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[Letter from Sandra Lanier-Lerma to Nancy Reynolds, November 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Sandra Lanier-Lerma, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Operations for Corpus Christi ISD to Nancy Reynolds, Project Coordinator of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts. In regards to an invitation sent by NTIEVA to Corpus Christi ISD to form a partnership. CCISD's initial plan includes the formation of a partnership with the Art Museum of South Texas to develop a Satellite Consortium in South Texas and to write a five-year plan to providin… more
Date: November 4, 1993
Creator: Lanier-Lerma, Sandra
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Vicki Rosenberg to Jack Davis, November 4, 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Vicki Rosenberg, program office for the Getty Center, to Jack Davis, co-director for North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts. The letter is in regards to Rosenberg's and Val Marmillion's visit to Denton on the morning of January 18th and they will be leaving the afternoon of January 20th. The evening of the 18th Rosenberg and Marmillion are meeting with Melba Whatley of the Marcus Foundation to discuss the importance of funding arts education. The rest … more
Date: November 4, 1993
Creator: Rosenberg, Vicki
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Nancy Reynolds to Joe Cordova, November 4, 1992]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Nancy Reynolds, Project Coordinator of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Joe Cordova, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Fort Worth, Inc. In regards to NTIEVA working with the club for three sessions of their seminar and how the clubs staff participated with desire to work towards implementation of more comprehensive art programs. Enclosed in the letter to Cordova are recommendations for the Arts & Crafts Program for the organization.
Date: November 4, 1992
Creator: Reynolds, Nancy
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Simple scaling model for exploding pusher targets

Description: A simple model has been developed which when normalized by experiment or Lasnex calculations can be used to scale neutron yields for variations in laser input power and pulse length and target radius and wall thickness. The model also illucidates some of the physical processes occurring in this regime of laser fusion experiments. Within certain limitations on incident intensity and target geometry, the model scales with experiments and calculations to within a factor of two over six decades in … more
Date: November 4, 1977
Creator: Storm, E. K.; Larsen, J. T.; Nuckolls, J. H.; Ahlstrom, H. G. & Manes, K. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnet power control system for the Tandem Mirror Experiment-Upgrade

Description: This paper describes the desktop computer/CAMAC-based system that controls the power source for the Tandem Mirror Experiment-Upgrade (TMX-U) magnet power system. Presently it contains 42 dc rectifier power supplies connected to 24 magnet coils arranged in 17 circuits. During each shot, the system delivers 22.6 MW dc to the magnets for about 3 s. The system is presently being changed to add six power supplies, two solenoidal throttle coils, and two reverse C-coils. When complete, the delivered p… more
Date: November 4, 1983
Creator: Bell, H.H. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure vessel fracture studies pertaining to a PWR LOCA-ECC thermal shock: experiments TSE-3 and TSE-4 and update of TSE-1 and TSE-2 analysis

Description: The LOCA-ECC Thermal Shock Program was established to investigate the potential for flaw propagation in pressurized-water reactor (PWR) vessels during injection of emergency core coolant following a loss-of-coolant accident. Studies thus far have included fracture mechanics analyses of typical PWRs, the design and construction of a thermal shock test facility, determination of material properties for test specimens, and four thermal shock experiments with 0.53-m-OD (21-in.) by 0.15-m-wall (6-in… more
Date: November 4, 1977
Creator: Cheverton, R.D. & Bolt, S.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: FY2014 Appropriations

Description: This report will track and describe actions taken by the Administration and Congress to provide FY2014 appropriations for Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) accounts. It also provides an overview of FY2013 appropriations for agencies and bureaus funded as a part of the annual appropriation for CJS.
Date: November 4, 2013
Creator: James, Nathan; Williams, Jennifer D. & Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Band - Lab - Leon Breeden #1]

Description: Photograph of the lab band performing along with their director Leon Breeden. Breeden is standing between two groups of musicians and playing the saxophone. All of the members are males, dressed in suits, with their instruments, and are performing on stage.
Date: November 4, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Human Capital: Opportunities Exist for DOD to Enhance Its Approach for Determining Civilian Senior Leader Workforce Needs

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Defense (DOD) relies heavily on its civilian workforce to perform duties usually performed by military personnel--including combat support functions such as logistics. Civilian senior leaders--some of whom occupy positions that might be cut during DOD's latest attempts to reduce overhead costs--are among those who manage DOD's civilians. In 2007, Congress mandated that DOD assess requi… more
Date: November 4, 2010
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Chemicals: USDA Could Enhance Pesticide and Fertilizer Usage Data, Improve Outreach, and Better Leverage Resources

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The use of pesticides and fertilizers contributes to U.S. agricultural productivity and helps ensure a generally stable, plentiful, and inexpensive food supply. However, these chemicals may also harm human health, water quality, and food safety. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collects, analyzes, and disseminates Agricultural Chemical Usage (AC… more
Date: November 4, 2010
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Fiscal Year 2010 Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes

Description: Correspondence issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "We have performed the procedures described in this letter, which we agreed to perform and with which the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation concurred, solely to assist the Inspector General's office in ascertaining whether the net excise tax revenue distributed to the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010, is supported by the underlying records. As … more
Date: November 4, 2010
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Year 2000 Computing Challenge: Noteworthy Improvements in Readiness But Vulnerabilities Remain

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO discussed the year 2000 technology problem, focusing on: (1) the federal government's progress and challenges that remain in correcting its systems; (2) state and local government year 2000 issues; and (3) the readiness of key public infrastructure and economic sectors."
Date: November 4, 1999
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nursing Homes: HCFA Should Strengthen Its Oversight of State Agencies to Better Ensure Quality Care

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO discussed its study of the Health Care Financing Administration's (HFCA) implementation of two of its nursing home initiatives."
Date: November 4, 1999
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coordination of 1,4-Diazabutadiene Ligands to Decamethylytterbocene: Additional Examples of Spin Coupling in Ytterbocene Complexes

Description: The paramagnetic 1:1 coordination complexes of (C5Me5)2Yb with a series of diazabutadiene ligands, RN=C(R')C(R')=NR, where R= CMe3, CHMe2, adamantyl, p-tolyl, p-anisyl, and mesityl when R'=H, and R= p-anisyl when R'= Me, have been prepared. The complexes are paramagnetic, but their magnetic moments are less than expected for the two uncoupled spin carriers, (C5Me5)2Yb(III, 4f13) and the diazabutadiene radical anions (S=1/2), which implies exchange coupling between the spins. The variable temper… more
Date: November 4, 2006
Creator: Andersen, Richard; Walter, Marc D.; Berg, David J. & Andersen, Richard A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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