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open access

Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty: Legal Considerations

Description: On December 13, 2001, President Bush gave formal notice to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Ukraine that the United States was withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty because of the constraints it imposes on the testing of missile defense systems; and six months later, on June 13, 2002, the treaty effectively terminated. The ABM Treaty has been in force since 1972. Pertinent legal questions that have been raised about U.S. withdrawal concern whether the treaty allows it; if so, t… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Ackerman, David M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Optical Properties and Wave Propagation in Semiconductor-Based Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

Description: This work is a theoretical investigation on the physical properties of semiconductor-based two-dimensional photonic crystals, in particular for what concerns systems embedded in planar dielectric waveguides (GaAs/AlGaAs, GaInAsP/InP heterostructures, and self-standing membranes) or based on macro-porous silicon. The photonic-band structure of photonic crystals and photonic-crystal slabs is numerically computed and the associated light-line problem is discussed, which points to the issue of intr… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Agio, Mario
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scalable Computational Chemistry: New Developments and Applications

Description: The computational part of the thesis is the investigation of titanium chloride (II) as a potential catalyst for the bis-silylation reaction of ethylene with hexaclorodisilane at different levels of theory. Bis-silylation is an important reaction for producing bis(silyl) compounds and new C-Si bonds, which can serve as monomers for silicon containing polymers and silicon carbides. Ab initio calculations on the steps involved in a proposed mechanism are presented. This choice of reactants allows … more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Alexeev, Yuri
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report - DOE Center for Laser Imaging and Cancer Diagnostics

Description: This Final Report summarizes the significant progress made by the researchers, students and staff of the Center for Laser Imaging and Cancer Diagnostics (CLICD) from January 1998 through May 2002. During this period, the Center supported several projects. Most projects were proposed initially, some were added subsequently as their relevance and importance to the DOE mission became evident. DOE support has been leveraged to obtain continuing funding for some projects. Leveraged funds come from v… more
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: Alfano, Robert R. & Koutcher, Jason A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AISI/DOE Advanced Process Control Program Vol. 1 of 6: Optical Sensors and Controls for Improved Basic Oxygen Furnace Operations

Description: The development of an optical sensor for basic oxygen furnace (BOF) off-gas composition and temperature in this Advanced Process Control project has been a laboratory spectroscopic method evolve into a pre-commercialization prototype sensor system. The sensor simultaneously detects an infrared tunable diode laser ITDL beam transmitted through the process off-gas directly above the furnace mouth, and the infrared greybody emission from the particulate-laden off-gas stream. Following developmenta… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Allendorf, Sarah; Ottesen, David & Hardesty, Donald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Through sponsorship from the Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL), development and manufacture of advanced second generation candle filters was undertaken in the early 1990's. Efforts were primarily focused on the manufacture of fracture toughened, 1.5 m, continuous fiber ceramic composite (CFCC) and filament wound candle filters by 3M, McDermott, DuPont Lanxide Composites, and Techniweave. In order to demonstrate long-term thermal, chemical, and mechanical st… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Alvin, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Members of the U.S. Congress Who Have Died of Other Than Natural Causes while in Office

Description: This report provides an alphabetical list of the 61 Members of Congress who have died of other than natural causes while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. Each entry includes party affiliation, the name of the state that the Member represented, dates of service, chamber in which the Member served, and cause of death.
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: Amer, Mildred
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This project has three main goals: Thin Films Studies, Preparation of Graded Porous Substrates and Basic Electrical Characterization and testing of Planar Single Cells. This period has continued to address the problem of making dense 1/2 to 5 {micro}m thick dense layers on porous substrates (the cathode LSM). Our current status is that we are making structures of 2-5 cm{sup 2} in area, which consist of either dense YSZ or CGO infiltrated into a 2-5 {micro}m thick 50% porous layer made of either… more
Date: March 31, 2002
Creator: Anderson, Harlan U.; Dogan, Fatih & Petrovsky, Vladimir
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Declaration Patent for the Invention of Device for Pulling Halyard

Description: The device for the halyard stretching consists of a frame with coupler and clamping rollers mounted in pairs on it, the drive of the rotation of the coupler rollers and the clamping device with a clamping spring. The clamping device is remarkable that the clamping rollers are mounted in a separate movable bracket, which is connected with the frame with the help of a hinge. Between the frame and the movable bracket a releasing spring is inserted. The clamping device is equipped with a movable ho… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Anuprienko, G. E.; Karpachov, Y. A.; Rowland, M. S.; Savenko, Y. M. & Smith, C. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydration and mobility of HO-(aq)

