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open access

High Performance Diskless Linux Workstations in AX-Division

Description: AX Division has recently installed a number of diskless Linux workstations to meet the needs of its scientific staff for classified processing. Results so far are quite positive, although problems do remain. Some unusual requirements were met using a novel, but simple, design: Each diskless client has a dedicated partition on a server disk that contains a complete Linux distribution.
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Councell, E & Busby, L
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physical and Liquid Chemical Simulant Formulations for Transuranic Waste in Hanford Single-Shell Tanks

Description: CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. (CH2M HILL) is in the process of identifying and developing supplemental process technologies to accelerate the tank waste cleanup mission. A range of technologies is being evaluated to allow disposal of Hanford waste types, including transuranic (TRU) process wastes. Ten Hanford single-shell tanks (SSTs) have been identified whose contents may meet the criteria for designation as TRU waste: the B-200 series (241-B-201, -B-202, -B 203, and B 204), the T-200 series … more
Date: July 30, 2003
Creator: Rassat, Scot D.; Bagaasen, Larry M.; Mahoney, Lenna A.; Russell, Renee L.; Caldwell, Dustin D. & Mendoza, Donaldo P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 75As(n,2n) Cross Sections into the 74As Isomer and Ground State

Description: The {sup 75}As(n, 2n) cross section for the population of the T{sub 1/2} = 26.8-ns isomer at E{sub x} = 259.3 keV in {sup 74}As has been measured as a function of incident neutron energy, from threshold to E{sub n} = 20 MeV. The cross section was measured using the GEANIE spectrometer at LANSCE/WNR. For convenience, the {sup 75}As(n, 2n) population cross section for the {sup 74}As ground state has been deduced as the difference between the previously-known (n, 2n) reaction cross section and the… more
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: Younes, W.; Garrett, P. E.; Becker, J. A.; Bernstein, L. A.; Ormand, W. E.; Dietrich, F. S. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory Testing of Bulk Vitrified and Steam Reformed Low-Activity Waste Forms to Support A Preliminary Risk Assessment for an Integrated Disposal Facility

Description: Laboratory testing was conducted on bulk vitrified and steam reformed waste forms to supply the input parameters needed for reactive chemical transport calculations with the Subsurface Transport Over Reactive Multiphases (STORM) code. This same code was used to conduct the 2001 ILAW performance assessment. The required input parameters for both waste forms are derived from a mechanistic model that describes the effect of solution chemistry on contaminant release rates. The single-pass flow-thro… more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: McGrail, B. Peter; Pierce, Eric M.; Schaef, Herbert T.; Rodriguez, Elsa A.; Steele, Jackie L.; Owen, Antionette T. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendations for Advanced Design Mixer Pump Operation in Savannah River Site Tank 18F

Description: This report discusses technical issues and presents recommendations for operating the advanced design mixer pump (ADMP) in Tank 18 at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Also presented are the results obtained from simulated scaled pump-down tests carried out in the 1/4-scale double shell tank (DST) test facility at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The work was conducted for the DOE Tanks Focus Area (TFA) by the Retrieval Process Development and Enhancement (RPD&E) program. The abil… more
Date: October 30, 2003
Creator: Enderlin, Carl W.; Terrones, Guillermo; Bates, Cameron J.; Hatchell, Brian K. & Adkins, Brannen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Underwater Determination of Radionuclide Levels in 105-KE Basin Floor and Walls Using a Gamma-Ray Detector System

Description: Activities to remove spent fuel, sludge and debris from K East Basin have begun. Once all the radioactive hazards (i.e., fuel, sludge and debris) are removed from the basin, the basin water will be removed and the basin will be turned over to a deactivation and decommission contractor. However, the specific approach to achieving this end state is dependent on knowledge of contamination levels in the concrete walls and floor once the water is removed. PNNL researchers have developed a one-of-a-k… more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Arthur, Richard J.; Schlahta, Stephan N.; Scherpelz, Robert I.; MacFarlan, Paul J. & Catalan, Michael A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Efficiency Steam Electrolyzer

Description: A hydrogen economy will require readily available and affordable hydrogen fuel. Current methods of hydrogen production do not fulfill these requirements. We are working on an electrolyzer system that can provide distributed hydrogen production while taking advantage of the nation's existing natural gas infrastructure. Electrolysis is a promising hydrogen production technology both because of its ability to produce pure hydrogen from water and because it does not require large, centralized plant… more
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: Vance, A L; Trent, J W; See, E F & Glass, R S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health Impacts from Acute Radiation Exposure

Description: Absorbed doses above1-2 Gy (100-200 rads) received over a period of a day or less lead to one or another of the acute radiation syndromes. These are the hematopoietic syndrome, the gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome, the cerebrovascular (CV) syndrome, the pulmonary syndrome, or the cutaneous syndrome. The dose that will kill about 50% of the exposed people within 60 days with minimal medical care, LD50-60, is around 4.5 Gy (450 rads) of low-LET radiation measured free in air. The GI syndrome may no… more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Strom, Daniel J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Examination of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-103. Examination Completed April 2003.

