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[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2004-2005]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2005-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2002-2003]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2003-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2009-2010]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2010~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2005-2006]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2006-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2012-2013]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2013-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2010-2011]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2011-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2006-2007]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2007-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2003-2004]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2004-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2007-2008]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2008-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2000-2001]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2001-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2008-2009]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2009-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[Age of the UNT Libraries Collection Dataset, 2013]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating the number of items published by decade within each subject area.
Date: December 2013
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[UNT Libraries Collection Development Dataset, 2011-2012]

Description: Dataset generated for the University of North Texas Libraries collection tabulating information about materials orders, cataloging, and circulation organized by call numbers.
Date: 2012-09~
Creator: University of North Texas. Libraries.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Texas Digital Newspaper Program Issue Dataset for IFLA/Rootstech Analysis

Description: This dataset contains the descriptive metadata harvested from the Texas Digital Newspaper Program collection on The Portal to Texas History and is accompanied by a dataset derived from the harvested metadata. This dataset was used for an IFLA Newspaper Section and Rootstech presentation.
Date: January 16, 2014
Creator: Phillips, Mark Edward & Krahmer, Ana
Partner: UNT Libraries

DataRes Project Institution Policy Scan Data

Description: Dataset from the DataRes Project indicating the name of the institutions in the study, funding awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) during the 2010-2011 fiscal year, whether institutions have a Data Management Policy, and the URL is a policy exists.
Date: 2011-10/2013-09
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Stark, Shannon; Najmi, Anjum; Freese, Ephraim & Ugartechea, Monica
Partner: UNT Libraries

DataRes Project Secondary Survey

Description: Dataset from the DataRes Project. This dataset is the secondary survey on data management needs of researchers.
Date: October 2012
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Stark, Shannon; Halbert, Martin & Moen, William E.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Texas Newspapers Natural Language Processing

Description: This dataset includes data on natural language processing from the Texas Newspapers Project. The dataset includes word counts, name entity recognition results, and topic models.
Date: April 7, 2013
Creator: Torget, Andrew J., 1978-
Partner: UNT Libraries

DataRes Project Primary Survey

Description: Dataset from the DataRes Project. This dataset is the primary survey on data management needs of researchers.
Date: June 2012
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Stark, Shannon; Halbert, Martin & Moen, William E.
Partner: UNT Libraries

"Stand With Wendy" Twitter Dataset

Description: This dataset contains Twitter JSON data for several Twitter search queries collected the week following the filibuster by Wendy Davis in the Texas Senate related to Senate Bill 5, using the twarc ( package that makes use of Twitter's search API. A total of 560,954 Tweets make up the combined dataset.
Date: 2013-06-25/2013-07-03
Creator: Phillips, Mark Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries

Coda Archival Digital Repository Dataset

Description: This dataset contains information extracted from the UNT Libraries' Coda Digital Repository. It contains information related to number of files, size, and ingest date of digital objects added to that system. It can be used for analysis and investigation of the growth and makeup of digital repositories.
Date: April 1, 2014
Creator: Phillips, Mark Edward & Ko, Lauren
Partner: UNT Libraries
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