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open access

Invitation letters to testify at the August 20, 2005 hearing

Description: BRAC Commission letters to Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum, the Honorable Michael Chertoff, General John P. Jumper, Admiral Timothy J. Keating, Major General Roger Lempke, the Honorable Michael W. Wynne to invite them to testify at the August 20, 2005 hearing.
Date: July 27, 2005
Creator: United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Statements and Testimony Los Angeles CA Regional Hearing -Guam

Description: Statements and Testimony Los Angeles CA Regional Hearing : Testimony of Governor Felix Camachoand Lee Webber, Chairman of Armed Forced Committee, and prepared statement from Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo, and
Date: July 27, 2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

New Jersey Testimony and Presentations

Description: State Input - Testimony from the Baltimore, MD BRAC Commission Regional Hearing regarding Fort Monmouth, Earle NWS, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ DMAVA, Mega Base: Fort Dix/McGuire/Lakehurst, and 177th Fighter Wing. Separated into tabs for each of the aforementioned bases/installations. Also contains a CD with electronic versions of all paper items in the book.
Date: July 27, 2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Legal document to William E. Kennard, June 27, 1849]

Description: Legal document that states that William E. Kennard has paid $7.50 for a gold watch from the estate of Taylor, now deceased.
Date: June 27, 1849
Creator: Case, Uriah F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Check from Mrs. H. B. Caddell to R. K. Byrd, July 27, 1921]

Description: Check from Mrs. H.B Caddell to R.K Byrd in the amount of one dollar for work. On the back of the check, it is signed "R.K Byrd" and A.H Moore. The check is made out by First State Bank in Forestburg, Texas.
Date: July 27, 1921
Creator: Caddell, Mrs. H. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, May 27, 1880]

Description: Triplicate warrant for Levi Perryman, in the amount of $500.00, is dated May 27, 1880.
Date: May 27, 1880
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, May 27, 1880]

Description: Triplicate warrant for Levi Perryman, in the amount of 1,398.00, is dated May 27, 1880.
Date: May 27, 1880
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, May 27, 1880]

Description: Triplicate warrant for Levi Perryman, in the amount of $500.00, is dated May 27, 1880.
Date: May 27, 1880
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, October 27, 1880]

Description: Triplicate warrant for Levi Perryman that is for the amount $600.00. The document is dated October 27, 1880.
Date: October 27, 1880
Creator: Pitts, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Affidavit, April 27, 1908]

Description: Affidavit stating that Bob Perryman, who made Desert Entry No. 1354 at Roswell New Mexico Land Office on January 2, 1904 is dead. He was unmarried, his mother was dead at the time of his death and his only heirs are his father, Levi Perryman, his brother Elbert W. Perryman, his half brother P.M. Price, and his sisters Kate Caddel and Linnie Stalworth. It was notarized by S.H. Hoskins. An additional small sheet was notarized by J.M. Bowers.
Date: April 27, 1908
Creator: Hoskins, S. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[State Tax Account for Montague County, June 27, 1876]

Description: State Tax account for Montague County for 1875 and 1876. Taxes collected by Levi Perryman, Sheriff, were $4,124.80 after adjustments.
Date: June 27, 1876
Creator: Harrison, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Land grant, December 27, 1882]

Description: Land grant from the state of Texas to Levi Perryman for 53 1/6 acres of land in Montague County approximately 9 miles from the town of Montague.
Date: December 27, 1882
Creator: Texas. General Land Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]

Description: A deposit warrant for Levi Perryman is made out for $1,072.60 and dated June 27, 1876.
Date: June 27, 1876
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]

Description: A deposit warrant that is made out to Levi Perryman for $293.50 is dated, June 27, 1876.
Date: June 27, 1876
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Triplicate Warrant, June 27, 1876]

Description: A triplicate warrant made out for Levi Perryman for $644.00 and dated June 27, 1876.
Date: June 27, 1876
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Note, May 27, 1903]

Description: Note for $40.00 for Claude D. White with the International Harvester Company of America. It was signed on May 27, 1903 and was due in October, 1905.
Date: May 27, 1903
Creator: International Harvester Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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