finding aids and metadata of primary resources, exploring data curation across disciplines using Google books for academic research, digital collection usage, teaching humanities digitally, and internet politics.
Date: September 21, 2013
Creator: Bartlett, Mary Lee; Bailey, Janet; Caton, Amy; Lancaster, Scott; Boeke, Cindy; Henry, Robin et al.
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Yes, but is it Linked Open Data?

Description: Poster presented at Digital Frontiers. This poster presents preliminary results from an analysis of 407 success proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities' Office of Digital Humanities grant program.
Date: September 22, 2016
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Grumbach, Elizabeth & Potvin, Sarah
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Impact of Open Access in Scholarly Communications: Stakeholders Perspectives

Description: Panel presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the panelists discuss the impact of open access on scholarly communications with perspectives from five different stakeholders.
Date: September 19, 2013
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Waugh, Laura; Kleister, Jill; Chrisman, Ronald & Helge, Kris
Partner: UNT Libraries

In Search of Charles B. Ward [Presentation]

Description: Presentation for the 2014 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. This presentation discusses Charles B. Ward (1864-1917) and includes a biography and further implications for biography and musical reception history through resources originally created with different purposes in mind.
Date: September 18, 2014
Creator: Feustle, Maristella
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collaboration, Creativity and Collections: Historical Preservation for Alabama Communities.

Description: Presentation for the 2017 Digital Frontiers Conference. This presentation discusses two traveling postcard exhibits, physical and digital, created by Troy University Libraries and Troy University's International Center for Collaboration and Creativity (iC3).
Date: September 21, 2017
Creator: Elder, Ruth & Johnson, Jerry
Partner: UNT Libraries

All the News That's Fit to Mine: Text Mining and Topic Modeling Newspaper Usage in Scholarly Literature

Description: Presentation for the 2017 Digital Frontiers Conference. This presentation discusses the use of the JSTOR Data for Research (DfR) tool to examine the occurrence of newspapers in scholarly literature and analyze the disciplines and key terms associated with journal articles that use newspapers in their research.
Date: September 21, 2017
Creator: Feeney, Mary; Wallace, Niamh & Oliver, Jeff
Partner: UNT Libraries
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