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open access

Opportunities to change development pathways toward lower greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency

Description: There is a multiplicity of development pathways in which low energy sector emissions are not necessarily associated with low economic growth. However, changes in development pathways can rarely be imposed from the top. On this basis, examples of energy efficiency opportunities to change development pathways toward lower emissions are presented in this paper. We review opportunities at the sectoral and macro level. The potential for action on nonclimate policies that influence energy use and emi… more
Date: July 4, 2008
Creator: Alterra, Swart; Masanet, Eric; Lecocq, Franck; Najam, Adil; Schaeffer, Robert; Winkler, Harald et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

[Part 1 of 2 Benefit Event]

Description: Video recording of fundraising benefit for the non-profit organization, Meals on the Move (MOM) held at the home of Judge Jerry Birdwell. The event included dancing, singing, and an hourly raffle from which participants could purchase raffle tickets.
Date: July 4, 1989
Duration: 2 hours 3 minutes 37 seconds
Creator: Birdwell, Jerry R. (1942-07-30)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[Part 2 of 2 Benefit Event]

Description: Partial video recording of fundraising benefit for the non-profit organization, Meals on the Move (MOM) held at the home of Judge Jerry Birdwell. The event included dancing, singing, and an hourly raffle from which participants could purchase raffle tickets.
Date: July 4, 1989
Duration: 1 hour 22 minutes 23 seconds
Creator: Birdwell, Jerry R. (1942-07-30)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Progress Report: Development and Construction of Alpha-Counting Equipment

Description: Abstract: An ionization chamber for use in counting alpha particle activity from the air has been devised for counting samples collected with the electrostatic precipitator. The chamber is an adaptation of the breech-locking standard chamber, with a cylindrical high voltage electrode into which the collection foil is placed, and a coaxial rod as a collecting electrode. A geometrical efficiency of close to 50% is obtained.
Date: July 4, 1944
Creator: Borkowski, C. J.; Dandl, R. A.; East, J. K. & Firminhac, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automated whole-genome multiple alignment of rat, mouse, and human

Description: We have built a whole genome multiple alignment of the three currently available mammalian genomes using a fully automated pipeline which combines the local/global approach of the Berkeley Genome Pipeline and the LAGAN program. The strategy is based on progressive alignment, and consists of two main steps: (1) alignment of the mouse and rat genomes; and (2) alignment of human to either the mouse-rat alignments from step 1, or the remaining unaligned mouse and rat sequences. The resulting alignm… more
Date: July 4, 2004
Creator: Brudno, Michael; Poliakov, Alexander; Salamov, Asaf; Cooper, Gregory M.; Sidow, Arend; Rubin, Edward M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Photoreduction of {sup 99}Tc Pertechnetate by Nanometer-Sized Metal Oxides: New Strategies for Formation and Sequestration of Low-Valent Technetium

Description: Technetium-99 ({sup 99}Tc) ({beta}{sup -}{sub max}: 293.7 keV; t{sub 1/2}: 2.1 x 10{sup 5} years) is a byproduct of uranium-235 fission and comprises a large component of radioactive waste. Under aerobic conditions and in a neutral- basic environment, the pertechnetate anion (TcO{sub 4}{sup -}) is stable. TcO{sub 4}{sup -} is very soluble, migrates easily through the environment and does not sorb well onto mineral surfaces, soils or sediments. This study moves forward a new strategy for the red… more
Date: July 4, 2011
Creator: Burton-Pye, Benjamin P.; Radivojevic, Ivana; McGregor, Donna; Mbomekalle, Israel M.; Lukens, Jr., Wayne W. & Francesconi, Lynn C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Self-assembling peptides induced by eyes absent enzyme to boost the efficacy of doxorubicin therapy in drug-resistant breast cancer cells

Description: In this article the authors study the self-assembly of a short peptide and its fluorescence analogue induced by Eyes absent (EYA) tyrosine phosphatases to boost the efficacy of doxorubicin (DOX) therapy in drug-resistant types of breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7. This study demonstrates an approach for incorporating non-cytotoxic components into DOX combination therapy, thereby avoiding increased systemic burden or adverse effects.
Date: July 4, 2024
Creator: Carney, Emily; Zadeh Moslabeh, Forough Ghasem; Kang, Soo-Yeon; Bunnell, Bruce A.; Lee, Moo-Yeal & Habibi, Neda
Partner: UNT College of Engineering

[Sidewalk between Hurley Administration Building and Sycamore Hall]

Description: Photograph of the sidewalk between the Hurley Administration Building and Sycamore Hall on the University of North Texas campus. A bicycle has been parked on the sidewalk outside of the Administration Building, between two flower beds. The southwest corner of Sycamore Hall can be seen in the background to the right, partially blocked from view by a row of trees in the center of a median.
Date: July 4, 2008
Creator: Chaney, Ken
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[UNT building windows]

