Search Results

Primary view of [Legal document to William E. Kennard, June 27, 1849]
Case, Uriah F.
June 27, 1849
Primary view of New York Musical Review and Gazette, Volume 8, Number 13, June 27, 1857
Mason, L., Jr. & Mason, D. G.
June 27, 1857
Primary view of [Receipt from Stepen H. Darden to Levi Perryman, June 27, 1876]
Darden, Stephen H.
June 27, 1876
Primary view of [State Tax Account for Montague County, June 27, 1876]
Harrison, R. S.
June 27, 1876
Primary view of [Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]
Dardeux, Stephen
June 27, 1876
Primary view of [Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]
Dardeux, Stephen
June 27, 1876
Primary view of [Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]
Dardeux, Stephen
June 27, 1876
Primary view of [Receipt of W. A. Morris, June 27, 1879]
unknown creator
June 27, 1879
Primary view of [Letter to Mrs. White, June 27, 1909]
unknown creator
June 27, 1909
Primary view of General Index to Experiment Station Record Volumes 13-25, 1901-1911
United States. Office of Experiment Stations.
June 27, 1913
Primary view of [Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Ann Moore and Linnet Moore White, June 27, 1913]
Thornhill, Sally
June 27, 1913
Primary view of The Effect of the Maxwell Distribution of Velocities on the Neutron Density and Diffusion Length in a Metal Sphere
Plass, Gilbert N.
June 27, 1944
Primary view of [Letter from Clara Evans Willis to Lucile Evans Kendrick, June 27, 1944]
Willis, Clara Evans
June 27, 1944
Primary view of [Letter from Pedro de Lemos]
de Lemos, Pedro
June 27, 1944
Primary view of Stick-Fixed Stability and Control Characteristics of the Consolidated Vultee Model 240 Airplane as Estimated from Tests of a 0.092-Scale Powered Model
McCullough, George B.; Weiberg, James A. & Gault, Donald E.
June 27, 1947
Primary view of Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Ryan XF2R Airplane
Wong, Park Y.
June 27, 1947
Primary view of [AM Billboard, NW Highway]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1949
Primary view of [Duz Display]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1949
Primary view of Effects of Mach number and sweep on the damping-in-roll characteristics of wings of aspect ratio 4
Kuhn, Richard E. & Myers, Boyd C., II
June 27, 1949
Primary view of [Gillette Display, Airline Drug Dallas]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1949
Primary view of [Gillette Display, Airline Drug Dallas]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1949
Primary view of [Gillette display, Airline Drug Dallas]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1949
Primary view of Instrumentation for Recording Transient Performance of Gas-Turbine Engines and Control Systems
Delio, Gene J. & Schwent, Glennon V.
June 27, 1951
Primary view of [News Clip: Military display]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
June 27, 1951
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