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["Bush in Reversal, to Meet With a Gay Republican Group" article, April 8, 2000]

Description: An article, written by Frank Bruni for The New York Times, that covers an upcoming meeting between Presidential candidate George W. Bush and gay and lesbian Republicans. The meeting was set up by Charles C. Francis. The piece also covers a recent speech he delivered at the National Hispanic Women's Conference.
Date: April 8, 2000
Creator: Bruni, Frank
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Photo of Charlie Francis holding a folder]

Description: Photograph of Charles Inge Francis, the great uncle of Charles C. Francis and NTSU regent, standing in an office space with a Gothic cathedral painting on the wall behind him and a folder or papers in his hand. On the back is a handwritten note that reads "To J. R. Harris my nephew, Sincerely, Charles I. Francis 2-24-69". Beneath that note is a long three paragraph biography of Charles Inge Francis.
Date: February 24, 1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Photograph of NRCC donation]

Description: A photograph of the presentation of a $50,000 check to Congressman Tom Davis to aid in the National Republican Congressional Committee's funding of battleground campaigns. On the photo are handwritten notes. The top one reads "NRCC/RNC presentation" and the bottom one reads "$50,000 presentation to Cong. Tom Davis."
Date: October 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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