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open access

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis

Description: This report focuses primarily on U.S. economic interests in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. It provides a comparative economic analysis of the countries currently negotiating the TPP and describes the U.S. trade flows with these countries at the bilateral level and in relation to the countries' economic linkages with the rest of the world. It also provides information on the existing trade agreements of TPP countries. As such, this report aims to serve as an introduction to the e… more
Date: January 29, 2013
Creator: Williams, Brock R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis

Description: This report provides a comparative economic analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries and their economic relations with the United States. It suggests that the TPP negotiating partners encompass great diversity in population, economic development, and trade and investment patterns with the United States.
Date: June 10, 2013
Creator: Williams, Brock R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis

Description: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional free trade agreement (FTA) currently under negotiation between Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. The negotiating partners have expressed an interest in allowing this proposed “living agreement” to cover new trade topics and to include new members that are willing to adopt the proposed agreement's high standards. This report provides a comparative economic analysis of the TP… more
Date: February 8, 2012
Creator: Williams, Brock R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis

Description: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional free trade agreement (FTA) currently under negotiation between Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. Congressional involvement includes consultations with U.S. negotiators on and oversight of the details of the negotiations, and eventual consideration of legislation to implement the final trade agreement. This report provides a comparative economic analysis of the TPP countrie… more
Date: May 30, 2012
Creator: Williams, Brock R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis

Description: This report provides a comparative economic analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries and their economic relations with the United States. TPP negotiating partners encompass great diversity in population, economic development, and trade and investment patterns with the United States.
Date: July 7, 2015
Creator: Williams, Brock R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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