Search Results

Primary view of A 1. 5--4 Kelvin detachable cold-sample transfer system: Application to inertially confined fusion with spin-polarized hydrogens fuels
Alexander, N.; Barden, J.; Fan, Q. & Honig, A.
January 1, 1990
Primary view of 1/12-scale physical modeling experiments in support of tank 241-SY- 101 hydrogen mitigation
Fort, J. A.; Bamberger, J. A.; Bates, J. M.; Enderlin, C. W. & Elmore, M. R.
January 1, 1993
Primary view of 1/12-scale physical modeling experiments in support of tank 241-SY- 101 hydrogen mitigation. Final report
Fort, J. A.; Bamberger, J. A.; Bates, J. M.; Enderlin, C. W. & Elmore, M. R.
January 1993
Primary view of 1.5D Quasilinear Model for Alpha Particle-TAE Interaction in ARIES ACT-I
Ghantous, K.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Kessel, C. & Poli, F.
January 30, 2013
Primary view of 1 - FFTF-LMFBR seal test program, July-September 1974
Kurzeka, W. & Oliva, R.
January 1, 1974
Primary view of S-1 project. Volume I. Architecture. 1979 annual report
unknown creator
January 1, 1979
Primary view of S-1 project. Volume II. Hardware. 1979 annual report
unknown creator
January 1, 1979
Primary view of A 2-D Pore-Network Model of the Drying of Single-Component Liquids in Porous Media
Yortsos, Yanic C.; Yiotis, A. G.; Stubos, A. K. & Boundovis, A. G.
January 20, 2000
Primary view of 3-D computer simulations of EM field sin the APS vacuum chamber. Part 2: Time-domain analysis
Chou, W.
January 20, 1989
Primary view of A 3-d modular gripper design tool
Brown, R.G. & Brost, R.C.
January 1997
Primary view of 3-D vertical seismic profiling at LLNL Site 300
Bainer, R.; Rector, J. & Milligan, P.
January 29, 1997
Primary view of η-3π Decay With Susskind's Model.
Miyatake, Y.
January 1, 1970
Primary view of 3(omega) Power Balance Procedure on the NIF
Glenzer, S.; Jones, O.; Speck, D. R.; Munro, D.; Lerche, R.; Salmon, T. et al.
January 22, 2001
Primary view of The 4-8 GHz Stochastic Cooling Upgrade for the Fermilab Debuncher
McGinnis, D.
January 1, 1999
Primary view of 5 and 5 hot cell configuration for E-MAD facility. Phase 2
Svasek, A. J.
January 17, 1963
Primary view of 6 KW SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ENDURANCE. A.E.C. Organic Rankine Cycle Technology Program Topical Report.
Niggemann, R. E.
January 1, 1972
Primary view of 10 CFR 850 Implementation of Requirements
Lee, S.
January 5, 2012
Primary view of 10 MW Supercritical CO2 Turbine Test
Turchi, Craig
January 29, 2014
Primary view of 10-MWe solar-thermal central-receiver pilot plant, solar facilities design integration: collector-field optimization report (RADL item 2-25)
unknown creator
January 1, 1981
Primary view of 10 NSEC Resolution Counter for Multiparticle Atom Probe Time-of-Flight Measurements.
Berger, A. S.
January 1, 1972
Primary view of A 10 um Resolution Secondary Emission Monitor for Fermilab's Targeting Station
Hurh, P.; O'Day, S.; Dombrowski, R. & Page, T.
January 1, 1994
Primary view of 11-FFTF-LMFBR seal-test program, January-March 1976
Steele, O. P., III; Horton, P. & Shimazaki, T.
January 1, 1976
Primary view of 11 - FFTF-LMFBR seal test program, October-December 1973
Kurzeka, W.; Oliva, R. & Welch, F.
January 1, 1973
Primary view of 12 Batch coalescing studies
Kourbanis, I. & Wildman, D.
January 1, 1995
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