Search Results

Primary view of 2009 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Report for the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Title III, Section 313
(ENV-ES), Environmental Stewardship Group
November 1, 2010
Primary view of Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program : Five Year Report, 1985-1990.
(U.S.), Pacific Northwest and Alaska Bioenergy Program
February 1, 1991
Primary view of Performance Demonstration Program Plan for Nondestructive Assay of Drummed Wastes for  the TRU Waste Characterization Program
/A, N
April 1, 2009
Primary view of UPDATE: nuclear power program information and data, July-September 1981
/NBM--6011986, DOE
January 1, 1981
Primary view of Overview of Low-Level Waste Disposal Operations at the Nevada Test Site
/Navarro, DOE
February 1, 2007
Primary view of The Changing Adventures of Mixed Low-Level Waste Disposal at the Nevada Test Site
/Navarro/NSTec, DOE
February 1, 2007
Primary view of Scaled Experimental Modeling of VHTR Plenum Flows
April 1, 2007
Primary view of Development of Regional Wind Resource and Wind Plant Output Datasets: Final Subcontract Report, 15 October 2007 - 15 March 2009
3TIER, Seattle, Washington
March 1, 2010
A'AMAR, C.; LEY, R. & AL, ET
January 1, 2001
Primary view of Development of Advanced Wear and Corrosion Resistant Systems Through Laser Surface Alloying and Materials Processing
A, Babu S S Martukanitz R P Parks K D David S
April 1, 2002
Primary view of Comparison of ICEPEL predictions with single elbow flexible piping system experiment
A-Moneim, M.T. & Chang, Y.W.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Computer simulation of LMFBR piping systems. [Accident conditions]
A-Moneim, M.T.; Chang, Y.W. & Fistedis, S.H.
January 1, 1977
Primary view of Nuclear physics with a medium-energy Electron-Ion Collider
A. Accardi, V. Guzey, A. Prokudin, C. Weiss
June 1, 2012
Primary view of Raising Photoemission Efficiency with Surface Acoustic Waves
A. Afanasev, F. Hassani, C.E. Korman, V.G. Dudnikov, R.P. Johnson, M. Poelker, K.E.L. Surles-Law
July 1, 2012
Primary view of Epicyclic Twin-helix Magnetic Structure for Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling
A. Afanasev, R.P. Johnson, Y.S. Derbenev, V.S. Morozov
May 1, 2010
Primary view of Quadratic electroweak corrections for polarized Moller scattering
A. Aleksejevs, S. Barkanova, Y. Kolomensky, E. Kuraev, V. Zykunov
January 1, 2012
Primary view of Production and Testing Experience with the SRF Cavities for the CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade
A. Burrill, G.K. Davis, F. Marhauser, C.E. Reece, A.V. Reilly, M. Stirbet
September 1, 2011
Primary view of The Muon LINAC for the International Design Study of the Neutrino Factory
A. Kurup, C. Bontoiu, Morteza Aslaninejad, J. Pozimski, A. Bogacz, V.S. Morozov, Y.R. Roblin, K.B. Beard
September 1, 2011
Primary view of Results from an FPIX0 chip bump-bonded to an atlas pixel detector
A. Mekkaoui, D. Christian, S. Kwan, J Srage and R. Yarema
October 1, 1998
Primary view of Some Comments on the La Primavera Geothermal Field, Mexico
A., B. Dominguez & Lippmann, M. J.
December 1, 1983
Primary view of Mexican-American Cooperative Program at the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field: Recent Results of the Well-Drilling Program at Cerro Prieto
A., B. Dominguez; Lippmann, M. J. & M., Francisco Bermejo
December 1, 1981
Primary view of Buffer Chemical Polishing and RF Testing of the 56 MHz SRF Cavity
A., Burrill
January 1, 2009
Primary view of Energy Recovery Linac: 5 Cell 704 MHz SRF Cavity
A., Burrill
January 1, 2010
Primary view of Energy Recovery Linac: SRF Electron Gun
A., Burrill
January 1, 2010
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