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open access

WARC implementation guidelines

Description: This report gathers advice and best practice to help institutions designing and creating WARC files for collection management, access, preservation, and interoperability with collections from different institutions.
Date: January 27, 2009
Creator: Oury, Clément
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Crowdsourcing Workshop & Use Cases

Description: This report describes a crowdsourcing workshop at the 2012 International Internet Preservation Coalition General Assembly. This report contains a workshop report, the discussion paper "Can Crowdsourcing Play a Role in Archiving the Web?, workshop schedule, a list of resources, questions to ask of crowdsourcing sites, crowdsourcing use case templates, and the article "The Crowd & the Library: The Agony and Exstasy of 'Crowdsourcing' Our Cultural Heritage."
Date: May 4, 2012
Creator: Pennock, Maureen E.; Hockx-Yu, Helen & Owens, Trevor
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Characterizing Change in Web Archiving

Description: This report attempts to define the characteristics and dimensions of change in web content
Date: August 27, 2004
Creator: Boyko, Andrew
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Archiving Web Browser Plug-ins

Description: This report explores issues related to the archiving of Web Browser Plug-ins.
Date: January 9, 2004
Creator: Bang, Sverre
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Test Bed Taxonomy for Crawler

Description: This report contains an annotated taxonomy of challenges that web crawler may encounter online.
Date: July 2004
Creator: Boyko, Andrew; Anderson, Martha & Jones, Gina
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Web Archives: The Future(s)

Description: This report aims to stimulate further discussion among web archivists and researchers about the future ways in which web archives can be used by researchers.
Date: June 30, 2011
Creator: Meyer, Eric T.; Thomas, Arthur & Schroeder, Ralph
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Prototypes related to IIPC Access Working Group Use Cases

Description: This report provides use cases illustrating that a web archive has many types of users nad several methods for access are needed.
Date: May 2006
Creator: International Internet Preservation Consortium. Access Working Group
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Harvesting Practices Report

Description: This report summarizes the results of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) Harvesting Practices Survey, developed in order to understand, analyze and to collate the current Internet archiving processes and experiences amongst IIPC members.
Date: June 10, 2011
Creator: Mayr, Michaela
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Information and documentation — Statistics and Quality Indicators for Web Archiving

Description: This technical report defines statistical terms and quality criteria for Web archiving. It considers the needs and practices across a wide range of heritage and research organisations such as national and research libraries, archives, museums, research centres and heritage foundations.
Date: 2012
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Web Harvesting Survey

Description: This report contains a survey of the conditions found on web sites that influence the harvesting of content and the quality of an archival crawl.
Date: July 2004
Creator: Marill, Jennifer; Boyko, Andrew; Ashenfelder, Michael & Jones, Gina
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Internet Archives Compatibility Initiative

Description: This report describes a set of definitions and criteria ensure practical object compatibility for for a web archive storage standard.
Date: January 2016
Creator: Organisation Information Archivierung
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Web Archive Profiling Via Sampling Final Report

Description: This report covers the results, deliverables, and ongoing status of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) funded project "Web Archive Profiling Via Sampling" with links to code, datasets, presentations, and papers as appropriate.
Date: September 16, 2016
Creator: Alam, Sawood; Nelson, Michael L.; Van de Sompel, Herbert; Balakireva, Lyudmila; Shankar, Harihar; Bornand, Nicolas J. et al.
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Evaluating Twittervane: Project Final Report

Description: This report provides the final update on the Twittervane project, a prototype application capable of collecting and analyzing Twitter feeds and outputting URLs mentioned in the Tweets.
Date: June 16, 2013
Creator: Pitt, Mary & Hockx-Yu, Helen
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Archival data format requirements

Description: This report describes requirements for an archival storage format suited to preserve collections of internet data.
Date: unknown
Creator: Sloth Christensen, Steen
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Preserving Access – Making More Informed Guesses About What Works

Description: This report discusses the problem of progressive technological change on current and future access to web archives using the PANDORA web archive as a primary case study.
Date: November 23, 2009
Creator: Davis, Maxine
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Iipc Web Archiving Metadata Set

Description: This report presents a set of metadata elements for web archiving.
Date: November 9, 2004
Creator: Masanès, Julien
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Bit Preservation Specifications

Description: This report provides specifications for a bit preservation system for the archive storage of the data that represents and is associated with the digital objects over which a library has custodianship.
Date: October 26, 2005
Creator: Hafken, David; Hamidzadeh, Babak; Littman, Justin & Madden, Elizabeth
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Live Archiving Proxy Project Closure

Description: This report documents the closing of the Live Archiving Proxy Project to build an HTTP proxy that is able to capture the traffic that flows through it, and delegate the handling fo the captured data to a writer using a simple network protocol. This report summarizes the project and its deliverables, and includes feedback on the project from the British Library, the Internet Memory Foundation, and
Date: June 19, 2013
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

IIPC Preservation Working Group Report to IIPC Steering Committee

Description: This report summarizes the formation of the Preservation Workgroup and its work conducted between June to December 2007.
Date: December 11, 2007
Creator: International Internet Preservation Consortium. Preservation Working Group
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
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