Description: COGEMA Engineering Corporation (COGEMA), under contract from CH2M Hill Hanford Group (CH2M Hill), has performed an ultrasonic examination of selected portions of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-103. PNNL is responsible for preparing a report(s)that describes the results of the COGEMA ultrasonic examinations.
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: Pardini, Allan F. & Posakony, Gerald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approximate Thermodynamics State Relations in Partially Ionized Gas Mixtures

Description: In practical applications, the thermodynamic state relations of partially ionized gas mixtures are usually approximated in terms of the state relations of the pure partially ionized constituent gases or materials in isolation. Such approximations are ordinarily based on an artificial partitioning or separation of the mixture into its constituent materials, with material k regarded as being confined by itself within a compartment or subvolume with volume fraction {alpha}k and possessing a fracti… more
Date: December 30, 2003
Creator: Ramshaw, J D
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Self Irradiation from 238Pu on Candidate Ceramics for Plutonium Immobilization

Description: In this document, we describe the results of radiation damage testing and characterization for specimens that were resintered to re-establish crystallinity. The phases in these specimens have become amorphous from radiation induced damage over the 8 months since sintering.
Date: May 30, 2003
Creator: Strachan, Denis M.; Scheele, Randall D.; Kozelisky, Anne E. & Sell, Rachel L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Generation of Radixenon Isotopes

Description: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed an automated system for separating Xe from air and can detect the following radioxenon isotopes, 131mXe, 133mXe, 133Xe, and 135Xe. This report details the techniques used to generate the various radioxenon isotopes that are used for the calibration of the detector as well as other isotopes that have the potential to interfere with the fission produced radioxenon isotopes. Fission production is covered first using highly enriched uranium follow… more
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: McIntyre, Justin I.; Bowyer, Ted W.; Hayes, James C.; Heimbigner, Tom R.; Morris, Scott J.; Panisko, Mark E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program -- Project 6.6 - Development of the Assessment Framework

Description: This report presents a methodology for assessing the impacts of potential products related to the buildings end-use energy efficiency program area that may results from projects performed as part of the California Energy Commission’s (CEC’s) Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program. The methodology developed and described in this report applies strictly to new products designed for use in commercial buildings in California. We consider a new product any product or service offering that ha… more
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: Kintner-Meyer, Michael CW; Anderson, Dave M. & Hostick, Donna J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data Catalog for Models Simulating Release of Contaminants from Hanford Site Waste Sources

Description: This report is an update to the previously published catalog that summarized information published since 1987 on models that have been used to simulate release of chemical and radioactive contaminants from waste sources on the Hanford Site. Tables in this report provide links to data sources needed to implement release models. These links enable users to quickly locate the specific release model information and data they need to apply the models to future site assessments.
Date: August 30, 2003
Creator: Riley, Robert G. & Lopresti, Charles A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Examination of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-105 Examination Completed April 2003

Description: COEGMA Engineering Corporation (COGEMA), under a contract from CH2M Hill Hanford Group (CH2M Hill), has performed an ultrasonic examination of selected portions of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-105. PNNL is responsible for preparing a reports(s) that describes the results of the COGEMA ultrasonic examinations.
Date: May 30, 2003
Creator: Pardini, Allan F. & Posakony, Gerald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transient Inverse Calibration of the Site-Wide Groundwater Flow Model (ACM-2): FY03 Progress Report

Description: DOE and PNNL are working to strengthen the technical defensibility of the groundwater flow and transport model at the Hanford Site and to incorporate uncertainty into the model. One aspect of the initiative is developing and using a three-dimensional transient inverse model to estimate the hydraulic conductivities, specific yields, and other parameters using data from Hanford since 1943. The focus of the alternative conceptual model (ACM-2) inverse modeling initiative documented in this report … more
Date: October 30, 2003
Creator: Vermeul, Vince R.; Bergeron, Marcel P.; Cole, C R.; Murray, Christopher J.; Nichols, William E.; Scheibe, Timothy D. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Code Compliance in a Detailed Commercial Building Sample: The Effects of Missing Data