Description: The hydroxide anion plays an essential role in many chemical and biochemical reactions. But questions of its hydration state and transport in water are currently controversial. Here we address this situation using the quasi-chemical theory of solutions. The simplest such approach suggests that HO [H20]3- is the most probable species at infinite dilution in aqueous solution under standard conditions, followed by the HO . [H20]2- and HO . [HzO]- forms which are close together in stablity. HO . [H… more
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: Asthagiri, D. (Dilipkumar); Pratt, Lawrence Riley; Kress, J. D. (Joel D.) & Gomez, M. A. (Maria A.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Multi-keV X-Ray Conversion Efficiency in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Description: X-ray sources are created at the Nova and Omega laser by irradiating a confined volume of Ar, Xe, or Kr gas. The gas is heated by forty 0.35 {micro}m wavelength, 1-ns square laser beams to produce He-like ions that radiate K-shell emission over mm-sized dimensions. The targets are designed to be ''underdense'', meaning that the initial gas density is lower than the critical density of the laser, n{sub c} {approx} 10{sup 21} cm{sup -3}. The laser energy is primarily absorbed by inverse bremsstra… more
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: Back, C. A.; Landen, O. L.; Hammer, J. H.; Suter, L. J.; Miller, M. C.; Davis, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A dedicated storage ring for Far-IR coherent synchrotron radiation at the ALS

Description: We present the concepts for a storage ring dedicated to and optimized for the production of stable coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) over the far-infrared wavelength range from about 200 microns to 1 mm.
Date: May 31, 2002
Creator: Barry, W. C.; Baptist, K. M.; Benjegerdes, R. J.; Biocca, A. K.; Byrd, J. M.; Byrne, W. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Top Level User Specifications for Mask Inspection Microscope

Description: This document compiles top-level user specifications for an EUV microscope for characterizing EUVL mask defects. Two broad categories of application are considered: (1) emulation of the imaging characteristics of a stepper for printability analysis (AIM mode); and (2) high-resolution imaging for obtaining a more detailed characterization of defects or mask features. It is generally assumed that the mask defects that are to be characterized have been located by a previous inspection procedure an… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Barty, A. & Taylor, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Working within the context of the Southern States Biobased Alliance (SSBA) and with officials in each state, the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) is identifying bioenergy-related policies and programs within each state to determine their impact on the development, deployment or use of bioenergy. In addition, SSEB will determine which policies have impacted industry's efforts to develop, deploy or use biobased technologies or products. As a result, SSEB will work with the Southern States Biob… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Baskin, Kathryn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Working within the context of the Southern States Biobased Alliance (SSBA) and with officials in each state, the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) is identifying bioenergy-related policies and programs within each state to determine their impact on the development, deployment or use of bioenergy. In addition, SSEB will determine which policies have impacted industry's efforts to develop, deploy or use biobased technologies or products. As a result, SSEB will work with the Southern States Biob… more
Date: July 31, 2002
Creator: Baskin, Kathryn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agriculture Support Mechanisms in the European Union: A Comparison with the United States

Description: The European Union (EU), comprised of 15 member states (countries), is one of the United States’ chief agricultural trading partners and also a major competitor in world markets. Both heavily support their agricultural sectors, with a large share of such support concentrated on wheat, feed grains, cotton, oilseeds, sugar, dairy, and tobacco. However, the EU provides more extensive support to a broader range of farm and food products. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and De… more
Date: July 31, 2002
Creator: Becker, Geoffrey S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Farm Commodity Legislation: Chronology, 1933-2002

Description: This report discusses legislation regarding commodities and price supports. Since 1933, Congress has required the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to administer various price and income support programs for U.S. farmers. Some standing authority for these programs is provided by three permanent laws, from 1938, 1948, and 1949. However, Congress frequently alters the basic provisions of these laws. The omnibus law now guiding farm support (through 2007) is the Farm Security and Rural Investm… more
Date: May 31, 2002
Creator: Becker, Geoffrey S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Farm "Counter-Cyclical Assistance"

Description: This report discusses recently approved legislation reauthorizing major farm income and commodity price support programs through crop year 2007. This legislation includes new “counter-cyclical assistance” programs for grains, cotton, oilseeds, peanuts, and milk. The intent of counter-cyclical assistance is to provide more government support when farm prices and/or incomes decline, and less support when they improve. In fact, farmers have, for many years, been eligible for various forms of coun… more
Date: May 31, 2002
Creator: Becker, Geoffrey S. & Womach, Jasper
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Building a LLNL Capability in Radioactive Ion Beam Experiments

Description: The purpose of this LDRD was to establish a program at LLNL in radioactive ion beam (RIB) experiments that would use these experiments to address a wide range physics issues in both stellar nucleosynthesis and stockpile stewardship radiochemistry. The LDRD was funded for a total of two years (fiscal years 2000 and 2001) and transferred to the Physical Data Research Program in fiscal year 2002. Reactions on unstable nuclei and isomeric states play a central role in the formation of elements in b… more
Date: January 31, 2002
Creator: Bernstein, L. A.; Becker, J. A.; Garrett, P. E.; Younes, W. & Schiller, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intelligence Issues for Congress

Description: This report discusses intelligence issues for Congress including narcotics trafficking, conflicts between Israel and Palestine, in Iraq, and among the former Yugoslav states, and North Korean missile capabilities. Updated May 31, 2002.
Date: May 31, 2002
Creator: Best, Richard A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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