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1778-1783. America owes France the most unalterable gratitude : 1917- -- . French Comrade your children shall be as our children.

Description: Black and white drawing of a soldier saluting the grave of another soldier. A weeping boy and a girl kneeling in prayer are at his sides. In the sky to the upper right there is a faint drawing of a row of soldiers standing guard and a commander on horseback.
Date: 1918
Creator: Jonas, Lucien, 1880-1947.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Comptoir National D'escompte de Paris : Emprunt National 1918 : pour hâter la Victoire, et pour nous revoir bientôt, souscrivez!

Description: Color poster of two women smiling. The woman on the left is wearing a large black Alsatian headdress ("coiffe alsacienne"). She is raising one arm in the air as if to salute and has her other arm around the shoulder of the other woman. The woman on the right is holding flowers. She wears a white bonnet and a shawl, typical of the region of Lorraine. Both women wear blue-white-and-red rosettes on their headwear. A bird flies at the lower left side of the picture. (Alsace-Lorraine was a part of F… more
Date: 1918
Creator: Leroux, Jules Marie Auguste, 1871-1954.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Food will win the war : you came here seeking freedom, you must now help to preserve it : wheat is needed for the Allies, waste nothing.

Description: Color poster of people standing on a boat or shoreline near the sea. They appear to be European immigrants. In the foreground, a man appears to be pleading with a woman holding a basket of food. In the background can be seen part of a large ship, the Statue of Liberty, and a rainbow stretching across the New York skyline. A man waves his cap in that direction.
Date: 1918
Creator: Chambers, Charles Edward, ca. 1883-1941.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Keep it coming ... : waste nothing.

Description: Color poster shows a convoy of green food-supply trucks driving through snow. A soldier in a long coat and helmet appears to be directing the trucks. In the lower left corner is the seal of the U.S. Food Administration.
Date: 1918
Creator: Illian, George, 1894-1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Sure! We'll finish the job : Victory Liberty Loan.

Description: A smiling man wearing a hat and overalls stands. He wears an indigo shirt, sleeves rolled up and showing the cuff of a red undershirt. On his overalls are pinned four buttons depicting patriotic symbols of the United States.
Date: 1918
Creator: Beneker, Gerrit A. (Gerrit Albertus), 1882-1934.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Red Cross]

Description: Color poster of a Red Cross nurse coming to the assistance of a woman and directing her to a Red Cross building. The nurse wears a blue cape and a long blue headdress resembling a nun's habit and veil. The assisted woman is carrying a large cloth bundle and appears to be a refugee in distress.
Date: 1918
Creator: Cappiello, Leonetto, 1875-1942.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Su gli argini del Piave, dove maestosa si erge la Storica e millenario Venezia, l'orgoglio Unno trova certo tomba per l'eroismo delle legioni alleati : On this side of the Piave, where the beautiful and ancient City of Venice stands, the haughty Huns will surely meet death from the hands of the Heroic and Allied Legions.

Description: Color poster depicts a battle scene with the British, American, French and Italian forces on one side of the river and the enemy on the other side. In the background there is a view of the buildings of Venice. A female figure wearing a crown and draped in a red skirt hovers over the scene holding an Italian flag and a sword. A large yellow star shines behind her and over the city. At her feet are the words, "Da qui non si passa" ("They shall not pass"). At the upper left hand corner are small p… more
Date: 1918
Creator: Petronzio, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Pour le triomphe, souscrivez à l'emprunt national : les souscriptions sont reçues à Paris et en province à la Banque Nationale de Crédit.

Description: French soldiers of World War I march on the ground through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. From the clouds, a crowd of soldiers from past wars descend to join them. The figure of Bellona (the Roman goddess of war) of the "Marseillaise" sculpture on the arch appears to urge the soldiers on to battle.
Date: 1918
Creator: SEM
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Pour que la France soit victorieuse! : souscrivez au 4ème Emprunt de la Défense Nationale, Crédit Français, 52_54, rue de Châteaudun, Paris.

Description: Lithograph, of a black and white drawing of a cock and an eagle preparing to fight. The eagle wears a crown. The French cock appears to be standing over a miniature town. The imperial eagle is representative of the Central Powers and the Gallic cock is a symbol of France. The poster is bordered with a blue, white, and red stripe.
Date: 1918
Creator: Scott, Georges Bretin, 1873-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Emprunt de la Libération : on les a : souscrivez à la London County & Westminster Bank (Paris) Ltd.

Description: Lithograph of 3 soldiers in battle. One is wearing a Scottish uniform with kilt. A tall soldier with a mustache wears a French uniform and holds his helmet in the air. Another in the background wears an olive/khaki uniform (British or U.S.) with helmet, and is pointing a rifle. An explosion can be seen in the background on the left.
Date: 1918
Creator: Bouisset, Firmin.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Feed a fighter : eat only what you need-- waste nothing-- that he and his family may have enough.

Description: Charcoal drawing of a soldier sitting in a trench, drinking out of a cup. Other soldiers can be seen in the background. At the top right corner of the poster is the round seal of the U.S. Food Administration (shield with flag motif surrounded by wheat stalks).
Date: 1918
Creator: Morgan, Wallace.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Pour le retour, souscrivez : 4e Emprunt National, Crédit Foncier d'Algérie et de Tunisie, 43, rue Cambon, Paris.

Description: Lithograph of a Mediterranean sea port. Numerous ships and boats are in the water. In the foreground are people standing along a sea wall, in traditional white Tunisian clothing, waving at a crowd of people on a large ship. In the background is a large city. Several airplanes are seen flying overhead.
Date: 1918
Creator: R. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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