Description: Photograph of windows on a building on the University of North Texas campus. Two pairs of rectangular windows are separated by a larger window with a semicircular top in the central portion of a brick building. An ornate frame can be seen beneath the central window, partially blocked from view by tree branches and leaves framing the foreground.
Date: July 4, 2008
Creator: Chaney, Ken
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometers using Bulk Absorbers Coupled to Mo/Cu Multilayer Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensors

Description: In x-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, it is desirable to have detectors with high energy resolution and high absorption efficiency. At LLNL, we have developed superconducting tunnel junction-based single photon x-ray detectors with thin film absorbers that have achieved these goals for photon energies up to 1 keV. However, for energies above 1 keV, the absorption efficiency of these thin-film detectors decreases drastically. We are developing the use of high-purity superconducting bulk materials… more
Date: July 4, 2000
Creator: Chow, D. T.; Loshak, A.; Van Den Berg, M. L.; Frank, M.; Barbee, T. W., Jr. & Labov, S. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated system for production of neutronics and photonics calculational constants. Volume 17, Part A, Rev. 1. Program linear (Version 78-1): linearize data in the evaluated nuclear data file/Version B (ENDF/B) format. [For CDC-7600]

Description: The computer code LINEAR converts evaluated cross sections in the ENDF/B format into a form that can be defined by applying linear--linear interpolation to energy and cross section parameters. The code also thins those sections already in that form. The main advantage of the code is that it eliminates the need for any subsequent code to consider anything but linear--linear data. 2 figures.
Date: July 4, 1978
Creator: Cullen, D. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated system for production of neutronics and photonics calculational constants. Volume 17, Part B, Rev. 1. Program SIGMA 1 (Version 78-1): Doppler broadened evaluated cross sections in the evaluated nuclear data file/Version B (ENDF/B) format. [For CDC-7600]

Description: The code SIGMA1 Doppler broadens evaluated cross sections in the ENDF/B format. The code can be applied only to data that vary as a linear function of energy and cross section between tabulated points. This report describes the methods used in the code and serves as a user's guide to the code. 6 figures, 2 tables.
Date: July 4, 1978
Creator: Cullen, D. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program GROUPIE (version 79-1): calculation of Bondarenko self-shielded neutron cross sections and multiband parameters from data in the ENDF/B format

Description: Program GROUPIE reads evaluated data in the ENDF/B format and uses these data to calculate Bondarenko self-shielded cross sections and multiband parameters. To give as much generality as possible, the program allows the user to specify arbitrary energy groups and an arbitrary energy groups and an arbitrary energy-dependent neutron spectrum (weighing function). To guarantee the accuracy of the results, all integrals are performed analytically; in no case is iteration or any approximate form of i… more
Date: July 4, 1980
Creator: Cullen, D. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated system for production of neutronics and photonics calculational constants. Major neutron-induced interactions (Z > 55): graphical, experimental data

Description: This report (vol. 7) presents graphs of major neutron-induced interaction cross sections in the Experimental Cross Section Information Library (ECSIL) as of July 4, 1976. It consists primarily of interactions where a single data set contains enough points to show cross section behavior. In contrast, vol. 8 of this UCRL-50400 series consists of interactions where more than one data set is needed to show cross section behavior. Thus, you can find the total, elastic, capture, and fission cross sec… more
Date: July 4, 1976
Creator: Cullen, D. E.; Howerton, R. J.; MacGregor, M. H. & Perkins, S. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated system for production of neutronics and photonics calculational constants. Major neutron-induced interactions (Z less than or equal to 55): graphical, experimental data

Description: This report (vol. 7) presents graphs of major neutron-induced interaction cross sections in the Experimental Cross Section Information Library (ECSIL) as of July 4, 1976. It consists primarily of interactions where a single data set contains enough points to show cross-section behavior. In contrast, vol. 8 of this UCRL-50400 series consists of interactions where more than one data set is needed to show cross section behavior. Thus, you can find the total, elastic, capture, and fission cross sec… more
Date: July 4, 1976
Creator: Cullen, D. E.; Howerton, R. J.; MacGregor, M. H. & Perkins, S. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated system for production of neutronics and photonics calculational constants. Supplemental neutron-induced interactions (Z > 35): graphical, experimental data. [61,671 data points]

Description: This report (vol. 8) presents graphs of supplemental neutron-induced cross sections in the Experimental Cross Section Information Library (ECSIL) as of July 4, 1976. It consists of interactions where more than one data set is needed to show cross-section behavior. In contrast, vol. 7 of this UCRL-50400 series consists primarily of interactions where a single data set contains enough points to show cross-section behavior. Vol. 7 contains total, elastic, capture, and fission cross sections (along… more
Date: July 4, 1976
Creator: Cullen, D. E.; Howerton, R. J.; MacGregor, M. H. & Perkins, S. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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