Description: Most commercial buildings in the U.S. are required by State or local jurisdiction to meet energy standards. The enforcement of these standards is not well known and building practice without them on a national scale is also little understood. To provide an understanding of these issues, a database has been developed at PNNL that includes detailed energy related building characteristics of 162 commercial buildings from across the country. For this analysis, the COMcheck? compliance software (dev… more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Biyani, Rahul K. & Richman, Eric E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The PHENIX Collaboration has developed a plan for the detailed investigation of quantum chromodynamics in the next decade. The demonstrated capabilities of the PHENIX experiment to measure rare processes in hadronic, leptonic and photonic channels, in combination with RHIC's unparalleled flexibility as a hadronic collider, provides a physics program of extraordinary breadth and depth. A superlative set of measurements to elucidate the states of both hot and cold nuclear matter, and to measure t… more
Date: November 30, 2003
Creator: ZAJC,W. ET. AL.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Ignition Facility Project Site Safety Program

Description: This Safety Program for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) presents safety protocols and requirements that management and workers shall follow to assure a safe and healthful work environment during activities performed on the NIF Project site. The NIF Project Site Safety Program (NPSSP) requires that activities at the NIF Project site be performed in accordance with the ''LLNL ES&H Manual'' and the augmented set of controls and processes described in this NIF Project Site Safety Program. … more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Dun, C
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Globally Waste-Disturbing Activities on Gas Generation, Retention, and Release in Hanford Waste Tanks

Description: Various operations are authorized in Hanford tanks that disturb all or much of the waste. The globally waste-disturbing activities have the potential to release a large fraction of the retained flammable gas and to affect future gas generation, retention, and release behavior. This report presents analyses of the expected flammable gas release mechanisms and the potential release rates and volumes resulting from these activities. The background of the flammable gas safety issue at Hanford is su… more
Date: July 30, 2003
Creator: Stewart, Charles W.; Huckaby, James L. & Meyer, Perry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

RONDE Ultrasonic Examination of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-101 Knuckle Region Examination Completed April 2003

Description: COGEMA Engineering Corporation (COGEMA), under a contract from CH2M Hill Hanford Group (CH2M Hill), has performed an ultrasonic examination of the knuckle region of Double-Shell Tank 241-AP-101 utilizing the Remotely Operated Nondestructive Examination (RONDE) system (also known as the SAFT/TSAFT system). PNNL is responsible for preparing a report(s) that describes the results of the COGEMA ultrasonic examinations.
Date: May 30, 2003
Creator: Pardini, Allan F. & Posakony, Gerald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tank Riser Pit Decontamination System (Pit Viper) Return on Investment and Break-Even Analysis

Description: This study assessed the cost benefit of Pit Viper deployment for 80 tank farm pits between October 1, 2003 and September 30, 2012 under the technical baseline for applicable double-shell tank (DST) and single-shell tank (SST) projects. After this assessment had been completed, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Richland Operations Office (RL) and Office of River Protection (ORP) published the Hanford Performance Management Plan (August 2003), which accelerated the schedule for SST retrieval. T… more
Date: June 30, 2003
Creator: Young, Joan K.; Weimar, Mark R.; Balducci, Patrick J.; Fassbender, Linda L. & Hernandez, Melissa
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Dietary Intake of Stable Iodine on Dose-per-unit-intake Factors for 99Tc

Description: It is well-known that the human thyroid concentrates iodine more than 100 times the concentration in plasma. Also well-known is the fact that large amounts of stable iodine in the diet can limit thyroid uptake of total iodine; this is the basis for administering potassium iodide following a release of radioiodine from a nuclear reactor accident or nuclear weapon detonation. Many researchers have shown enhanced concentrations of both organic and inorganic iodine in saliva and breast milk. Techne… more
Date: September 30, 2003
Creator: Strom, Daniel J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Numerical Technology for Large-Scale Computational Electromagnetics

Description: The key bottleneck of implicit computational electromagnetics tools for large complex geometries is the solution of the resulting linear system of equations. The goal of this effort was to research and develop critical numerical technology that alleviates this bottleneck for large-scale computational electromagnetics (CEM). The mathematical operators and numerical formulations used in this arena of CEM yield linear equations that are complex valued, unstructured, and indefinite. Also, simultane… more
Date: January 30, 2003
Creator: Sharpe, R.; Champagne, N.; White, D.; Stowell, M. & Adams, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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